PMV no longer - just here to stay

Well, my pmv went well. So well I decided to stay. I am working - celebrating my 1 week aniversary - and getting my first paycheck today!
I never did end up staying at Mt. Victory = but I will. That place is just so cool. Just was too far from what I needed at the time. Luggage came 3 days late, etc.
But that was good. Because I don't think the things that have (literally) fallen into my lap would have if circumstances had been different. I found a place to stay while helping a lady out on the road. I found a job by networking with wonderful people here on the board. Lost out on a great job with an EDC company because of residency requirements. But that's ok. I pass the guy that gave me a verbal "We're gonna make you an offer" every day in Christiansted and he won't look at me. I smile and wave and he doesn't even acknowledge me when it is obvious he sees me. Maybe it is good that the job fell thru.
Anyhow, I love my job - moving in a week to my new place - even got the offer a using the landlords second car for either a small fee or helping out with the yardwork! I'm telling you - when it is meant to be someone much greater than me intervenes.
I take no credit for any of the good that has come my way except to say that I was in a mindset to accept and open to new thoughts,
Lots to still do and see. Took a discover dive class at Cane Bay - Stan is wonderful. Spent way too much time with me. Just to make me feel comfortable. How awsome it is. I will be going to the dive club meeting at the Nature Conservancy on the 2nd tues of each month - July 12th - and probably join. They are having an awsome (one of the worlds best) underwater photographers in for this meeting. Let me know if you need directions. Can come as a guest of mine.
My plane left yesterday without me. I told my kids over the phone(they live with their dad) that I am staying. That wasnt really good. But I am writing them a letter too. My daughter took it hardest. She did the guilt thing really well. You know - I knew I didn't have a mother! oh,well, She'll get over it when they come down in december for 1/2 the month!
Good luck to you. Seems like evrything will be okay. Take care. Oh yeah, and welcome!
Linda!! Great post and glad to hear everything seems be falling into place for you there. Truly sounds as if it were meant to be, huh? That's awesome! Glad you took the Scuba course, as well, and yeah... Stan's a good dude. They were all very patient with Kate when she was getting certified.
Yeah... I think the kids will come around to the idea of mom living on an island when they come for a visit!!!
Linda -
Congratulations! I knew you were leaning toward never returning when we saw you!
Russ will be down on the 12th...ya'll be nice to him - he'll be working at the Big K in F'sted, first day is the 14th. Can't wait to see you all again, I just want the movers to hurry up and come and get me out of here!
Good to hear about Stan at Cane Bay - Russ has never done scuba and wants to try, and I desperately need a refresher course. Not much scuba in Arkansas -one of my goals is to get my divemaster. Don't know why, not much call for 48-year-old female divemasters, but hey....we all gotta have a goal!
We'll get together once I manage to get there - Russ will be living off PBJ sandwiches and take-out for a while - he's not much of a cook.
Good luck, stay in touch!
Becky R
Way to go Linda! Don't worry too much about your family. They will adjust, especially as you said, after they visit. I've heard of many who came down on a PMV and never left. They seem to be the ones that have stayed the longest and enjoyed it the most. Good for you!
Is the underwater photographer you mentioned Tim Cothren? He used to work for Jacques Costeau and has done all kinds of underwater filming. He lives here on STT and also plays guitar at the Rum Shack in Havensight on Fridays.
I hope things continue to go well for you.
Congrats, Linda. We are the couple who were down on a second visit on the same day you flew down. Came to Victory Camp to make sure you were okay, but never did find you. (They told us you moved into F'sted) Sounds like we have alot in common - age, kids, etc. Hope we can meet when we get down there. Our condo closes about mid-August, and I should have a medical thumbs-up by then, too!
Thanks for the update, all the best!!
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