Potential new comer.
I'm currently in the process of talking with a company about a position down in the St. Thomas area in the VI. I've been reading around about all the different options for the move and I had a few questions for you that are down there now:
- What's the internet connectivity like? I'm not a cable tv guy; so cable tv isn't necessary. But I do spend a lot of time online.
- Anybody ship pets? How was it? How was it for the pet? Specifically dog. I can leave my cats here. I'll be coming from Dallas, TX.
- I'm debating on shipping my car or buying when I get there. Recommendations? I currently have a Mitsu. Mirage, but wouldn't mind an "update" per-say. How are the prices for new (new/used) cars? My Mitsu is reliable, but not a good vehicle for my pup (getting a dog was new, he's just over 1yr old - GSD). I keep telling myself my next car will be a Jeep Wrangler -- this may be the perfect opportunity for that.
- Motorcycle? I have a motorcycle, too (Suzuki GSX-R600. eg: sport bike).
- What's the rent like? I'm having really hard time finding any centralized apartment / room rentals in the St. Thomas area. I'm sure the company will help me with all this, too, but I'm also trying to put that into my considering whether to take the job.
- What are the places like? I mean, of what I DO find on rent, it's all over the place, and often without pictures. I understand it won't be any 5 start hotel quality stuff. But not wanting a caddy shack either.
- Ones that have moved, any regrets? Other than "island fever." I'm a military brat; I grew up on military bases overseas most of my life. So, in lieu of that, I'm assuming "island fever" won't hit me. Hell, I don't even go much here locally as it is. I hit the gym daily, Target once a week, GNC once a month. That's about it, other than stay at home, playing video games / gaming on the internet. Give me the internet, I can keep my self pretty well occupied. lol
- Any "outdoors" clubs, per say. I don't expect an all "we do everything" but really a group of people that hang out on the weekends, having fun, being outside. I'll be a new comer, and ex-computer hermit. My ex-computer hermitness makes it difficult for me to force myself to get outside more often. Love to get hooked up with a group of people to assist in that. lol (I'm in my early 30s)
I think that's about all. Sorry to dump all this one ya. I scrolled few the first few pages. I saw discussions on internet, but nothing really solid about options available out there. And the other info, I tried searching but aside from the Stories (which there are lots!), there wasn't much else out there.
I'm sure that several people will soon give you their advice. In the mean time, use the SEARCH FUNCTION at the top of the page. Just click on search.. put in the word you want to know about (Internet or motorcycles or ???) , check 'general/relocating'' and 'all dates'. You will get hours of old posts to read. Good Luck...
Regarding outdoor functions, there is a new organization that seems to be devoted to promoting outdoor social functions. I have to find the info and will post it later.
As far as apartments go, the Caribbean isn't like the States where you have large apartment complexes. Most apartments are owned by families, and the amenities vary widely. You really have to see each apartment in person before making a decision.
Wintberg/Mandahl/Estate Tabor Harmony are some of the neighborhoods that are centrally located and might be comfortable for newcomers. Every now and then rentals in those areas are posted in this forum. There are other acceptable neighborhoods, so check with the forums before you make your decision.
I'm currently in the process of talking with a company about a position down in the St. Thomas area in the VI. I've been reading around about all the different options for the move and I had a few questions for you that are down there now:
- What's the internet connectivity like? I'm not a cable tv guy; so cable tv isn't necessary. But I do spend a lot of time online.
If internet is that important to you, think twice, or be prepared to pay big money. Our service is getting better, but it's still not up to par.
- Anybody ship pets? How was it? How was it for the pet? Specifically dog. I can leave my cats here. I'll be coming from Dallas, TX.
Seriously, "search" this. Been discussed to death! One thing to remember is heat restrictions if putting a dog in baggage during the warmer month. Search it, but in the end....talk to the airline.
- I'm debating on shipping my car or buying when I get there. Recommendations? I currently have a Mitsu. Mirage, but wouldn't mind an "update" per-say. How are the prices for new (new/used) cars? My Mitsu is reliable, but not a good vehicle for my pup (getting a dog was new, he's just over 1yr old - GSD). I keep telling myself my next car will be a Jeep Wrangler -- this may be the perfect opportunity for that.
Shipping a car here can be expensive. You want a Jeep? Good choice for the islands. Sell the car and buy here. (others will disagree, but that business about cars being a couple of thousand over blue book isn't true. Just check the current classified here on this board. There are currently a couple of Jeeps at very reasonable, under blue book, and maybe a couple way over. Just shop smart.
