Sure would like to know who bought it? Maybe I could find a new the land of sunshine and warmth...
From RWM's face book page
Roger W. Morgan Joining the ranks of the unemployed is a humbling experience. I was caught off guard by the decision to discontinue "Free Speech". It has been so much a part of my life -- every week for more than 6 years. I felt the changes coming, but losing touch with all of you without discussing it on the air was the toughest part. Our love to each of you.
i never listened to the program. to much hot air time..... he was a "fake". starting with rock and roll rewind or what ever it was.
Free Speech wasn't much different than this message board:
- People discussed whatever they wanted
- The conversations were dominated by a handful of people, but not to the detriment of the show
- Anybody who didn't want to talk or listen, didn't
I'll miss Roger's show.
@DixieChick, I too never listened to his show after the first year, but I would suggest that he was not so much a "fake" as a personality...under the showmanship there is, or seems to be, a genuine good-natured person. Over the years I worked alongside "celebrities" with far less character.
All good or bad things eventually end. He did warned the audience of the demise of Free Speech. There are many other talk programs, but I will miss Roger's Free Speech.
Whether you agreed or disagreed with RWM's point of view you have to admit he did some good things for the islands such as participation in charitable organizations and the much needed attempt at cleaning up the island of litter. I was a fan of the show even though it seem as if the same people called all the time. I used to get a laugh out of the one caller who found it necessary to give the full name and title of whomever he was talking about, I think his first name was Wayne. For me the only good thing about the show no longer being on the air is at least we don't have to hear from that arrogant lady from Vermont.
Maybe the can give the time slot to Steve Nisky.
Maybe the can give the time slot to Steve Nisky.
sorry....maybe the term "fake" was not right....but i know somethings he has pulled. when he first arrived. but never mind. hey this is freedom of speech right???
@ DC, I totally agree; and i don't mean to absolve him of his various shenanigans, nor do I suggest you or anyone else should. I'm just sayin,' as with everyone else, there's good with the bad.
totally agree rks.
I just wonder how many of us would be willing to go public and admit our business had failed, we were broke and unemployed. I really do think that Roger loved STX and to leave must have hurt particularly since he came here because it was the dying of one of his children wish to come to STX?
I agree with you Jim Dandy.
I read the statements from people that RWM had previously been involved with shenanigans, well what is your proof. If you are going to attack someone's character present some evidence to prove your accusations.
Steve Nisky isn't that bad, a little to mellow. I would not mind him having the morning (or better yet evening) slot as long as he doesn't have that poetry lady on everyday (maybe once a month or season would be ok).
Who bought the station?
I was partly teasing (but only partly) about Steve. I've known him for nearly 20 years.
Would LOVE to know who bought the station. Heard a rumor (actual cash value: $0.00) that it may have been Mosler to provide himself with an election vehicle. That one sent a shiver up my spine.
I think his program shed light on a lot of shady doings here in the VI and currently nothing will fill that void. Without him paradise radio is a non-entity and there will be no reason to listen to it, ever.
So this is the story in the Source today:
Thx Ronnie!
Ronnie--good article in the Source; everyone should take a moment and read it to get the facts of this situation.

Ditto. Good read.
I am curious, so what are people listening to on the radio now that Free Speech is off. I tried listening to Topp Talk but it was like watching candle wax melt. - Awful
Actually, due to radio frustrations, I got a data phone and stream NPR and stateside stations. Works surprisingly well.
I usually listen to NPR.
What has happened to his "Roger W Morgan Foundation"; among other things, he collected money for a little girl a few years ago that was never used.
I believe it was several thousand dollars.
What has happened to his "Roger W Morgan Foundation"; among other things, he collected money for a little girl a few years ago that was never used.
I believe it was several thousand dollars.
I've wondered about that, too.
i think he collected money for alot of charties. should be checked out.
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