Personal Protection
We are considering moving there and another concern we had regards personal protection. Living on the mainland (Ohio) police cannot be everywhere, and usually aren't if/when they are needed, so we have conceal carry laws for those who choose to carry a handgun for protection. Do such laws exist there as well?
I read the forum pertaining to crime, and I agree that it all comes down to common sense and being aware of your surroundings. However, sometimes crime can find you regardless of precautions, so I believe people should have the right to protect themselves, especially when they believe their lives, or the lives of their families, are threatened.
Are there gun clubs or shooting ranges on the islands?
if you go back to the thread on crime, you will find your answer
Having a gun is ONLY one part of a complicated answer. You said it right. You need to be aware of your environment. Good lucks, dogs , sirens, locked yards, locked building, cars moving in and out, don't flash money and on and on.
You need to do ALL of these things. And guess what? Shit happens!

I don't go to bars in St. Croix at night. I didn't in Europe. Nor in Minnesota.
Personal protection starts with personal awareness and avoiding risky situations.
Forget the gun.
My mind went somewhere else when I read this title :@)

Yes , you can get a permit, and yes there is a shooting range on STX.
There is an outdoor range which is part of the St Croix marksmanship assoc, and an indoor, D&J. You can get a home license but for a concealed carry if it's for a business owner who can demonstrate the need, or law enforcement. The weapon, to be shipped now, has to go from one FFL dealer to the next.
LOL!!!!!!! I didn't think about that one 😀
It would mainly be for home use, but having the means to defend myself away from the home when sh** happens is important to me as well. You're right, regardless of how careful we are things can still happen. I am not one to frequent the bars or night life, but I would like to be able to enjoy night walks on the beach with my wife on occasions and things along that line. I don't want to feel that I have to be in by dark before the "boogie-man" comes out. I am all about common sense and prevention, trust me, but I don't want to feel that I have to be on house arrest. I will read more from the "crime" thread and see what else I can find out. Thanks again for the info!
Ok, I read the "crime" thread and I am not seeing anything pertaining to my question? I read a few debating past crimes involving police, FBI, and it ended up becoming a constant going back and forth about who's to blame or is part of the problem, etc. But that's ok! I will continue my research because I have time. Thanks again just the same!
There are strict laws concerning the importation of weapons onto the islands and the ability to get a concealed carry permit. You should probably call the gun club to get accurate information. D&J Shooting Gallery 340-713-9058
My mind went there too Eric.
There you go>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
454. Persons who may be licensed to carry firearms
A firearm may be lawfully had, possessed, borne, transported or carried in the Virgin Islands by the following persons, provided a license for such purpose has been issued by the Commissioner in accordance with the provisions of this chapter:
(1) An officer or employee of the Government of the Virgin Islands in cases where such license, in the judgment of the Commissioner, should be issued to such officer or employee by reason of the duties of his position;
(2) An agent, messenger or other employee of a common carrier, bank or business firm, whose duties require him to protect money, valuables or other property in the discharge of his duties; And provided, That the employer of such person shall have justified to the satisfaction of the Commissioner the need for the issuance of the license;
(3) A person having a bona fide residence or place of business within the Virgin Islands, who established to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that he has good reason to fear death or great injury to his person or property, or who establishes any other proper reason for carrying a firearm, and the circumstances of the case, established by affidavit of the applicant and of at least two credible persons, demonstrate the need for such license;
(4) A person licensed to and actively engaged in the business of manufacturing, repairing or dealing in firearms in the Virgin Islands, or the agents or representatives of any such person, having necessity to handle or use firearms in the usual or ordinary course of business;
(5) With respect to a rifle or a shotgun a person possessing a valid and current Virgin Islands hunting license.
—Amended July 11, 1968, No. 2279, § 1, Sess. L. 1968, Pt. II, p. 209.
§ 453. Persons who may lawfully carry firearms
(a) The following persons, in the discharge of their official duties, and in accordance with and subject to the conditions and restrictions imposed by the laws and regulations applicable to their conduct, may lawfully have, possess, bear, transport and carry firearms in the Virgin Islands:
(1) Members of the Armed Forces of the United States or of the organized reserves.
(2) Officers and employees of the United States duly authorized by Federal law to carry firearms.
(3) Persons employed in fulfilling defense contracts with the United States Government or agencies thereof where possession or use of firearms is necessary under the provisions of such contracts.
(4) Members of the police force of the Virgin Islands, marshals, or other duly authorized peace officers.
(5) Penitentiary and jail wardens and guards.
(b) The persons authorized by subsection (a) of this section lawfully to have, possess, bear, transport and carry firearms shall obtain such weapons and ammunition therefor only through the duly authorized officers or heads of their respective services or departments.
—Amended July 11, 1968, No. 2279, § 1, Sess. L. 1968, Pt. II, p. 209.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/24/2010 09:05AM by Bombi.
Great, thanks!
Our jobs (my wife & I) would be in health care and we have a small child. I would also like to continue with my photography business on the side that I had started in 2000, so I would have my own business as well (hopefully). Not sure that would qualify, but...?
Based on what I have gathered from the forums, the law enforcement agency doesn't sound like they are very dependable there, but that's pretty much the case no matter where you live. Police cannot be every where, and usually are not when they are needed until after the fact. Therefore, I am a firm believer that all law abiding citizens have the right to protect themselves against those who do not abide by the laws. Here in Ohio, as have many other states across America, we fought to be able to have those rights for conceal carry, and it works! Crime has dropped, and there has not been any misconduct involving those who have a license for conceal carry. The only known cases of handgun violence around here (not including criminals) have also involved police officers. So if crime and law enforcement is anything like it has been described in these threads then maybe the gun clubs there should involve the NRA and pro-gun officials to try and get a bill started and passed to have conceal carry be legalized there. It has proved positive in the mainland states. I would have a problem sacrificing my rights to be able to protect myself and my family by laws preventing me from doing so, because as stated previously, the police simply cannot.
I am curious about hunting that was mentioned there in VI? What game animals are there on the islands that can be hunted? I love to hunt and have been a hunter and involved with firearms at a very early age, so gun ranges and hunting would be a plus for me.
Thanks for the contact information for the gun club!
There is no hunting on STX.
Edited to add: Have you been to the USVI? I strongly suggest you plan a 2-3 week visit. You need to be sure that our reality meets your needs.

There are quite a few White tailed deer here, which surprises a lot of people. Hunting is currently not permitted, at least on STX.
If you are interested in USVI wildlife and habitats, here are two websites with some interesting information:
Guns + hunting + photography = Pictures of dead CHICKENS, GOATS, DONKEYS
There is no hunting on STX.
Edited to add: Have you been to the USVI? I strongly suggest you plan a 2-3 week visit. You need to be sure that our reality meets your needs.
Ok, thanks for the info. I was only going by what someone had said in a forum? Yes, we of course will be visiting. Just wanting to use this time to gather as much info as I can. I have no problem trading fishing in for hunting as long as everything else pans out for us.
Guns + hunting + photography = Pictures of dead CHICKENS, GOATS, DONKEYS
There are quite a few White tailed deer here, which surprises a lot of people. Hunting is currently not permitted, at least on STX.
If you are interested in USVI wildlife and habitats, here are two websites with some interesting information:
Thanks again for the info. I can always shoot wildlife with my camera, no problem.
I think you may need an underwater camera to snap some of the best local wildlife.
I think you may need an underwater camera to snap some of the best local wildlife.
ABSOLUTELY!!!! Not a problem there!!! 🙂
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