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Pleasure boating in St Croix

Posts: 19
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I've spent a good bit of time using the search function and reading through the other posts but I'm not finding current info.

I currently own a 21ft center console boat with a 200hp outboard motor. We are considering bringing our boat with us when we transfer from NC to St Croix.

Can someone give me a rough idea of the current options for boat ramps and fees associated with them?

Ive read about Buck Island and it sounds like a great swimming location. Is it accessible from St Croix with a 21ft boat? If so, how far from St Croix is it? Are there other islands similar to Buck Island that would be easily accessible for a day trip? Thanks again for all the help!

Posted : February 13, 2016 8:27 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Buck Island is pretty much it for STX.
STT is approx. 36 miles from sea buoy in CA to sea buoy in C'stead harbor.
It's not often flat calm. Open stretch of water between STT/STX is oftentimes rough and narley.

The ferry that used to run (no more) between the 2 islands was often referred to by many as the " vomit comet."

There's a Marina at Green Cay.
Others will have to chime in on rest if your questions as I'm in STT.

Posted : February 13, 2016 9:22 pm
Posts: 878
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Free boat launch @ Altoona Lagoon.
St Croix Marine is a full service marina on E side of Christiansted Harbor.

Posted : February 13, 2016 10:00 pm
Posts: 2473
Famed Member

That would be a nice size boat for Buck Island. Local boaters go out on Sunday afternoon. Also would be great for fishing. Wahoo, Dolphin and Tuna are all available. Troll the weed lines or the drop off. Not very far offshore. Or if you want to get away from the crowds on STX try Great Pond Bay.

Previous thread on Boat Ramps.,247690

Also, We have a yacht club on STX. You could join and use their facilities or if you have affiliation with another yacht club you could get guest privileges. The yacht club is on the east end and has a boat ramp and tractor to help, also storage spaces and slips.
They also have a lot of youth activities, sailing school, etc.

Posted : February 14, 2016 12:06 am
Posts: 19
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Thanks for the info! We currently live on the North Carolina coast and I love to fish for Mahi all summer. My oldest son recently became a certified diver so I'm looking forward to diving and spear fishing with him too.

Posted : February 14, 2016 2:39 am
Posts: 2473
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Yacht Club Info.

Posted : February 14, 2016 5:45 am
Posts: 2552
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There is boats ramps in Salt River and Fredricksted

Posted : February 15, 2016 11:29 am
Posts: 3
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Posted : February 18, 2016 3:41 am
Posts: 546
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Several boat ramps mentioned don't charge any fees. Just launch and go.

Posted : February 18, 2016 11:13 am
Posts: 2439
Noble Member

Thanks for the info! We currently live on the North Carolina coast and I love to fish for Mahi all summer. My oldest son recently became a certified diver so I'm looking forward to diving and spear fishing with him too.

Let me know when you're ready, I'll go diving with you:-)

Although with that small a boat, you'll probably only be able to diving on North Side at the wall when the water is calmest, under 3' swells. West side is usually like glass, better for diving with small boat. Diving at Buck Island may be more doable, haven't done it yet.

Posted : February 19, 2016 12:39 am
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Buck Island is a National Park so you may need to check the rules as it pertains to fishing, spear fishing and the taking of any fish, whelks, conch, lobster, etc., from its waters. Usually a no no in park waters.

Posted : February 19, 2016 7:01 am
Posts: 2439
Noble Member

Yes, fishing or taking anything from within Buck Island park is absolutely prohibited, even fishing equipment is prohibited. And the park boundary is much larger than the island itself, 19K acres. Also, a permit is required for private boats. That's probably a good thing as there are only two scuba moorings and one of them may be in use by the Caribbean Sea Adventures. I think they are the only concessionaire that does Scuba.

Posted : February 20, 2016 1:02 am
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

Thanks for the info! We currently live on the North Carolina coast and I love to fish for Mahi all summer. My oldest son recently became a certified diver so I'm looking forward to diving and spear fishing with him too.

Please make sure you read all the rules and regs regarding ALL fishing in the VI. Its not a free for all - especially spear fishing and lobster taking. We already have too many people raping the waters as is.

