Older Children
I have read many posts speaking of small children (1-7) moving the the USVI, but I have a 14 year old and an 11 year old and I would like to know if it is common to see children of these ages moving to the islands?
Thank You
When I attended junior high and high school there were several new students from other islands, the us mainland and even one student from Denmark! The school was small so everyone knew of the new guy or girl and the more chatty students would ask a ton of questions and then eventually they would make friends with those most like them in personality or hobbies or whatever and after a while would just be one of group. I do recall that they all missed their friends back home A LOT and this was a difficult thing, some missed afterschool activities they were part of... so yes there are families that move with young teens. The school the kids attend will make a huge difference in terms of adjustment in addition to their own feelings about the move.
All the best.
Hi Peter:
I just wanted to throw my 2 cents into this discussion even though I do not live on the islands. We moved our then12 and 3 yods to a new town because I wanted them to be in a better school system and we wanted a bigger house. BIG MISTAKE!!! My older son hated it from the beginning, had a negative attitude, missed his friends terribly, and got teased. We finally solved the problem 3 years later by putting him in a private high school back in our original town where he is now doing very well.
My advice to you would be to take a long ( at least a full week or two) expoloring vacation with the kids and expose them to as much island life as posible, and get their feedback. If they aren't sure, give them some time and visit again. I would stay at a condo where you would have to grocery shop, etc., to get more of the feel of how you would be living.
They may be the type of kids who love an adventure, love water sports, and would do great, and it could work out great for them and you. I am investigating a move myself, but I have decided to wait 8 to 10 years as our youngest is 10 and I know he would not like it there. He has lots of friends here, loves traditional team sports, and does not like the beach or the heat. He likes to ski. I was so shellshocked by the reaction of my older son to our move I won't risk it again. But all kids are different. Yours may LOVE the whole adventure of it. I would check out the schools while I was visiting though. I am completely ignorant of the subject except to say from reading this board most people who migrate down there put their kids in private school.
Good luck,
Theresa S.
Theresa S, great advice. In is obvious that regardless of where you move children react differently and it is critical to insure that they are happy with the move and are part of the decision making process so that the whole experience is easier for them.
Peter do you think your children would like it here, have they been here before??
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