reporting the stores at this point will not even do anything. the actual deadline is still months away from what i heard on the radio.
Indeed...the stores have the right to exhaust their bag inventory!
Yea I'll call parliament while I'm at it too. Get a grip. Stop deflecting. I'll focus my attention on the stores here using bags illegally and trying to get the "legal" plastic bags banned all together. Maybe it won't happen but at least I tried instead of bitching about it and doing nothing. There's already been a large step in the right direction and now we need people to speak up and put their money where their mouth is. We all know that big box just cares about the bottom line. Petitions show them it's not one person but many who they'd be loosing revenues on. That is the only voice they'll listen to. FWI - my biggest beef if with Kmart which I do believe is closing all their stateside stores. I feel like they blatantly skirted the law and I plan to make sure I get loud about it.
"I care about cancer more than plastic bags" Oh the irony! You do realize that the ocean creates over 70% of the oxygen that we BREATHE and plastic is one of the main pollutants to our ocean that is struggling to avoid total collapse. All of your important cancer research will be a moot point since we WONT BE HERE anymore if we keep trashing the planet. It's already in the food chain, being found in organisms as small as plankton. Of course it's also been found in larger animals who have a direct reaction on the actual phytoplankton that create the oxygen for us. I know it may be annoying to learn and read and ignorance really is bliss but if you fail to see how important it is to get AWAY from plastic (at least single serve for now) then you're part of the problem. There is nothing more important than trying to help the planet that sustains us. Im still flabbergasted... it's not a total life change we're talking about!! It's such a SMALL thing to do! Just try give a little bit of a sh*#. I'm sorry but attitudes like yours, blantantly not caring about the environment (and deflecting to the other problems in the world) is why I choose not to have kids. I have zero doubt that the planet will rectify itself with the overpopulation of humans and I don't want to have kids who will have to wear respirators or go through the next human wipe out. The fact that you say you practically don't care and even gloat about using a plastic bag and then put it in another larger one is pretty disgusting to me. You're entitled to your opinion and lack of caring/knowledge but I am also to mine. I just don't get how you can be so callous about it. PS - many plastics are highly carcenegenoc. Just for giggles tell me what number is on your plastic bags.... the number inside the little three arrows?
I am a tree hugger and I won't apologize for that. How anyone blatantly trashes the one thing that actually gives them life is just beyond me. And because I'm sure you'll deflect again to things that I don't do; I'm not perfect but I do as much as possible to minimize my footprint. Of course I still drive a car, use electricity and use fossil fules (which I loathe) but if there's any small things that I can do, like not using plastic friggin bags is a no brainer, I just do it! The fact people are acting like you'll die without the use of a bag is ABSURD.
Islandjoan - these are great. Compostable and made of plant based materials. Sustainable and will break down organically. We use them for our cat box, they work great. There's a lot of "biodegradable" bags out there that use EPI additives but sadly they don't work in our landfills here. It's all a lot of reading but certified compostable plastics are the only true "green" way to go.
I'm still looking for a good alternative to large trash bags but haven't found one yet - we use these and while they're completely recycled that doesn't help as much. My goal is to use a little and throw away as little as possible. We shoot for one large 13gallon trash bag a month. We usually make it that long. We really try very hard to use less and create less waste. It can be challenging but wow if everyone could at least TRY it would make a massive impact.
reporting the stores at this point will not even do anything. the actual deadline is still months away from what i heard on the radio.
No it went into effect officially April 1st. As of April 1st penalties will be assessed to anyone using them... well other than the law skirters.
They had from Jan - April to use the ones they had.
that was not what i heard on the radio. i can only go by what i heard.
reporting the stores at this point will not even do anything. the actual deadline is still months away from what i heard on the radio.
No it went into effect officially April 1st. As of April 1st penalties will be assessed to anyone using them... well other than the law skirters.
They had from Jan - April to use the ones they had.
(tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu)
Yea I'll call parliament while I'm at it too. Get a grip. Stop deflecting. I'll focus my attention on the stores here using bags illegally and trying to get the "legal" plastic bags banned all together. Maybe it won't happen but at least I tried instead of bitching about it and doing nothing. There's already been a large step in the right direction and now we need people to speak up and put their money where their mouth is. We all know that big box just cares about the bottom line. Petitions show them it's not one person but many who they'd be loosing revenues on. That is the only voice they'll listen to. FWI - my biggest beef if with Kmart which I do believe is closing all their stateside stores. I feel like they blatantly skirted the law and I plan to make sure I get loud about it.
