Possible new arrival
Hi Folks,
I've been reading a lot of your posts on this board and learned quite a bit. I've alwasy thought that a good community is a better source of information than a static document. Thanks!
I had been considering moving down there and in the past few weeks the planets/fates/whatever have been arranging things to get me down there. I'll be visiting first part of December to see if I can handle "island life". Other than that things seem to be in line. I've got a great opportunity for work, may come with a place to stay. Like I said the universe is really setting this all up for me.
There are a couple of questions (well lots of others but these you can help with) I could use your advise on:
1. My friends who just moved packed lots of stuff with them. One told me I should really get rid or store most of it and replace things like TV, stereo, etc. when I get there. Bring only clothes, sheets and little else. Duty-free prices and all that. So folks, what should I bring? What should I leave in Texas?
2. These two friends are going to be my only two contacts when I get down there. I won't know a soul. I've lived in Texas all my life (Houston & Austin) and always had lots of friends around me. And Texas is a really friendly place, easy to meet new people. Is it like that in the VI also?
3. This may kinda sound odd but does anyone know about homebrew? I'm an avid homebrewer and I can't find a lick of information on the laws and sources, if any, down there for supplies. Of course, there is always mail order but it would be nice to know if it is legal and if there are others brewing in the VI.
4. Along the same lines, anywhere I can find laws on breweries and brew-pubs in the USVI?
5. I'll be on STT and should have access to get to the other islands fairly easily. Do I really need a vehicle?
Any other advise you can throw my way would be appreciated. I picked up a copy of the Settlers Handbook on the suggestions on this board and I'm reading through it. If it wasn't for some committments I'd be visiting sooner.
Tom in Texas (for now)
Hi Tom,
I'll try to start on the homebrew questions. I don't know the law, but my guess would be that if you homebrew in your home, there are no laws that will make things difficult for you. Finding supplies, that might be a problem.
As for laws on breweries and brew-pubs, I would imagine the laws are the same as for any other restaurant / bar, with licensing requirements, health department inspections, etc. If there are any laws specific to making beer, I don't know about them.
I can tell you one thing, though: This place needs a brew pub. St. Croix has one, and it seems to be successful. And it does not have near the market to support it as we do here. So build it, and we will come!
Good luck!
I can tell you what we did about furniture, etc. We went through all our stuff and made three piles -- take, sell, and store. We sold everything that didn't matter to us. We stored Ric's mom's dining room set, the good china, a bedroom set and all the books and other CRAP we couldn't bear to part with. We packed up what we thought we'd really need or want to have with us.(our pots and pans, knives, pictures, the laptop, one TV, towels, sheets, a couple of lamps -- you get the idea) Some things we shipped USPS parcel post. The TV and some fragile things we boxed and shipped down in the van. It all got here fine, except one box that I packed very badly -- I lost some china in that one!
We advertised the yard sale well and cleared over $800. Our plan is to decide in a year or so what to do with the stuff in storage. If we still like it here (St. Croix) we'll purge again and ship down the rest. If we decide to come back, we'll have a bed to sleep on and goo china to eat off of.
Good Luck.
Hi I to am moving to St John. My boyfriend is already there. Here is what I know so far. Get a bug net for the bed. I found some at Annas Linens. As far as everything else leave it behind. Bring summer stuff lots of cotton. Hope you like lizards. As far as people being friendly that is not a problem. Everyone has been helpful.
I am going on vacation Nov-30-Dec 6 if you want e-mail me.
Welcome to the board.
1. What to bring.. depends a lot on first and formost if you are moving to stay, if you coming for a year, if you not sure if it will work out... if its short- term definately just take the neccessities - no sense in paying to get ALL you stuff there and then back... if you have personal items you can bear to part with bring them. If you are moving to stay for a long time and you have lots of house hold stuff you want to bring then sure ship it. But know that if your tv is a regular brand, your dishes aren't anything great ect... then have a yard sale you can replace that stuff here...
2. Its easy enough to meet people, but the island is small so people find their little grounds and activities and these become their things to do... its likely if you went to a bar you would see these same people the next day on the street is what I am getting at. The locals and other island folks from other islands some times take a bit to warm up... so at first might seem stand-off-ish... they will warm up once they know more about you.
A vechicle is a good idea... but depends greatly on where you live, work ect... the distance between these things. You can do without one at first.
All the best.
Thanks everyone for their suggestions. I think I have a pretty good idea of what I'm bringing and what will get left in Texas.
As for the brewing stuff I'll check into the brewpub laws when I get there. I'd really like to start a brew pub but that would be a little ways down the road.
I'll be down there on the 4th for a week of looking around. Hope the rains let up a little before then;-).
Thanks again,
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