Personally I wish they wouldn't spear fish on STX, or at least have a season to let things recover. The only place I've seen parrotfish here is buck island and a few at cane bay. Not more than 2-3 adults in 7 months of diving the west beaches but there are plenty in the back of pick up trucks and in the grocery store in plastic bags. This is not the same on STT which is loaded with these VERY important algaevores. Really really sad. Please don't get me started on Buck Island. I was there last week and I cant BELIEVE how dead it is. It was the first time in over 3 years that I was the first one out of the water and back onto the boat. I literally wanted to cry the entire time I was snorkeling. When I first visited buck 5 years ago it was much healthier.

Posted : February 26, 2016 5:19 am
Posts: 261
Reputable Member

Surprise surprise, more negative opinions on STX. Can you find anything positive to say about STX? With all due respect, I really wish you could try to be more positive about your time here. STX is not STT so stop comparing. Enjoy the positive things about STX and let it be what it is: a small isolated island in the Caribbean with a unique culture that often gets crumbs from the greater government of the VI.

For reef fish: I have seen many giant rainbow parrotfish (never seen that on STT and what a sight to behold!), giant Cubera Snappers, tons of huge Mutton Snappers, lots and lots of Yellowtails, schools of permit (never seen schools of permit on STT like I have seen on STX), huge schools of Horeseye Jacks, and much more.

For Pelagic: I have seen schools of Mahi, schools of Tuna, schools of Bonita, rainbow runners, and more all while being over the reef on the northshore.

STX is not surrounded by a giant reef system like STT. You have the protected waters of Anegada, BVI, STJ and all the other places that don't see a huge impact from fishing. On STX, the water gets deep very quickly in most places so there is only a fringe reef surrounding the island- besides Lang Bank. We also have limited mangrove lagoons for small fish habitats.

True, STX has been more heavily impacted by over fishing and it is sad. I have seen the coolers of the Scuba Tank fisherman and they are indiscriminate as to species and size. I think its changing as the younger generation is not as interested in pillaging the reefs. What we don't have on STX is much pot fishing. This is a huge problem on STT imo. Pot fishing is a very indiscriminate way to fish and I think in a controlled manner is acceptable but is much too prevalent on STT.

As to coral growth, I think people underestimate the speed at which coral can grow. I have seen first hand elkhorn coral growth in excess of 10" in 5 years time. There are many threats to the health of coral reefs as we all know. If we were to eliminate some of these threats, they could bounce back rather quickly. Of course there is the greater problem of the acidification of the ocean and increasing temperatures.

Anyways, just wanted to set the record straight that its not all doom and gloom. You can look at the glass half full or the glass half empty, your choice.

Posted : February 26, 2016 1:00 pm
Posts: 256
Reputable Member

Please don't get me started on Buck Island. I was there last week and I cant BELIEVE how dead it is. It was the first time in over 3 years

I have noticed this as well , I have seen a noticeable difference ( not for the positive ) in just the last 10 years . 🙁

Posted : February 26, 2016 2:43 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

Matt. nothing wrong with what AandA said about the fish. she is correct here

Posted : February 26, 2016 2:50 pm
Posts: 261
Reputable Member

Did you read my post speedy?

True, STX has been more heavily impacted by over fishing and it is sad. I have seen the coolers of the Scuba Tank fisherman and they are indiscriminate as to species and size. I think its changing as the younger generation is not as interested in pillaging the reefs.

I agree with her. But she tends to be very negative about STX which I don't understand because she/they made a choice to live here.

Posted : February 26, 2016 3:24 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

HAHAH good laugh, thanks. Matt you literally said the exact same thing I did just worded differently. I am a diver. I dive every weekend+ and I snorkel several days a week picking up bags and bags of trash from the Fsted beaches all the way down to sandy point. There are very few fish west at all and only very small juv parrots. WhenI dive the pier I have to be careful for all the fishing lines dangling down and I spend hours unwrapping the snagged line from those beautiful sponges and corals on the pillars. Its is FACT I see WAY less parrotfish here than in STT. I have in seen one rainbow under the pier which I only also saw one in STT in three years. They are rare - and my first thought was oh - he'll end up on a dinner plate. He was huge and beautiful and only the second one Ive ever seen... why do you think that is??? I am not suggesting we stop spearfishing or fishing in general. I love to eat fish - I do think there needs to be a season as its clear as day we are overfished. Even you agree with that.

