Hey, remember the thread where the cop told the vehicle owner to leave cookies on the seat so the bad guys wont hurt the vehicle after breaking in to it??
Still my alltime favorite!!!
The only thing we can agree upon is we disagree on this subject.
lizard, i do realize i am not the only one who made a "flippant" remark nor am i the only "cynical" one on the board. dont treat me like i am..
If you had read my second post you would know how i feel about cops in general. But alot of us have had experiences that made us "cynical" maybe you are one of the lucky ones and if so more power to you.
Betty, thank you
Maybe there is a thread here somewhere?
About a year or so ago a jogger was mugged in the morning near ST.C condos. In daylight, they put a gun to his head and demanded money. He was jogging and didn't have a dime. They hit him in the face with the pistol and left. the cop that showed up eventually told him to start jogging with money so next time they wouldn't be so rough.
I heard it from a close source
i didnt realize we had police officers here
First one out of the Gate!
Don't know about here, but in Louisville, KY, officers have "take home" cars and are allowed to use them for all purposes within a certain geographical distance. No one else is allowed to drive one, but they can transport family, groceries, etc.
Lizard, what can one say to someone who only pokes one finger when many were doing the same??? yes i was the first one so what.
linda when my dad was a cop he was allowed to bring his cop car home but was not allowed to use it for personal reasons. i think that the reason cops should not be allowed to use a cop car for personal use, is a safety reasons.
So What? it kinda sets the tone and doesn't answer the mans question. Sometimes sarcasm and humor doesn't come across to well with the written word. "That's What"
it seems that you dont get humor either. thats what
you should really learn to lighten up a little bit, you tend to take things way too seriously.
your turn to get the last word in
I'm the one that the police told to leave a cookie on the seat so that when the bad guys found out my truck was empty, they wouldn't tear up the truck. True story!
Someone else told me that they used to leave their car unlocked and leave a one dollar bill on the dashbord so that the bad guys wouldn't mess with their car. They stopped doing it when someone busted out the glass to get to the dollar. The car was unlocked. The windows were up because it was a rainy day.
z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
Ok, ok, ok... This has gotten way out of hand. The one and ONLY point I was trying to make was this...
I only asked a very simple question when I started this thread. All I wanted to know was if there were any USVI Police Officers that frequented this forum, end of story. While all of your opinions have been duley noted and in some instances appreciated I dont feel that any of this is productive on my end. Of course everyone is entitled to their respective opinions just as I am but just remember, I didn't come out swinging until someone rang the bell. I just wonder... If some of you had a bad experience at the local coffee shop would you bash someones entire existence just because they posted a question about the local greasy spoon on the corner?
Everyone wants change, I get it. I have visited the USVI on numerous occassions and have witnessed SOME of the corrupt activities that take place there on a day to day basis. I certainly do not consider myself as well informed as permanent residents and have never tried to fake that. BUT... There is one absolute certainty that I'm sure we can all agree on and that is that NOTHING will ever change until good, well trained, moral and passionate Police Officers are transplanted into what appears to be a broken system.
My 2C,
"Do any of you know 100%, without a doubt what these cops were doing at Home Depot, K-Mart or with other people in their assigned patrol vehicle? Could it be that they were re-stocking the fridge at the station with water, soda and snacks? Maybe they were building something at the station and needed lumber to complete the project. Possibly they were transporting a juvenile in their vehicle for a real reason other than just to make you angry."
I guess the woman I see well dressed in her Sunday best almost every Sunday @ Kmart, PriceSmart, Pueblo & Cost-U-less buying many bags of stuff is really erm, undercover?
Wow, she had ME fooled!
I'm not saying undercover. I'm saying MAYBE she is authorized.
dun, now you always have a sense of humor, i appreciate that.
redvettenuts, I say come on down and try to make a difference.:-)
If some of you had a bad experience at the local coffee shop would you bash someones entire existence just because they posted a question about the local greasy spoon on the corner?
No one was bashing you at all until your second post where you did indeed come out swinging. It is an open forum, people were just talking about life on stx after your initial post. I don't see one post were you were attacked until your second post. And again if you treat people nicely they will help you here but we are not employees to be told what we can put on a thread or what we can and cannot talk about. Be nice and you'll get nice.
I know serveral vipd officers in my husband office. PM me your questions and I'll give them to him.
