O'Reiley plugs the Buccaneer
Fabulous Tourist Plug for St. Croix!
"Free" advertising?? Anyone know if O'Reilly paid for his room? I don't care one way or the other, just saying....All that footage, I doubt very seriously it was free. Good for the Buccaneer and/or whomever was involved in making it happen.
I would be surprised and disappointed if he didn't pay full rate at the Buc. He grew up in a blue collar home and worked all his life. He knows that people deserve what they earn. Perhaps he was so impressed with the staff and facility that he did it out of generosity. That's what a caring person would do.
Bill contributes millions each year to our military veterans for wonderful causes. I do not care what political color or what color you are......this man is a true patriot in my book! God bless this AMERICAN citizen and STX! HAPPY T'DAY TO ALL!!
"Free" advertising?? Anyone know if O'Reilly paid for his room? I don't care one way or the other, just saying....All that footage, I doubt very seriously it was free. Good for the Buccaneer and/or whomever was involved in making it happen.
I'd be interested to know about this as well.
I think we can all agree though that this was good publicity nontheless.
I'm happy to see or hear any good reports about the VI in the media. 🙂
I'd rather not have the kind of people that watch him here in St. Criox.
Really? Glad I don't know you, and hope I don't run into you while we're enjoying our third trip to the Buccaneer in the past four years. Your attitude is one of the reasons that liberalism is on a fast decline on the mainland, and Democrats are being reduced to a whiney small insignificant minority.
By the way, more people watch Fox than all of those "other" cable channels combined, and by a significant margin. I hope that we don't ruin your holidays by announcing that we will be here, and yes, we enjoy watching "him" along with everything else on Fox.
I'm sorry but I would want to live in a society where equality, diversity, and civil liberties for all are fostered and supported.
Unlike the agenda that the republican party pushes by using fear to the masses. An agenda pushed by Billand the FOX network.
Just today, senate republican killed a bill that would solidify equal pay for women.
Just because it is the majority doesn't make it right. Our constitution is there to protect the minorty. If we always went with the masses, as you're saying that the masses watch FOX, then African Americans would still not be able to vote, as with women, schools would be segregated, etc.
This forum is not the appropriate place for political debate, and im not looking to sway anyones opinion here, but yes. I would rather not be surrounded by those who buy into the fear and will not change their bigot views despite the clear inequality around them. It's those "liberals" that are tired of the status quo and want change for the better, despite the obstacles that need to be overcomed along te way.
There should not be tolerance for intolerance.
This forum is not the appropriate place for political debate . . . .
Then why did you start all this?
Whether you don't like liberals or conservatives, you gotta like their money. 🙂 So O'Reiley's visit and comments are positive press. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity come on down! Bill Mahr and Rachel Maddow come on down!
The Buccaneer is a great hotel but did you really need a hypocrite like B o Reilly to convince you of that.
I think everyone hear knows the Buc is a great hotel it's more for the millions that watch his show that never heard of it or even St. Croix. Justin
Turning a good, free positive plug for the VI to a negative political argument...
Dems still pissed about Nov 2nd?
Get over it!
Thanks for the plug Fox, but O'Reilly is a PINHEAD!
I don't dislike O'Reilly because he is a Republican or conservative. I dislike him because he is a bully who will not debate issues. He instead bullies his guests. I cannot understand why an intelligent person would even appear on the Factor. If Bill doesn't agree with someone and they are winning the debate he calls them names and cuts them off. His show, his rules even though he is frequently wrong.
Check out this clip. The good part starts at 1:40 seconds into the video. Typical O'Reilly.
Well said Rotor, my dislike for Bill O'Reilly has nothing to do with politics and everything about not liking people who consistently act like a jacka$$. I think the post you sent Rotor actually showed him at one of his more tolerant moments, probably because he was dealing with a high schooler. His treatment of Jenna Jameson was absolutley despicable and after that I'm not sure why anyone would go on his show.
I love this old blow up video, as someone who worked in the TV biz I've seen (and even been the target of) a lot of these blowups often from good guys under stress so I'll admit that it's a little "O'Reillyesque" of me to post it but I will anyway 🙂
After living abroad for a number of years, I recall coming home and being shocked at the extremist radio broadcasts. Then came extremists on cable television. I wondered what had happened to civil discourse in America.
I'm happy to be living here in the Virgin Islands and being somewhat insulated from the extremism that has infected the states.
On this Thanksgiving Day, I'm thankful for the beauty of this Territory and its friendly people. 🙂
I'm not a o'reiley fan at all but as human beings we are all hypocrites. Glad he promoted stx! I never would have know because as I said I'm not a fan at all, glad to hear he donates to the troops as well. I don't think this should be a political agenda, a good thing happened, we should be happy.
He showed nice pictures and said/spelled our name correctly. A plus in my book!!
It's Bush's fault!!!
Ya wanna know what? There is no conspiracy. What is happening is a concerted effort by people who are just simply greedy.
Oh it's all fun and games when we squabble amongst ourselves about who should "run the show" but the reality is that they set us against ourselves, give us a mini "revolution" through voting every two/four years, and then laugh all the way to the bank.
Look at the UN. It is a gathering of leaders of nations. What does the US do? We spy on them. Who did this? Bush? No. Clinton, and not quite the one you think. Obama nominated Secretary Clinton? Yeah. In 2009:
So much for "Hope and Change" eh?
/chagrined to have voted for Obama
Good question. My point is that we are all on the same side, and people like O'Reiley and Olbermann are playing us. Obama's administration is following closely in G. W. Bush's footsteps. Nothing has changed.
Tis the season......
Good question. My point is that we are all on the same side, and people like O'Reiley and Olbermann are playing us. Obama's administration is following closely in G. W. Bush's footsteps. Nothing has changed.
And why should it be different?
The same party has controlled the house & senate since Jan 2007(when unemployment was 4.6%).
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