Police Officers???
I'm looking for any USVI Police Officers on this board. I am a Police Officer on the US Mainland and looking at re-locating to the USVI and would like to ask some questions privately. Thanks in advance...
i didnt realize we had police officers here
They're here....Just look for the big blue Envoy with kids in it....You can usually see them at the schools around drop off and pick up time. The grocery store is a good place for a sighting too!! Even saw one shopping at Big K the other day. I only noticed because her vehicle was parked illegally on the curb out front while she shopped.

If no one responds to you privately, try reaching the Recruitment office of the VIPD and see if they can get you in contact with someone from whichever island you are looking to come to.
Good luck!
Linda from Michigan
There are no more cars left. They all are being used to give rides to their friends!!!!
I never saw such stuff in the main land!!!
A couple of years ago we were involved in a car accident in the Sunny Isle area around lunchtime. It took over 3 hours to get a police response. After the first hour of waiting my husband stood on the road and flagged down a passing police car (we had seen several just look and roll on by). The man driving asked my husband what he wanted and he said we'd had an accident. The man responded that he wasn't a cop and couldn't help - said he just borrowed his friends car. My husband was so astonished by it he didn't think to get the license number - not that calling in a complaint would have done any good.

I have no way of knowing, but I doubt any VIPD frequent this board. On the other hand, there are board participants familiar with federal law enforcement down here, so if you post your questions you may get some responses. A number of continentals were hired by the VIPD over the past year after serving in stateside departments, but most/all have quit, because they perceived a lack of support from fellow officers that they felt endangered their lives. For what it's worth, there are other law enforcement agencies here that are more receptive to hiring outsiders, though I wouldn't count on the ATF:
"With skyrocketing gun violence rendering the Virgin Islands a veritable Wild West, and the murder rate more than five times the national average, the federal agency charged with helping to regulate guns and fight violent crime has packed up and left the territory."
You may want to check out this thread, which includes a link to the article explaining the ATF's departure: https://www.vimovingcenter.com/talk/read.php?4,113640
Wait til one of these cops get into an accident with kiddies in the car and the child is injured. That's gonna be a winning lottery ticket for the officer.
I've seen em loading lumber from Home Depot on top of the cop car.
Thanks for the replies to all of you, especially the ones that have narrow minds and have nothing better to do than hijack my thread. It never ceases to amaze me how the general public finds it ok to do the exact things that they bash the police about. Do any of you know 100%, without a doubt what these cops were doing at Home Depot, K-Mart or with other people in their assigned patrol vehicle? Could it be that they were re-stocking the fridge at the station with water, soda and snacks? Maybe they were building something at the station and needed lumber to complete the project. Possibly they were transporting a juvenile in their vehicle for a real reason other than just to make you angry. Here is the bottom line from a law enforcement veteran... These people are doing a very thankless job and while we understand that we selected this profession of our own free will we dont really need people making the job near impossible. Are there corrupt cops out there? Absolutely!!! Are all cops corrupt? Give me a break...
Thank you to dntw8up for giving me the only usefull and informative reply to my post; it was much appreciated.
I've got my flame suit on and waiting to get blasted...

Again, I would contact the Recruitment Office at the VIPD. I am the daughter of a retired police officer and in fact emailed the Police Commissioner here about the fact that Michigan had so many laid off State Troopers - trying to get some help for both sides.
I hope you can ignore some of these responses - I can't make excuses for them - but I do wish you luck.
Linda Adler
Red I hope you get your wish and get a job here. You have zero idea of what it's like to live here or the level of corruption here, its like nothing stateside.
Sorry Linda, I meant to include you in the "real" thank you portion of my rant. Thanks for the info...

Good luck but we don't need any more hotheads, either.
Good morning redvette,
Unfortunately our police force is not like anything stateside. The cynical comments, although unhelpful, have their basis in a long history of most police officers here abusing the system and putting privileges for themselves and their friends/family way ahead of anything resembling police work. The only way to understand that it really happens is to see it firsthand. Come for a visit and post your impressions after talking with both officers and citizens. We'd love to hear your thoughts (really).
Good luck to you!
I can tell you that the island of STX needs good Police Officers. This is a relocation message board and most advice to potential transplants are do a PMV (Pre Move Visit). I believe that PMV recommendation would be extremely important when considering a job as a Police Officer here on the island of STX. The problem of a message board chat is you don't really know if you're talking to a tainted soul on the department or one of the good guy's. As a trained Police Officer you can identify the type of brother by profession just by the way they wear their uniform for starters. The nice part about a visit you can talk to more than one, you become the interviewer and can make an informed decision as well as a good gut reaction. I believe the majority of our Police officers on STX are the Good Guys but overwhelmed and frustrated at times because of the JUSTICE SYSTEM on the islands. I only speak of STX because that's where my crib is and what I am familiar with. Good Luck and God Bless.
dont you even wonder why so many of us are cynical? my father is a retired police office and i do have nothing but respect for most police officers and for the most part it is an under-rated under-paid thankless job. i get that..
maybe you should read some of the other threads on here that are about police, government and crime. maybe talk with the officers that came down here and left or the feds that left????
He didn't ask for any cynical opinions to begin with, nor did his ask for a filppant remark.

I'd have a hard time living on this:
Benefits and Compensation Package:
Pay during academy training - $27,753
Pay at graduation - $29,748
Comprehensive medical and dental plan
2 weeks paid vacation – 3 weeks after three years service
Night differential pay
Retirement at 20 years service
Full uniform issue
Uniform maintenance allowance
Many opportunities for assignment to specialized units

Some of the continental cops looking to relocate are retired after twenty years of service stateside, so the VIPD pay would be in addition to their pension, and that combined income would provide a comfortable existence here.
" speee1dy,
He didn't ask for any cynical opinions to begin with, nor did his ask for a filppant remark. "
lol...and he didn't ask for there not to be cynical opinions or NAIVE opinions....and oh yeah its not his message board. :)~

True, but risking their neck over that little amount of money wouldn't be worth it for a lot of people, especially when there's a fear that other officers won't cover their back. & that's a real concern down here with the "us vs them" attitude some have.. It sure wouldn't be worth it for me were I in that position.
I don't want to morph this thread anymore that it has been, However if someone asks a simple question, common courtesy will work all the time. No he doesn't own the board, this forum, but he did start this thread.
He didn't ask for any cynical opinions to begin with, nor did his ask for a filppant remark.
*ahem* Words to live by, everyone. (tu)
No one answered with discourtesy until red got a little too big for his britches and decided to lay into us, without knowing anything about the islands. He just got what he put out.
Starting the thread doesn't give anyone any special privileges as we all know threads get hijacked six different ways usually. He's free to keep starting a new one or to keep posting on this one till he feels he gets his answer. Hes a police officer not a delicate flower. 😉 He'll figure it out. In other words is all up to what the board moderator wants. If you gotta a problem, talk to him/her.
I understand where he is coming from and i would give an officer the benefit of the doubt stateside, but here, I've lived here long enough to know that the officers here use their car as personal vehicles. To insult the locals like they are children and don't know whats going on in their VERY small island is more then a little insulting, I think he should have thought before he posted.
Didn't they used to be allowed to use it as their personal vehicle? I heard their was a lot of gripping about this topic on free speech today.
I don't believe MOST are good at all, a good cop would reach his/her breaking point and get out of the cesspool.
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