"I care about cancer more than plastic bags" Oh the irony! You do realize that the ocean creates over 70% of the oxygen that we BREATHE and plastic is one of the main pollutants to our ocean that is struggling to avoid total collapse. All of your important cancer research will be a moot point since we WONT BE HERE anymore if we keep trashing the planet. It's already in the food chain, being found in organisms as small as plankton. Of course it's also been found in larger animals who have a direct reaction on the actual phytoplankton that create the oxygen for us. I know it may be annoying to learn and read and ignorance really is bliss but if you fail to see how important it is to get AWAY from plastic (at least single serve for now) then you're part of the problem. There is nothing more important than trying to help the planet that sustains us. Im still flabbergasted... it's not a total life change we're talking about!! It's such a SMALL thing to do! Just try give a little bit of a sh*#. I'm sorry but attitudes like yours, blantantly not caring about the environment (and deflecting to the other problems in the world) is why I choose not to have kids. I have zero doubt that the planet will rectify itself with the overpopulation of humans and I don't want to have kids who will have to wear respirators or go through the next human wipe out. The fact that you say you practically don't care and even gloat about using a plastic bag and then put it in another larger one is pretty disgusting to me. You're entitled to your opinion and lack of caring/knowledge but I am also to mine. I just don't get how you can be so callous about it. PS - many plastics are highly carcenegenoc. Just for giggles tell me what number is on your plastic bags.... the number inside the little three arrows?
I am a tree hugger and I won't apologize for that. How anyone blatantly trashes the one thing that actually gives them life is just beyond me. And because I'm sure you'll deflect again to things that I don't do; I'm not perfect but I do as much as possible to minimize my footprint. Of course I still drive a car, use electricity and use fossil fules (which I loathe) but if there's any small things that I can do, like not using plastic friggin bags is a no brainer, I just do it! The fact people are acting like you'll die without the use of a bag is ABSURD.
Islandjoan - these are great. Compostable and made of plant based materials. Sustainable and will break down organically. We use them for our cat box, they work great. There's a lot of "biodegradable" bags out there that use EPI additives but sadly they don't work in our landfills here. It's all a lot of reading but certified compostable plastics are the only true "green" way to go.
I'm still looking for a good alternative to large trash bags but haven't found one yet - we use these and while they're completely recycled that doesn't help as much. My goal is to use a little and throw away as little as possible. We shoot for one large 13gallon trash bag a month. We usually make it that long. We really try very hard to use less and create less waste. It can be challenging but wow if everyone could at least TRY it would make a massive impact.
A&A thanks for the link, you saved me the research in finding what to use when the grocery store supply runs out!
As for plastics in the ocean, as you know, sadly, it is way more than plastic bags. Here is a glimmer of hope on the horizon, not sure if you heard about this guy and the Ocean Cleanup Project
The%20Ocean%20Cleanup]Bright Vibes article about The Ocean Cleanup
Here is the Ocean Cleanup website:
The Ocean Cleanup
Also that is amazing that you are getting your trash down to one 13gallon trash bag a month! I do one a week, and one third of that is used cat litter!
Have you heard of No Impact Man? You probably have but google if you have not.
Wow...How dare you make the diagnosis and research of the terrible disease cancer not important because we aren't going to be here? You actually tell that to me, the caregiver, the patient, and all her friends and family. Not a good move.
You made your point. People suffering with terrible diseases aren't worth the research, because we aren't going to be here cause we are trashing the planet.
You tell that to the parent's of children suffering from leukemia or any other childhood disease. They'll punch you right in the throat.
Thanks for telling me and the rest of us on this forum about you and your hubby's reproductive plans.
One thing I am not is ignorant. I don't litter, throw bags in the ocean, clean up after myself and others.
I just have more important things to worry about right now. And it's not effing plastic bags.
The senators should have written a stronger law with fewer loopholes.
Right on, AandA2VI!
Everyone can do little things that can make a great impact.
But it takes each and every one of us to do those "little things."
BeachcomberSTT, I'm sorry that your family is going through the horrendous ordeal of dealing with cancer. I've lost many friends do to this dreadful disease.
That being said, we're all connected on this planet. When we continue to poison our waters, lands, air, destroy our environment, use toxic chemicals to grow our food, there are repercussions. We all have choices that are sometimes difficult to make because we don't want to make those changes but "little things" can help.
If you don't want to do it for yourself, consider your children and their children's children on down the line.
What planetary legacy are you going to leave them?
Whatever changes we need to make, need doing NOW!
I reread my post like 5 times and I didn't see where I said cancer research and treatment was not important... although I personally think there is a cure already but thats a whole different thread. I DID say that you are deflecting and I really hate faulty comparisons. You brought up something pretty irrelevant to plastic bags - now Im the bad guy? Whoa. Nice blame shifting. It's not that I don't feel bad for you, we can all agree that cancer sucks - BUT you are totally missing the point that cancer simply won't matter if were all dead. I also think you nee dot read the studies on the links between plastic and cancer. I cant believe I'm even still talking about this. IT'S BAGS. F. not like anyone is asking you to go off the grid. Good grief. I wont continue to argue because that is pointless. Keep using your plastic bags, clearly logic and facts don't appeal to you. And FWIW my aunt is in hospice - from cancer.
