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Parking Restrictions Near Rainbow Beach, STX

Posts: 2138
Noble Member
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Yikes! This is a very popular beach. Unlike VIPD, I don't "anticipates the cooperation of the public."

"Parking Restrictions Near Rainbow Beach in Frederiksted

By Source Staff — July 27, 2012

Police on St. Croix are advising beachgoers and the general public that beginning Sunday, parking restrictions will be enforced on Route 63 near Rhythms at Rainbow Beach in Frederiksted, the Police Department indicated in a press release issued Friday.

The parking restrictions will be in place between 9 a.m. and midnight. They are necessary to ensure the safety of visitors and residents living in the area. The specific area affected is from the beginning of Estate Prosperity and extended to Plot Number 3 Estate Williams. Vehicles parked on the sides of the road in this area will be towed at the owners’ expense.

Police said the affected area experiences extreme congestion on the weekend, especially on Sunday as hundreds of vehicles access the area to enjoy beach activities. However, the number of vehicles parked on both sides of the road hampers accessibility and can be hazardous to pedestrians and the event of emergency. The Police Department, the Public Works Department and the Planning and Natural Resources Department continue to work with businesses in the area to identify nearby safe parking alternatives.

Beachgoers at all beaches on St. Croix are reminded that their vehicles must be parked completely off the road so the road remains clear. These restrictions are for the safety of all residents and visitors.

The Police Department regrets any inconvenience these changes may cause but anticipates the cooperation of the public in this safety matter."

Posted : July 28, 2012 12:31 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Well I suppose if the public doesn't cooperate, vehicles will be towed!

Posted : July 28, 2012 12:39 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

These fascists should find us alternate parking areas first. I'm sure that Rhythm's is going to love the loss of business. Nice going VIPD, trying to squash the best thing going on in St Croix on Sundays.

Posted : July 28, 2012 12:45 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

These fascists should find us alternate parking areas first. I'm sure that Rhythm's is going to love the loss of business. Nice going VIPD, trying to squash the best thing going on in St Croix on Sundays.

Oh please. Safety issues should simply not be addressed? If a major accident happened there because of the congestion or an emergency vehicle couldn't get through likewise and someone died or their home burned down the outcry would be furious and people such as yourself would be indignantly bellowing that something should have been done a long time ago. The article clearly says, "The Police Department, the Public Works Department and the Planning and Natural Resources Department continue to work with businesses in the area to identify nearby safe parking alternatives."

Posted : July 28, 2012 12:50 pm
Posts: 138
Estimable Member

I am in the process of moving out of this neighborhood as swiftly as possible since "the best thing going on St Croix on Sundays" has cost me two car windows, holes drilled in my gas tank three times, a few thousand dollars between stolen goods and repairs, and major inconvenience and loss of work while dealing with repairs and police, etc. I am glad that Rainbow is doing good business considering the economic times, but personally I can no longer afford the incidentals that come along with their success. The police are making the right move- anyone who has been through there can tell you that the parking situation on weekends does need to be addressed. Not every car needs to be towed, but there is inevitably one or two that create a bottleneck and block traffic flow.

Posted : July 28, 2012 2:33 pm
Posts: 195
Estimable Member

For what it's worth, Rhythms will start charging $5.00 to park in their lot. For that $5.00 you get to park and a free drink. OK by me if they own the land. But some people won't be happy.

Posted : July 28, 2012 3:04 pm
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

well, lets not forget all the congestion at cane bay. that is as dangerous.

Posted : July 29, 2012 11:00 am
Posts: 3919
Famed Member

Yes, it is. I think the difference is the activity at Rainbow on Sunday only. It is a very large concentration of people. I've never seen it quite as bad at Cane Bay. Plus, the cars seemed to come around that curve just north of Rainbow a lot faster that at Cane Bay.

Posted : July 29, 2012 12:00 pm
Posts: 129
Estimable Member

While I sympathize with nohstx and feel for their plight, we also live in that general area..

Anyone have any idea regarding the amount of restaurant and bar closing on the West End of STX? Let's run through some of the names of our dearly departed attaractions- Mahogony Grill, Le St Tropez, Bernies, Motown... not to mention all of the misc shops and small boutiques (Alliance and the others).

There is a medium size parking lot across from Rhythyms- I would estimate that it holds about 50 or 60 vehicles. And yes, the frontage road is severely congested. However, I don't think that towing people's vehicles is the way to go- grant an alternative first, of course there should always be a right of way for emergency vehicles- but the proverbial "hitting the fly with a ball pein hammer" should be the exception, not the rule.

Get the people to park off the road- there are many land owners with ample space for parking in vacant fields clsoe by, obtain the permits, clear the lot and charge a SMALL amount for parking...

DO NOT hamper the one good beach venue the West End of STX has left- will be just one more name added to list of financial ruin...

Posted : July 30, 2012 1:38 am
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