On recent trip to STX
A word of caution : we rented from Budget at the airport and I didn't notice the external antenna for our Yaris was missing - who knew it even has one?- it screws into a thing on the roof. Budget claimed I was responsible for it's loss. They go by what the make-ready crew's pre-rental inventory says - the fact that the lady at the rental desk had even looked over our car for another matter - how to open the trunk - didn't count. They handled my complaint professionally and were nice but I still have to pay - one of those antennas is $63 retail from Toyota on STX. I noticed, however, they only charged me $36 on the final rental bill. Rental insurance? Didn't get any, as usual, but in future I think it's worth it. We have rented from Budget many times but they still wouldn't forgive us...that's business, I guess. Yaris, by the way, is a good choice for 3 people. The trunk, such as it is, will hold one big suitcase. It drives nice and is not as low to the ground as the Aerio's we were used to getting.
Otherwise, great trip. Elizabeth's at Hibiscus Hotel has a nice $20 3-course dinner deal. Portions were adequate, atmosphere and service good.
Visited both forts. The one in F'sted comes complete - sorry, I gotta say this - with its own unofficial pain- in- the- butt greeter guy who corrected me quite haughtily when I said "Good morning" rather than "Good afternoon". Later I saw the same dude cavorting with his buddies - or were they just tolerating him, as one would a too-friendly doggy? - in town. "Good afternoon" my butt, you little...!
Christiansvaern was a different story. I was after a Danish translation of the self-guided tour sheet they hand out and had a long conversation with the Parks guide. Didn't take the tour, as had gone through before once. His feeling was the tour ships are a mixed blessing. The lady who oversees things at Fort Frederick said as much also. Both places were worth the entry fee and I liked the historical display on slave trade and life at Frederick.
Most of all we liked the warmth and sunshine. The morning traffic going into C'sted at 5-corners has increased, I notice. The bad economy I think has had an effect in a way I can't explain - maybe just the awareness of it puts a damper on people and they know more of us a hurting than ever before... Had a fight with my wife at the Bombay club because she objected to the noise some fellow-dinners were making - the room echoes - but I soon shut up and let things take their course. And the other customers actually got the point, too. Maybe they just needed a drink or two and STX can be an exciting place.
Did you mean to post this on the Vacation Board??? I don't understand why you posted this. You're talking about a vacation.
Dear Betty,
Yeah! Why did I post it on this forum instead of the other one? God, I don't know...I can't imagine why...I need help, lots of help! Can you help me Betty ? I know you can - you must! I know hundreds of people in the past have posted the very same type of comments on this very forum...this very forum, Betty!, here, right here! Yet, in my profound blindness I have followed their unprofitable example.
But this is the season of renewal - of new life. I know with your help I can change my ways. I will post on the correct message board - I can, I shall, I must!
The Easter Bunny may have been unkind to some of us. The Easter Bunny may have - perhaps inadvertently - deposited a rotten egg in some of our baskets this morning. I know this, I am aware of this - but we must persevere despite the setbacks that Life - and the Easter Bunny - casts in our path. And I know that you, Betty, of all the kind and compassionate ones on this forum, will understand, will forgive, will gently guide. And you, certainly, above all others, would not chastise me for saying "Good morning" when any other fool could plainly see it was afternoon!
Your disciple on the path to posting correctness, PT
pt, I could say I am ROTGLMAO and I am but I also peed myself laughing. Best laugh I have had in a long time. Thank you. Happy Easter. Oh lord, my stomach hurts. No offense Betty. Happy Easter to you as well.
I'm with Betty, in the wrong forum, and if I don't mind myself saying so, rather an ODD post too.

I'm with Tami, I laughed MAO when I read pt's response to Betty. Great sense of humor. I don't care where he posts, it takes very little time to skip over posts that don't interest me.

To Betty: In the immortal words of Lt. Hulka in "Stripes," "Lighten up, Francis."
Sheesh. The guy wanted to post his experience on STX. WTF?