- Motorcycle? I have a motorcycle, too (Suzuki GSX-R600. eg: sport bike).
I say too dangerous, just one opinion.
- What's the rent like? I'm having really hard time finding any centralized apartment / room rentals in the St. Thomas area. I'm sure the company will help me with all this, too, but I'm also trying to put that into my considering whether to take the job.
Rent short term (1-3 months) before deciding. That way you'll be here to look for yourself before making a long term commitment that you may have trouble with. DO be aware of scams on craigslist!! Better yet, do a PMV (pre-move visit) and find a rental, either short term or long term with your own eyes.
- What are the places like? I mean, of what I DO find on rent, it's all over the place, and often without pictures. I understand it won't be any 5 start hotel quality stuff. But not wanting a caddy shack either.
- Ones that have moved, any regrets? Other than "island fever." I'm a military brat; I grew up on military bases overseas most of my life. So, in lieu of that, I'm assuming "island fever" won't hit me. Hell, I don't even go much here locally as it is. I hit the gym daily, Target once a week, GNC once a month. That's about it, other than stay at home, playing video games / gaming on the internet. Give me the internet, I can keep my self pretty well occupied. lol
Tons and tons of regrets from many people. Some stay a couple of days...on the other hand, some stay a lifetime. That one is all about YOU!
- Any "outdoors" clubs, per say. I don't expect an all "we do everything" but really a group of people that hang out on the weekends, having fun, being outside. I'll be a new comer, and ex-computer hermit. My ex-computer hermitness makes it difficult for me to force myself to get outside more often. Love to get hooked up with a group of people to assist in that. lol (I'm in my early 30s)
Take up scuba diving, sailing, wind-surfing, etc. There's ultimate frisbee on STX (don't know about STT). Lots of things to do outdoors, mostly water related, but not all and plenty of people always ready to welcome a newcomer.
I think that's about all. Sorry to dump all this one ya. I scrolled few the first few pages. I saw discussions on internet, but nothing really solid about options available out there. And the other info, I tried searching but aside from the Stories (which there are lots!), there wasn't much else out there.
LOTS more out there. Most people miss changing the default to "all dates". Try that, and you'll be amazed at the info.
Good luck, and welcome to the forum!
ah, date in searches. I also generally just scroll through the first few pages, too.
I figured as much about internet; I thought I'd ask due to the Netflix thread I saw. I was /just/ about to get rid of my DVDs (I have over 350) in lieu of Netflix. But if Netflix isn't that reliable (let alone the internet), I'm may need to rethink that decision. It seems from other threads the internet is good enough (say for general gaming), but for, say, FPS or high bandwidth (Netflix), it won't cut the cake.
Plus, based on what I'm hearing, Amazon/Newegg will be my new best friends for products.
The company did say they are willing to fly people out who are seriously considering so they can take a look themselves. I may take them up on that offer. I'm not looking for any "US suburb" style living. But don't want to drop all the way down to 3rd world living either. 2nd world would be just fine (omg, dirt all over the floor!? /put on the flip-flops).
The company, itself, is located on Forst Straede (means street?), but having trouble finding it on the map. Zip code is 00802.
Checked into Daylight Savings Times. Good news: you don't follow it. Bad news; holy crap, it's tonight! Yeah, see how much I pay attention to that.
On the motorcycle; that seems to be the general consensus from you and others I've asked. I was confused as first when I was told people often drive on the wrong side of the street, until I took a closer look at Google Maps: you all drive on the left... That from the british influence? Any other british influences? I know you're next door to the British VI. I just don't know the distinctions and all that jaz yet.
@Juanita Any general reasons for the regrets? Just trying to build my personal defenses towards what may come up. Crime is pretty much the most I came up with. Solvable by being cautious and don't go out after dark.
You all mentioned the classifieds -- I hadn't clicked on every link, but grazing through, I'm having a problem finding it. Are you talking about http://www.vitraders.com/? I kept looking for something more classified/craigslist esque.
*edit, never mind; I just realized there's a sub-forum here classed "Classifieds" ha!
Thanks for all the infro. Some informative, others not as much. 😉
Oh, here's one that came up with no results (impossible? I know!): GYM! How are the gym facilities, in general? You see the general area I'll be at in STT (looking like that's south beach, right? in the central area).
https://www.vimovingcenter.com/services/ isn't working for me... I get the page, just with grey bars, using Google Chrome. HTML/CSS issues? Who's the admin for that page?
