Police said to leav...
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Police said to leave cookies

Posts: 876
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Greetings all,

Went to a west end beach on St Croix this evening. Walked on the beach for 2 hours or so. When we came back, we found the passenger window smashed with a rock. Stuff was missing from the truck. We went down to the police station and reported the crime. I asked the officer if this happens often. She said that, yes, it does. I asked if leaving the doors unlocked next time would help. She replied...maybe, but they might bust the truck up anyway out of frustration when they found that the truck was empty. She said that if I want to go to the beach, I have to be prepared to pay the price. Hmmmm...

As I left the station, the officer said to leave the doors unlocked, leave the truck empty, and if I left some cookies on the seat for the thieves, maybe they wouldn't bust the glass. Seriously. That's what she told me.


Posted : February 19, 2008 1:40 am
Posts: 876
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Oh! Anyone know of a good glass shop on St Croix?

Posted : February 19, 2008 1:57 am
Posts: 228
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Hi aussie, so sorry to hear what happened to you, but it is such a classic story! I will definitely have to add it to my list of anecdotes about life in the islands. I can see myself sitting in the nursing home one day telling these stories to an incredulous audience! For the people thinking of moving to the islands it is a reality-check. It is not even close to being the worst story I have heard. Don't want to say more incase this turns back to the dreaded subject of crime!!!

Posted : February 19, 2008 3:02 am
Posts: 34
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OMG crime on STX!@!@??? Just kiddn...

Sorry to here about you incedent... 🙁 pretty sad how these things can happen....Cookies? Maybe doughnuts covered would be more effective full of "chocolate"- EX-LAX icing!!!!!!! People are pretty interesting to say the least....

Posted : February 19, 2008 7:23 am
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Heh heh, EX-LAX icing! LOL...I think I might stop by the bank today and see if they'll sell an exploding dye pack to me. Maybe then the police can find these clowns. Just tell them that they're looking for a couple of smurfs.

Posted : February 19, 2008 9:47 am
Posts: 1057
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Castle Glass in Castle Coakley.


Posted : February 19, 2008 9:49 am
Posts: 3919
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Most rental car companies ask you not to lock car doors and not to leave any valuables in a parked car.

There are just too many out-of-the-way beaches and other places for theft or vandalism to occur. And, sadly, rental cars are often the target.

Posted : February 19, 2008 10:20 am
Posts: 631
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There's a guy who advertises auto glass on the classified sectio of the Avis.

Posted : February 19, 2008 10:37 am
Posts: 353
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In addition to the cookies, you could leave a $5 bill.....and a note asking these poor misunderstood folks not to damage the car, and possibly a nice box of cigars.....some cd's would also be nice....and it may be a good idea to leave a walkman or something to play the cd's on.....wouldn't want to upset them.....then again, it is 2008, how about a nice Ipod!

Posted : February 19, 2008 10:55 am
Posts: 2259
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I often thought of leaving a little bag of crack on the window to save them the trouble. Two problems with this though, they would keep coming back, and I could get busted for possession!!


Posted : February 19, 2008 11:24 am
Posts: 2596
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When I was a kid a group of my friends used to fill a purse with dog poop and place it in the middle of the street. They would hide in the bushes and watch. A car would always stop and grab the purse. Usually before they got too far you would hear a yell and the purse would come flying out the window. Maybe we should all put something nasty in a purse and leave it in plain view. It might make them angry enough to come back and torch the car so that might not be a good idea. It would be fun however to hide and watch the expressions of the thieves when they stuck their hands in the purse.

Posted : February 19, 2008 11:32 am
Posts: 250
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Some days I am so glad my car looks like a piece of crap. It does make me wonder when people think I'm a tourist, who they think I rented my piece of crap car from.

I am so fascinated by the refusal to engage in the victim-perpetrator paradigm in the V.I. I studied this paradigm academically in a race/class context stateside, and it's thrown out the window here. In the states, there is (in my opinion) a total fixation on the victim-perpetrator paradigm, which manifests from the lives of the lower classes to the subject matter of the entertainment industry. But here it is taken to the other extreme, which seems a bizarre thing sometimes. If you are assaulted, then the cops will think that you shouldn't have been wherever you were, and if you have your car broken into, even that is somehow your fault. But its not just the cops with this mentality, it's everyone. This rejection of the victim/perpetrator paradigm is a way to take back control over what otherwise would make a person feel victimized. God, it's fascinating.

First getting on island all the sugar mills made me uncomfortable, because they are monuments to slavery, but then being here and seeing that the locals don't carry that previous oppression with them the way descendants of slaves sometimes do in other locations, the sugar mills take on a totally different meaning. I wonder if it doesn't have to do largely with the fact that the V.I. slaves had a big hand in their own liberation, where that was not so much the case in other areas. Perhaps that forced liberation was empowering in a way that minimized the victim/perpetrator paradigm that would have otherwise resulted. Anyway, I'm ranting, but it's something I was thinking about this morning and this reminded me of it.