There is one absolute certainty that I'm sure we can all agree on and that is that NOTHING will ever change until good, well trained, moral and passionate Police Officers are transplanted into what appears to be a broken system.
Look I hope you succeed, but I don't know how many many many times I've heard this. Locals DO NOT, and I can not stress that enough want outsiders help. Change has to come from the locals or it will never happen. So many get burnt out very quickly. Come in with the attitude of learning how locals do it before you try to change ANYTHING. And in a year or two they may listen to you and respect you. But take it super super slow.
we are not employees to be told what we can put on a thread or what we can and cannot talk about
What? We're not going to get paid??? 😮
No Trade, your check is the mail. Lol
Well, doesn't that just figure. Shredded up in the Puerto Rico post office. :X
[Look I hope you succeed, but I don't know how many many many times I've heard this. Locals DO NOT, and I can not stress that enough want outsiders help. Change has to come from the locals or it will never happen. So many get burnt out very quickly. Come in with the attitude of learning how locals do it before you try to change ANYTHING. And in a year or two they may listen to you and respect you. But take it super super slow.
Hold on - gotta put on my FLAME RETARDANT SUIT!!!
We are a slow changing community. But having an US vs THEM attitude doesn't help. Having lived 3 years on St. Croix, I can go into just about any situation with most people (except the Santos - my choice not to pursue as I don't know Spanish) and be accepted and feel safe and know that someone will watch out for me as for themselves. But I made a point to integrate myself into the "locals" community.
Now that I am living on St. Thomas, I feel separate and apart as I have only been here a couple weeks. I went to Beach Fyah this past weekend and made a concerted effort to integrate. I met quite a few very cool "locals" of all statures who welcomed me with open arms. I came with an open heart and open mind wanting to understand and be accepted - as I accept each person fully for who they are and what they represent. I talked openly about how on STX I can go just about everywhere and am accepted as belonging and that I missed that here and wanted to get to that point. I exchanged names and numbers and was told from the heart by some of these people that they will make sure I am accepted to the point I was on STX. It was a great experience. But I reached out and made the effort.
I won't lie - there are major problems here -- crime, violent crime, nepotism and all that it brings, corruption (both in the public and private sector), and all of it effects tourism and our lives here in the Territory.
Earlier today I contacted the office of the St. Thomas Chief of Police to set an appointment to discuss how I personally, and USVI NORML as an organization, can work with the Police Dept and local groups to reduce violent crime. I'll let you know how that goes.
Being smart asses to newcomers to this board asking a simple (read easily answered) question and then slamming them when they respond (as many of you do on a regular basis) in an upset manner is just wrong.
We do have a responsibility to give people the truth about what they face as challenges here. That doesn't include being rude.
I tell people what I do to try to make a difference here - rather than just pissing and moaning - I actually take actions. And I know some of you do - and have over the years. But it seems that complaining about the problems seems to suit many at this time - whether they are taking action or not. Productive discussion on issues and alternatives and information on which specific groups are doing what would be much more palatable and welcomed than just gripe sessions.
And I know some of you do - and have over the years
So why keep preaching to the choir? JMHO.
But having an US vs THEM attitude doesn't help
Linda, statesiders make up about 3% of the population. Its not a them vs us. It's their island completely. You won't be considered local by the locals in your generation. If you were of an age to have kids, your kids might be considered local. You can rail against it all you want but that is absolutely the way it is. The locals may love you and treat you like family but you're still goin to be an outsider, it is their island. They do not want outsider's running it or telling them how to run it. If no local has told you this then you not good enough friends for them to tell you the truth. I'm in no way saying locals hate transplants but things do not change quickly here.
Just look at how many years this consituational convention has been going on and it always comes up with the same crap, find a way to make sure the locals get lots of breaks and keep the outsiders, outside. They know it won't pass but they keep doing it.
Linda you come across as rude fairly often(always telling us how great you are and that we're all whining and not doing enough) and your politics rub many the wrong way, so I don't think you should be getting on any high horse. What have all these great actions that you've done gotten you? Do you think anyone cares about NORML when we have such huge problems on the island? You really think NORML is going to reduce crime? IMHO you are so far off coarse its not even funny. Often the things you think will help here are bizarre to me.
Honestly I've got to stop reading your posts, I never find anything in them that adds to the conversation, it just takes away.
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