Property Tax Bills?
Today in the Source it states home owners have 2 weeks to pay their property tax bill. I know the gov't is in a court case. Does anyone know if late charges will be assessed?
After reading the article, it seems that we have 2 wks to pay the 2006 taxes..... I assume there will be interest tacked on from that point.
However, there seems to be a question on if the bills are legal.
Still waiting for my tax bill...............we change the address 2-3 times per yr & they still send it to a stateside address which was NEVER the correct one to begin with!!!!!

I haven't gotten my 2006 bill yet but a friend did. I have the hardest time getting the bill from them but maybe it will be better now that it's not in the Finance office but in the Lt. Gov's office.
at least they have now posted the actual tax bill info on the ltg site, so you can go into the reval section, parcel lookup, and they have the actual billing amounts for 2006.
i called the finance department last week to see when they were due, and the gal i spoke with didn't know, so she asked around and nobody knew. i think their boss is on a 1 month vacation, so they have to wait until he gets back. they guessed that we would have at least 60 days to pay.
lol...........60 days mon!
True you can look the info up online & thankfully so since ours gets billed to a never never address
The Tax Assessor and Tax Collector also noted that the recall of the delinquent property tax notices does not affect the amnesty period that began on June 2. Property owners who know that they are delinquent are encouraged to take advantage of the amnesty which waives interest and attachment fees for past due property taxes. Property owners who are uncertain about their payment status are encouraged to contact our collection offices at (340)773-1105 or (340)774-4750 to verify their payment status.
When are tax bills mailed?
By Law, Tax bills are issued on or before June 30th each
Year and are mailed to the last known address on record at the office.
What is the due date of the tax bill?
Generally, Real Property Taxes are payable on August 31st each year. Payment after this date is delinquent and will be assessed a penalty of 1.5% of the amount due for each month.
What happens if the tax bills are mailed after the June 30th date?
A new due date will be established.
(presumably 60 days from whenever they are actually mailed?)
The above is from:
Our 2006 bill which we received stateside about 10 days ago said it was due 9-22-08. But, it would begin to incur a penalty if payment was not received by 11-22-08. So, yes it seems there is a 60 day grace period.

Today the court called for The gov to recind the property tax bills or face a $5K a day fine.
recind them huh...............thnx Bombi will check it out !
Yep,,,,Rescinded - Article in DN 9/12 !
Posted on the Front Page -
My wife, who's working temporarily in Europe right now, read this morning's Source before I woke up. When I checked my e-mail she'd sent me a message titled, "DON'T PAY THAT BILL." We haven't gotten it yet, but when/if it comes, I'm not paying.

chaos, confusion, inept, dysfunctional, incompetant, help me out.
I sent a check last week. Will it end up in never, never, land
I got a pdf of the article in the newspaper, if any of you off islander folks need a copy -PM I will send your way.
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