Prayers and thoughts to all Haitians

7.0 Earthquake hit near the capital -
Those that can should support thru any means possible - but Bruce and Mathilde at Mt. Victory have been so active there in the past trying to get water and medical care, roads and more.
Now, more than ever they need our support. This is a small world we live in. Let's be the best neighbors we can.
Thanks for the heads up!
Wyclef John's organization is also helping with the relief:
Poor Haiti, they seem to never be able to catch a break. They need all the help we can give.
The USVI will probably have an earthquake like that some time in the future. We are sitting on a very active earthquake fault structure. As you know we get smaller shakes from time to time, but I guarantee you that a 7.0 quake is lurking in the future. When, we do not know.
Now is the time tom plan. Please study what is happening in Haiti and realize that it will happen here someday.
Haiti is in need of help now, let's do what we can and encourage the support of the worldwide community.

CNN is showing the horrible consequences of the earthquake.
The United States has an opportunity to show that it has changed since Katrina.
Immediately, President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and the U.S. military announced plans for full support of the people of Haiti.
As a former Army Engineer, I know the formidable resources the military can bring to bear to help now.
have a donation site been set up here on stx yet? for clothes, food and money. would like to know so i can give.
Yes i agree we have been flying under the radar for earth quakes here. i also agree its a matter of time. i was thinking today what i would do and where i would run to if i was home.
they showed the "fault" and it runs right passed us. and with all the tremors we have monthly....its scary. we take so much for granted.
my prayers go out to haiti..
"University Community Responding to Haiti Earthquake
Members of the UVI Community are organizing a response to Tuesday’s earthquake, which visited terrible death and destruction to the Virgin Islands’ Caribbean neighbors in Haiti.
UVI’s Reichhold Center has initiated a Haiti relief collection effort in collaboration with the Student Government Association on the St. Thomas campus. Canned goods and clothing can be dropped off at the Reichhold Center beginning on Friday, Jan. 15, at the start of the Soweto Gospel Choir concert. Goods will continue to be collected at the Reichhold Center on Saturday, Jan. 16, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. and next week, as staffing allows.
Members of the ad-hoc relief drive have also contacted the executive director of the Red Cross in the Virgin Islands to coordinate the University’s efforts with any overall plans.
The University’s contribution to the relief effort is expected to broaden over the coming days to include the entire UVI community. Additional details will be announced as they are finalized."
American Airlines is taking doctors and nurses to Haiti for free. Please call 212-697-9767. Red Cross needs Creole speaking volunteers for a 24hr phone bank. Call Mr. Wilfrid @ 305-776-6900.
Text HAITI to 90999 to donate $10 to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. It will be charged to your next phone bill (

My nieces's father's sister lives in Port o' Prince. no word yet. Did anyone hear Pat Robinson blame this disaster on a pac made with the devil to rid Hati from the French? OBSENE!!!.
Terrance Positive Nelson is doing a thing tommorrow for direct aid. Don't open any spam messages that have Hati in the subject line. The bottom feeders are all over it.
When I worked in Santiago, DR I used to go to POP for the weekend. The people were so welcoming and helpful.
Can you BELIEVE that Pat Robertson spewing of bulls..t? We were gagging over that earlier today. What an offensive, bottom feeding, person he is! Gives Christians everywhere a bad name.
Hoping for the best for your niece's relatives, and thinking of all Haitians during this horrible, horrible time. Everyone please offer your monetary support, if you can..

Our tiny Republic of Georgia is responding with a humanitarian mission.
It's great to see the world's military resources put to good use, to build rather than destroy.
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