I will say that St Thomas is NOTHING like Dallas. There are gyms, but none is completely furnished like those in Dallas. There is no Target. Electricity and internet are not as reliable as you might think. Netflix is reliable, but it is the DVD by mail part, not the live streaming part. 00802 is the zip code for all home delivery. Most people don't have home delivery. Anything named Stade or Gade is in town. The entire island is 13 by 3 miles, so you may not live near your work. If they will fly you down to look, do so. Otherwise come for 6 months and see what you think.
I will say that St Thomas is NOTHING like Dallas. There are gyms, but none is completely furnished like those in Dallas. There is no Target. Electricity and internet are not as reliable as you might think. Netflix is reliable, but it is the DVD by mail part, not the live streaming part. 00802 is the zip code for all home delivery. Most people don't have home delivery. Anything named Stade or Gade is in town. The entire island is 13 by 3 miles, so you may not live near your work. If they will fly you down to look, do so. Otherwise come for 6 months and see what you think.
Oh yeah, I know it's noting like Dallas. I'm not born/raise Texan. I'm actually born Louisiana, and raised in Guam/Japan/German/Colorad Springs (that general order), and moved to Dallas in '03 (from Denver). I've also been to Auckland, New Zealand for a few months (work related), and regret not taking more advantage of my stay there.
So, I know culture shock. I actually welcome it (LOVED the culture change in NZ; I'd so go back). I hate the Dallas culture. People here are arrogant a**h**. The only reason I'm here is cause of work; I'm more than happy to move out.
I address several things. The first is if you want to move don't bring a pet down. This will limit you choice of places to saty. If you do bring a pet down you will probably need to stay in a private home as most condos do not allow pets.
As far as shipping a car down I would not. Check your proposed carrier out for the TOTAL price you will spend. Drive a local car and then if you stay ship it down.
Internet is available but it sometimes has outages. I am on the east end and there have been about five outages in the past 6 months. Most only last a few hours.
Pets may limit your choices a bit but disposing of them like tissues is not the answer. You can definitely find a nice place that will take pets. Most condos will not take pets for a owner and pretty much all condos will not for a renter. So look at apartments and houses. We brought down three dogs and 2 cats and really had nice 3 bedroom houses with gorgeous views to rent before we bought and we never paid over $1k (which is definitely a deal even for stx). There is always a rental deal out there and right now it's much more of a renters market then it ever has been. So I do not see how one dog and one cat could hold you up. Bild always says this, he does not like pets.
Pets may limit your choices a bit but disposing of them like tissues is not the answer.
Couldn't agree more.
Pets may limit your choices a bit but disposing of them like tissues is not the answer.
Couldn't agree more.
+2. Our pups will soon be STX residents terrorizing the local lizard population. 😀
Watch it!:-X
replace bones with lizards ;).
lol....I have one dog that chases lizards and geckos all day long, but almost never catches one. They are too wiley for her!
those two have nabbed 2 squirrels, a raccoon, and a skunk so far.
Add an s to gym (gyms) and search again. You'll find stuff.
Regarding regrets, that may not be the right word. Think more like....well..."Hey, it ain't really paradise!" You still have to work and shop and take care of business, all with less conveniences. There was a thread a few weeks (months) back. I'll see if I can find it. The gist of it was comparing the islands to where people came from. As I remember it, the only good point made for the islands was the weather!
My point in my original response was that some people adjust to the differences and inconveniences, and even welcome them (??). Other people do not. For instance, if a person sucks their teeth at you, you may take offense, while another will simply say it's just an island nuance...get over it. There are numerous frustrations. You either suck it up and make lemonade or you'll get burned out.
If you really do take some time and go back through this forum, you will find so many threads on just this subject. You will also see the very good advice, over and over, to not burn bridges back home, have enough money to get yourself home, or better yet, a return ticket in your pocket. It's not for everyone. You won't know that until you try it out.
The good morning thing is always important. But it's mainly important because when you address people, ESPECIALLY one on one you need to really engage and talk to them, whether its the lady checking out your groceries or someone you stop and ask for directions. You can say good morning and still get the teeth shuck if you seem to statesidy. You will find you will assimilate much faster if you always take a little extra time and try charm and try starting a conversation. You're going to be seeing the same people again and again so you might as try and get a lot of it over with when you're new. Mostly people love helping newcomers, long as they're friendly.
Pets may limit your choices a bit but disposing of them like tissues is not the answer.
Couldn't agree more.