Thanks for the links IslandJoan - I actually am a Project Aware member. I collect and report the trash I find on dives. Thinking about getting a VI chapter together but I just don't know if I have that kind of time. I ran a marine coral grow / fish reef club in the states for like 8 years and not sure if I have the energy to start another one. It's a LOT of work... unpaid of course lol.
I've seen a woman that used like two handfuls of trash in I think a year but haven't see the guy, will check t out. Have you seen the entire town thats waste free? VERY COOL. Was on netflix not too long ago. Actually netflix has some REALLY great programs on plastic, pollution, the oceans and such. Blue Planet II is NOW OUT!
that was not what i heard on the radio. i can only go by what i heard.
reporting the stores at this point will not even do anything. the actual deadline is still months away from what i heard on the radio.
No it went into effect officially April 1st. As of April 1st penalties will be assessed to anyone using them... well other than the law skirters.
They had from Jan - April to use the ones they had.
Yea, no worries - I was just letting you know that info is false. Heres the link:
You can also report violations directly to VIWM on that site also.
TOTALLY agree with Vicanuk -I too am not real happy about the "exclusions". Needs to be 100% no plastic shopping bags. There are plenty of other options you can do other than use a plastic bags.
You can also report violations directly to VIWM on that site also.
hmm, not a fan of that route, I'm much more confident in my own abilities and don't need to call the costumed thugs in to do what I can do better.
Why not start a public shame program? Community shunning was the "tool of choice" to get individuals to act in a community approved way for eons. Now we all run to the guys with guns when we have problems with each other, a shame.
If you really cared about it you'd do something your self, not hand it off to "the boys in blue".
websites are easy to make, Meme's are powerful... DIY !!
Cigarette butts are bad for the ocean, too. Maybe the new sin tax will help with this.
No bags, No butts.
Lol LF I do not have a level head enough to argue with idiots at the store who don't care. I already got into it with Kings market guy a few days ago. Saying that I don't care because I report it? Come on dude you know me better than that.
The "discussion" with kings got pretty heated and he basically said he's too pressured by his customers to stop using them. He was DOUBLE BAGGING a gallon of water and I just lost it. Then after the "discussion" where I pulled up the VIWM website to show him the dates I walked outside and rolling down the street was a black plastic bag. Waked back in and put it on the counter - maybe he got the point then. I haven't been back in since to see if they're still using them.
To be honest the majority of islanders I talk to don't even care and are even angry about this ban. Look above at the responses, so no I personally think public shaming for plastic bags won't do a thing but hitting them with a $1k fine will. I can't self police this situation or any having to do with littering because I feel is freaking common sense and I have a really low stupidity tolerance. I wish I was more level headed like my fiancé but I am not.
I think in the end, most people will pay the 10 cents extra per bag and buy them.
A2A: All plastic bags are not banned, just the flimsy ones. It's going to be a long time before you get the majority of Virgin Islanders to stop using plastic bags and especially Styrofoam clam shells. LOL
Yes I'm aware of the law and it's unfortunate exclusions.
Also aware of the ridiculous amounts of styro and plastic bar cups and straws.
Gotta just eat that elephant one bite at a time.
I can't self police this situation or any having to do with littering because I feel is freaking common sense and I have a really low stupidity tolerance..
I understand your feeling here, but do you think imposing fines and going that route will actually help the situation or not?
If there is a lack of common sense, fine's are not the answer, the re-introduction of common sense would be the answer, would it not?
Why do we solve problems so assbackwards in the US? (oh yeah, we are trained imperialists... going against the will of the local population is just in our blood I guess).
How does a society go about re-introducing common sense?
How does a society go about re-introducing common sense?
I afraid we are a generation too late considering our US education system, especially, our universities and the crap they now put out.
I agree!
That is one factor, and then the other is the fact that a large portion of society now spends a good portion of their time spreading melee and gossip and misinformation on social media, and cannot tear themselves away from their devices. Social media has its place, and is really helping the animal community here, but the crap that some people clearly spend half their day with (judging by their constant stream of posts and reposts), is astounding.
How does a society go about re-introducing common sense?
I afraid we are a generation too late considering our US education system, especially, our universities and the crap they now put out.
No it went into effect officially April 1st. As of April 1st penalties will be assessed to anyone using them... well other than the law skirters.
They had from Jan - April to use the ones they had.
Plaza East still has 15 pallets of the old bags and will continue to use them until they're gone.
How does a society go about re-introducing common sense?
I afraid we are a generation too late considering our US education system, especially, our universities and the crap they now put out.
Common sense definition: sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.
Common sense has little if anything to do with formal education or "universities and the crap they put out now."
It's going to be a long time before you get the majority of Virgin Islanders to stop using plastic bags and especially Styrofoam clam shells. LOL
As long as the bags and clam shells are there they will be used. Hence the bag ban. The Styrofoam clam shells can be replaced with alternatives, coated boxes for example. There was takeout and doggy bags before Styrofoam after all. We're probably a ways away from bring your own container for takeout though.
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