As to the substance...
At the start of my PMV, I rented a Yaris from Budget at STT. I took all the insurance. It cost a bit more, but I wanted to avoid any hassle.
When I finally make the move later this year, I'll be looking for a Yaris or Fit. According to Consumer Report, Fit is tops.
And our Easter (Georgian Orthodox) is coming up this Sunday, 19 April. Happy Easter(s) to all!
sorry about your experience at budget. im going north in june and booked a rental car and actually got the insurance this time. after reading your post im glad i did . the bombay is usually where we take all incoming visitors for dinner on the day of arrival. sometimes it does get loud but cant live without the prime rib baguette. hope you come back soon.
Despite the catty remarks (meow) I stand by what I said, this sounds completely like a vacation. If I'm wrong I'm happy to admit it. Never even stated anything about a pmv. All the activties were tourist related. Glad you had fun on our island.
And I have to agree with Neil it seem'd a little odd, not saying they're a troll like that lifestyles thread but odd. But you know the island saying.....chances are the goods are odd....so it'll probably all work out.
Yes it sounded like a vacation. Many people start with a vacation, then a PVM, then some move there full or part time.
However it does pertain to other people who read this board who might come for a PMV when it comes to being careful about renting a car.
Lighten up on him!
I am not sure if the original post belongs here or not, but the response by PT to Betty certainly doesn't. It neither made me feel a need to pee myself or LMAO.
I found it very condescending and immature. Maybe it's where I grew up but I have never found condescending remarks funny, but rather a pathetic attempt to be funny.
Betty always gives good advice. I may not always agree, but it always seems genuine.
Uttica, I must agree with you that Betty is genuine and gives good advice. I enjoy teasing her and hopefully she doesn't take me serious. I pee myself because I am a 50 year old menopausal old fart that is easily amused. Now I will torture you with a JJ riddle. Why did the gum cross the road? Because it was stuck to the chicken. Well I better get my depends because that cracks me up every time he tells me the riddle. While I am at it I will tell you another. The other day I said something stupid and JJ told me that my cheese was slipping off my cracker. Hubby almost had to give me CPR after that one. Good night everyone. I have to go to bed now before I laugh myself to death.

Dear Friends of the Virgin Islands,
One of the reasons I am relocating to VI is the friendliness of the people. Some people considering the move might wonder at the tone of messages in this forum. I take it all in stride and put it in perspective.
The only other forum I visit is called "Megobrebs," Georgian for "Friends." Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, and others of the 15 former Soviet republics are going through difficult transitions. It's no surprise that emotions get intense or that passions are expressed in the forum.
The Megobrebs moderator just sent this message, that could also apply to our VI relocation forum:
"Let's keep this and other discussions in the spirit of our name and veer towards civil and respectful.
"Our community is rich with diverse, not necessarily like minded people and we want everyone to engage. One thing we all share is an interest and passion for Georgia. Let's continue to focus that passion on the substance, not the interlocutors."
Well I gotta tell you. I spent time in Alabama which borders Georgia to the west and nobody in that Georgia uses words like "interlocutors"!!

Different Georgia. "Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, and others of the 15 former Soviet republics."

It's amazing how peoples' personalities come through with the written word.
Edward, I liked your post and couldn't agree more. One of the reasons I remain in the Virgin Islands, a very major reason, is because I have found here a community of fun, friendly and kind people who for the most part truly care about the island and the people they meet here. They are welcoming, helpful and happy to meet new friends. There are many reasons to live here, but the people are definitly one of the most significant of the island's assets.
I visit this forum from time to time, but not nearly as much as I used to. I agree that recently the tone of many of the messages in this forum is way too mean... and does not reflect the essence of our island. I know the island has its ups and downs... that's to be expected...and is part of learning about life on the islands... but in the end, at a minimum we should be nice to each other or at least try to. 🙂
Mom used to say that.... It only takes a drop of vinegar to taint sweet milk... but tainted milk sours fast.
Now Uttica, we have lots of attorneys and professors in Birmingham, AL and Atlanta, GA [the state, not the other one] that use big words like "interlocutor" and others as well. Don't know that they make the world any better using those words, but there you go. Where in AL were you? I'm from Birmingham, here with working hubby [He works, I watch him work].
Edward, when I was a small child, I saw your Georgia on a map and puzzled over it for the longest time. I was living in Georgia, the U. S. state and it wasn't next to Russia or any of those countries. Finally figured out there were 2! We rented a Yaris for a short time, also on STT and while it was a nice car, it seemed to struggle going up the mountains. Maybe it was just that car, but you may want to check it out. carefully.
I need more JJ jokes.
All take care and write more funny stuff.
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