Agreed. Same stateside, too. Having a large breed dog, such as German Shepherd, limits your options by a good 2/3rds. I plan on weighing all my options; with and without pets, buying vs renting, house vs condo. Hopefully I can take advantage of this renter's market. 😉
lol @Hiya's Billd comment. 🙂
Juantia, yeah, "regret" probably isn't the right word. I'm just trying to figure out why people disliked it, and factor in if it's something I'd be concerned with. It's my thought process: looks pessimistic, but rather optimistic as I look for the bad side so I can look for the bright side of it. Hmm. Maybe if I search on "hate."
I'm a "make lemonade" type of guy. Although, that does tend to make me a push-over at times; it does make it easy to adapt.
The only thing do I lack in is initiating that conversation (it's that introverted history of mine). However, if people there are fully capable of initiating, I have little troubles keeping it going. I'm quite a delight to talk with, once that conversation starts. It's just that bloody starting part (doh!)
I can be delightful, smiling, say hi -- hope that's enough to start! lol
Thanks for the info. I'm waiting to hear back from the company about a pre-acceptance visit. It's funny. I look all around, pictures, etc, and everything looks great. Not a problem. Sure, a culture shock people talk about, but that's to be expected (and for me, welcomed). But then you come here... While you all love it there, you seem to discourage people from moving. lol
Oh, and on the weather comment. As somebody on the forums mentioned: "I came here to escape the cold weather" -- AMEN BROTHER! I hate the cold. I moan, complain, bitch every winter the moment it drops below 60°F. lol
I feel that will be my "totem." (reason for staying) It is currently the biggest incitement for me.
Suck teeth = chupps. Can be used as an insult toward a person. Or just they are annoyed with a situation they are in, for example, standing in a long line. Or while in conversation, will suck teeth concerning something they are talking about. So, while walking past people and you hear chupps, it might not be aimed toward you.
Do not buy for your first year. Just about everyone will tell you that except a realtor. Most go back within two years and selling a place here was a very slow process even before the recession. It also just takes that long to get to know your island and decide which part of it you like the best. Because as crazy as it sounds to new comers, after you been on island a couple of years going from one end to the other is a real pill. And each part usually has a really different feel and vibe. Owning here can be a big money pit as well, as high as rents may seem, your mortgage will most likely be much higher, not to mention higher maintenance costs, hurricane insurance, etc.... Enjoy the island first and see if it's for you before you buy.
Do not buy for your first year. Just about everyone will tell you that except a realtor. Most go back within two years and selling a place here was a very slow process even before the recession. It also just takes that long to get to know your island and decide which part of it you like the best. Because as crazy as it sounds to new comers, after you been on island a couple of years going from one end to the other is a real pill. And each part usually has a really different feel and vibe. Owning here can be a big money pit as well, as high as rents may seem, your mortgage will most likely be much higher, not to mention higher maintenance costs, hurricane insurance, etc.... Enjoy the island first and see if it's for you before you buy.
Good info. Thanks.
13 mi. a chore. teehee. That's just a typical trip downtown here in Dallas. It's ~11 miles for me. I commuted that daily--albeit, using the city DART rail. But I've routinely done ~20mil commutes to other jobs. But, I totally understand; you become acclimated to the distances of the place you live in. In time, I'll end up saying "5 miles? ugh. That's too far, never mind." You don't get that mindset until about the 30mil marker in Dallas. Going from Colorado Springs to Pueblo was aprox 30 miles. That was a chore. But here in Dallas, it's day-to-day commutes.
Country to town or visa versa is sometimes a chore here on STT. If I have errands to run in country I try to get them all done in the same day to save time and gas and visa versa. I will only go somewhere a distance from my house if it is absolutely necessary. Newcomers don't understand when people complain about the commute, but they soon learn.
Country to town or visa versa is sometimes a chore here on STT. If I have errands to run in country I try to get them all done in the same day to save time and gas and visa versa. I will only go somewhere a distance from my house if it is absolutely necessary. Newcomers don't understand when people complain about the commute, but they soon learn.
As one who has commuted between Colorado Springs and Denver, within the Springs, within Denver, within Dallas. And, actually been within Auckland, New Zealand. I do understand. Qualify of roads would also be a factor, too, and would add more "headaches." Yeah. I get it. I plan on getting a place close to work. lol
My goal: be able to walk to work, or at least ride a bicycle. But, I'll going to have to cross that bridge when I come to it. I can't many definites until I get down there and start looking around. Again, that's my goal. May not be the inevitable outcome. 0.o
(hell, I can't even FIND it on the map yet. ha. Anybody know where Forst Straede is? lol)
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