Our stolen car
Green Honda CRV, 4-door, stx plate CEF-037, with Smith College decal on back window. Big yellow streak on driverside door.The cops said cars get stolen, hidden for a while, used in a crime and then burnt. A pretty sad end.
Hondas will be stripped before they are torched. There are several spots I'm familiar with here on the west end where cars are hidden in the brush and covered with palm fronds. I report them to the police but months after I report them they are still there - usually stripped and torched by that time. A couple of those spots just SCREAM that you shouldn't be there but I'll venture into a few of them for ya this afternoon if I have a chance, pt. Sorry ya lost your car.
Sorry pt - no luck. I checked out 3 of 4 spots closest to my house. I wasn't feeling ballsy enough to check out the 4th spot. I see that 4 cars, or rather what was left of them, have been hauled away. 2 of them hadn't been torched when I called them in. All that remains where they were is scrap metal and scorched earth. There's a new one back there now - some sort of dark blue pickup. It's been stripped and flipped over but it hasn't been torched yet.
PT, Sorry for your loss.
Aussie, I would love to see a picture of that dark-blue pickup to satisfy my curiosity. The crime-fighter in me would like to join you on a trip into the 4th spot (for safety). Oh, by the way, I can put a hidden cut-off switch on a Wrangler in 30 min. A Honda car takes me 45 min. Everyone should do it since the procedure is not complicated. -Brian (STX)
I'll send ya a PM Brian. I'm interested in a cut-off switch for my truck.
The blue truck is half hidden in the brush. I'd have to walk around to get photos of it. I can direct ya right to it though. In fact, I'll post all the spots a little later today. That 4th spot is now blocked off thankfully although a 4WD can probably still get in there. There are torched cars, dumped items, and government computers at the 4th spot.
Thanks, guys! A cut-off switch is a good idea plus using the club (laying on the floor, unused, of course). Aussie, you went above and beyond and I appreciate it, thank you.
Sorry to hear about your car, PT... but it's nice to see this board once again coming together to help each other. I'll keep an eye out for your car.
No problem, pt. I was hoping to score one for the good guys but, alas, not today...
I'll post the locations of the hidey-holes that I know about when I have a chance. The places I checked today are all on the south shore near the west end.
Hi PT,
So sorry to hear about your car. Where was it stolen from?
When we had both of our cars stolen we search the whole island for them. During our search we found a brand new SUV that had recently been stolen back in the bush and found the owner of that vehicle before it was totally stripped. You wouldn't believe how many cars we found either stripped or burned.
Our pick up truck was found being used in another robbery attempt, so we did get that back, although beaten to hell. My car was found about a month later in the bush out West close to the Whim area. It was stripped. The cops had it towed without telling us then the tow company called us to come get it out. They wanted $350 for the tow. What was I supposed to do with it, the whole front end of the car was gone. We had a friend who could use the seats and doors, so he went and got it out of the tow yard.
I think the tow company's make out on this kinda of stuff. You gotta wonder if they are connected in some way. I told the tow company why didn't they just leave it to rust in the bush with the others. Supposedly it was so far in the bush that it took them awhile to get it out. How did they know where it was?
I have heard of people getting there cars back so hang in there.
We will keep our eyes open for your car.
We now use clubs on our cars.
Green Honda CRV, 4-door, stx plate CEF-037, with Smith College decal on back window. Big yellow streak on driverside door.The cops said cars get stolen, hidden for a while, used in a crime and then burnt. A pretty sad end.
What year was your CRV?
Did you leave the keys in it?
I'm under the impression that most recent model cars have anti-theft chips built into the car's computer and into the key.
I was told that Honda's are the ones that are stolen the most.
We now use clubs on our cars.
Anything you do to make it a little tougher to steal your car helps. That said, the club that locks onto your steering wheel can be defeated in less than a minute though. Take a peek on youtube. All they have to do is cut the steering wheel and off comes the club.
I heard a state-side radio report that the thieves just drag the whole vehicle onto a flatbed tow truck, making the security chip ignition key irrelevant.
The car was 11 years old and stolen from a condo in La Grande Princesse. The keys weren't in it.
Thanks for the help and concern!
When I lived in STX the cars that were stolen the most were VW bugs. Some guys would ask to buy it Word was if you did not want to sell it they'd find a way to steal it so it was good to let them buy it.
That was way back in 1981.
The police found our car this past Tuesday morning, a week after it was stolen. It was found in the Great Pond area missing the engine, steering wheel, steering column, the radio and associated wiring... and two umbrellas. You must keep yourself dry if you're going to be out stealing cars! Music CD's and 2 beach chairs were left untouched.
What was the most upsetting was the seats. These older CRV's had adjustments the new ones don't so better for people with back problems. Maybe they can be adapted to fit a new CRV? What hurt the most initially was the image of our dear car being ravaged and burnt and I'm grateful the thieves just went about their business, took what they wanted and left the rest undisturbed.
Thank you all for your concern and encouragement.
i guess they didn't like your musical taste. I am sorry about your car.
I've birdwatched in the salt marsh at Great Pond . Where exactly was your car found in there?
Thanks for your concern. I don't know exactly where it was found. I wasn't there but understand the police were interested in other aspects of the crime and wouldn't elaborate.
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