I worked in the waters - STT STJ BVIs there every single day. I know how to gauge the health of fish and corals for that matter, based on my nearly 20 years experience keep and growing captive reef systems from 5 gallons to 700. Many species of corals were actually sent to be repopulated in the south pacific (and for mariculture facilities) donated to aquariums across the country from the club of nearly 200 people that I ran for 10 years. No offense dude - but I do know what I am talking about here and my post is not based on the fact that I like STT better than STX its based on what I have seen in 7 months with my own eyes.

In regards to STX - its getting a little better. The hatred for STT from the Crucians disgusts me, puts a bad taste in my mouth and unfortunately I have had to stop telling people I moved from STT. Being called a white B my first few weeks here didn't help - all for going the wrong way into the post office and just two weeks ago when I watched a WI shop owner tell a TOURIST to get off "our" island because he accidentally parked in one of those little driveways on king street... well yea Im not down with that. She then proceeded to open her store next to the new dive shop... its a SOUVENIR STORE! My jaw dropped. Those were I assume customer waiting for her to open. Seriously.

Thats not to say I haven't met some freaking awesome people here but sadly - I don't feel its as friendly anymore as it was 5 years ago when we first came here. Its a VERY different vibe. Blame Hovensa - thats fine but the bottom line is that is MY observation and you really have no business telling me I am wrong in my own observations. All of my friends here hate STT, I don't fault them for that. I think people are entitled to their opinion and I don't try to change them or get defensive if I disagree. I am allowed my opinions and my opinions are based on my experiences here. Lets also not forget WHY I am here - I am here so that STX could have a new store manager that knows how to run a store - doesn't steal - and at least attempts to have products in stock for YOU... the customers. We didn't just say oh hell lets try STX! We are on a contract and here to help make things better. He works his ass off and wants to make your experience in that store better despite all of the challenges that come with running a big box retail thats based in the states and the higher ups have absolutely no clue how it works here. I did not want to move here at all but (not that its any of your business) felt that it was the right thing to do for my fiancé as he moved 3000 miles to STT for me and he wanted the challenge of fixing the STX store. We are planning our exit back to STT possibly within the year. Hopefully he can set the STX store up for success and continue the upwards trend.

Posted : February 26, 2016 4:00 pm
Posts: 1798
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(tu) (to AandA's post)

Posted : February 26, 2016 4:15 pm
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

Another high jacked post by the ramblings of the miserable.

Posted : February 26, 2016 4:55 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

(td) ( singlefin's post)

If you divers want some spectacular diving, head to Cuba.
Pristine, abundant and amazing sea life.

Posted : February 26, 2016 5:17 pm
Posts: 84
Trusted Member

According to the posters on ScubaBoard - diving is quite good in St Croix.

The posters are mostly folks whose opinions I respect - we have been to the same locations and generally agree on our assessments.

Based upon reports by folks that have visited Cuba for diving - there is more myth than facts in regard to spectacular diving. Most of the island is fished out (that is how the folks there eat, like most islands) - you have to go to remote parts of the island for the pristine, abundant and amazing sea life.

Posted : February 26, 2016 5:42 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

lolz single. Not miserable but thanks for asking! 😀

I have friends going to Cuba in a couple months - I'm really interested as well - they say there is excellent shark diving, I'm in! Maybe after Portugal this year we might look Into it.

I also NEVER ONCE said the diving here isn't fantastic. Buck island is really badly beat up but I do think that the scuba diving in St. Croix is much better than St Thomas and even probably better than most of the BVI spots with the exception of the Indians the Rhône etc. etc.

I don't know anywhere in the Virgin Islands other than the Frederiksted pier where you can jump in and see five or six seahorses is just snorkeling right at the surface.

Posted : February 26, 2016 5:48 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Not so. My photojournalist friend, also a diver and sailor has been there and raves about it and I've seen the pics. Stupendous was more along the lines of what was related as were the pics with an amazing variety and abundance.

Posted : February 26, 2016 5:48 pm
Posts: 84
Trusted Member

lolz single. Not miserable but thanks for asking! 😀

I have friends going in a couple months - I'm really interested as well - they say there is excellent shark diving, I'm in! Maybe after Portugal this year we might look Into it.

Best shark diving in the Western Hemisphere is in the Bahamas or Galapagos (cold & currents). Turks & Caicos also has some good shark diving (saw sharks on every dive).

If you want to dive with Great Whites - South Africa (cold) or Australia

Posted : February 26, 2016 5:56 pm
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