Prayers to the family...

It not illegal to use or possess methyl bromide, its illegal to use it improperly.
The saga continues with Mapp on CNN
The saga continues with Mapp on CNN
It was reported likewise in other local news sources along with the government house spokesperson saying that she simply didn't know who the exterminating company was.
Really? You can blithely pass along with impunity as absolute fact that the complex was treated specifically with methyl bromide but you don't know who did the job? Good grief, I'll steal from Judge Judy Sheindlin on this one and opine that even if Mapp's tongue came notarized he wouldn't be believable. As if his last major TV show wasn't excruciatingly embarrassing enough in its major truth-stretching ... He just wants to shine on national TV and is more intent on trying to impress people who don't give a rat's arse about the USVI than on working for those who live here.
What the heck is wrong with the electorate that they couldn't see this coming? Are memories really that short or do people really believe that leopards really can change their spots? If so then bring on the day-glo pink spots and throw in a couple of ;pigs wearing frilly tutus as they flap past the legislature building.
Pathetic ploy to gain the spotlight while saying nothing of consequence.
What else is new?
On local news tonight, the family had symptoms similar to food poisoning, so did not seek medical assistance thinking it would pass. Their prolonged exposure increased the toxic levels in their system.
Both the UVI professor and the EPA rep, say this is the most severe case they have ever seen. The segment showed a Terminix truck at least twice, but did not mention company by name.

Pathetic ploy to gain the spotlight while saying nothing of consequence.
What else is new?
Classic politics. Create an enemy that people can rally against and they will forget the bigger problems.
On local news tonight, the family had symptoms similar to food poisoning, so did not seek medical assistance thinking it would pass. Their prolonged exposure increased the toxic levels in their system.
Both the UVI professor and the EPA rep, say this is the most severe case they have ever seen. The segment showed a Terminix truck at least twice, but did not mention company by name.
This is all the more reason why, as MAPP has information on which locations were treated (he knows his condo was), the information should be made public! This is a public health concern. F' Terminix and any other companies who have been using this stuff illegally. MAPP - Tell the public what you know!
Everybody seems to be waiting on EPA investigation results. That will probably be the most thorough, DOCUMENTED, report. Because of Mapp's history, some people don't believe his condo was actually treated. The EPA has credibility.
Here is an interesting article mentioning methyl bromide:
An update I just read:
St. Thomas Source said much the same tho without the quote from the Dr. Panattieri.
Very sad,.......
WOW. I WAS THINKING OF THEM TODAY on my way to work. thank you for the update
Update: June 30, 2015
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