Anyways, I think leaving the car open and a few quarters in the ashtray is enough to keep scroungers happy. I don't smoke, but maybe I'll start leaving a pack of cigarettes in there, too, to give someone something to do other than messing up my car.

Posted : February 19, 2008 12:28 pm
Posts: 3111
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I remember quite a few years ago, the NYC garbage workers went on strike. People started gift-wrapping their garbage and leaving it in an unlocked car. It worked!

Posted : February 19, 2008 12:54 pm
Posts: 92
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theese jokers break into whatever vehicle they think they can get away with, if you park in a back alley they will also tear your stuff up , but that is a part of the price you pay living on the vi, or visiting the vi.

Posted : February 19, 2008 3:24 pm
Posts: 353
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Better leave some matches with those cigarettes, wouldn't want to upset them:)

Posted : February 19, 2008 6:09 pm
Posts: 34
Eminent Member

I say a Birth day party is in need!! Start parking cars in "the areas" of where this is happening, of course with all these gifts we all speak of.....Hide wait then jump out and have a pinata party on their @ss! Word of mouth travels fast hey will get tired of having their "@" beat and find a new hobby..... "HAPPY-BIRTH DAY"! This is ridiculous unfortunately real....Living in Mexico even, there's not this much chaos....in smaller sea side communities I guess..?

Posted : February 19, 2008 6:28 pm
Posts: 228
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How about some of those centipedes in a nice briefcase on the back seat of your car? Maybe that would be cruelty to animals....

Posted : February 19, 2008 7:15 pm
Posts: 436
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Better yet..........remember how Elle Driver handled the delivery of mucho money to Budd in Kill Bill 2. Might work as a super deterrant.

Posted : February 19, 2008 7:47 pm
Posts: 151
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Wow, do you think the Police would EVER think to patrol the beach area's that people are getting their cars broken into!!! Have you ever seen the Police in area's where they should be???? What a concept! Ya, leave snacks for the crooks!!! That will make them stop!

Posted : February 19, 2008 9:10 pm
Posts: 389
Reputable Member

Aussie~ It is a pity that crime here is so rampant. After my wife was held up at gunpoint mid day in her store, we decided to go get us some guns, too. This wimpy, apathetic attitude of "there is nothing we can do" is ridiculous. It is time we said NO WAY to criminals. Am I itching to shoot someone? No way...I have seen the results of Gun shot wounds too many times. I just want the option available. We were also given a card referring us to STXCrimeWatch.com which is dedicated to networking against criminal activity here. Finally, I recommend Glass 2000 just up Rattan road from 5 Corners.

Posted : February 19, 2008 10:29 pm
Posts: 436
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When it comes to reading about apathy, this one was a gem.

Posted : February 19, 2008 11:05 pm
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

they have superheros in big citys for this does the V I have a superhero if not maybe someone should be one and hey BANDA I think you have a great idea on how to start being a superhero. Anybody want to fight for freedom and do this. oh and the cookies were for the cops. If the cars had cookies in them the cops would be there to protect them. geez guys

Posted : February 19, 2008 11:20 pm
Posts: 34
Eminent Member

Antiqueone: It wrenches my guts to even here that one....I'm truly sorry to hear of such an atrocity! I can't imagine getting a phone call from my wife telling me this>>>>>

Promo: Via the oneandone article...."Police said they couldn't do anything because there were no eyewitnesses to the beating." Outa' sight -outa' mind seems to be the train of thought?
Again folks all joking aside something needs to be done about this? To hell with "filing" a report?!@#

I grew up as a kid in pretty bad neighborhood in South phx and people delt with people.....
We even had groups of people called "Van-gels" who patrolled these areas and it worked!! Just the bad guys knowing there was a group who was tired of their sh#$ was less likely to step sideways a little resistance can go a long ways....

This crap truly needs to stop....

In Mexico where I have resided their has a HUGE corruption- drug lords- with the police etc....
Also since the USA economy put a choke hold on tourist minded Businesses as Mine was , The town is falling on it's financial knees and locals, as well as the "POLICE" are getting restless and hungry $$$ and are resorting to harassing the few Americans that do come down...Papers are writing stories daily on these events which in turn kills it there even more....

I am relocating to STX in a month for many reasons....And I tell you what all joking aside I would be glad to help out with a little "Birthday"' party action jasonmonty!!
They need to quit walking away untouched anymore.....The GD police are probably related to most who are doing it and get their cut...Or "cookies" ....
Sorry for the heat here just hate hearing this.......

Posted : February 20, 2008 2:04 am
Posts: 228
Estimable Member

promoguy, I love the ad next to the article about the beating - it says "Virgin Islands Police Department, work with us keeping the peace in paradise"!!!!

Posted : February 20, 2008 3:49 am
Posts: 436
Reputable Member

Sabrina, missed that one. But yep, big and bold and still there.

Posted : February 20, 2008 4:04 am
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