Oil Refinery Big News for You...AVIS AD Page 13
Does anyone know whats what with the cryptic advertisements in The AVIS the last few days?
I know there has been a lot of talk about the west refinery being dismantled and the east refinery reopening.
Anyone have a clue?
I am trying to find out with my contact... I sent you a request via PM...
Just curious-what do the ads say?
Today's Avis had more info...apparently a Saudi company is recruiting for a new refinery opening in the Middle East.
Here's the link... http://www.satorp.com/home.html
It's an excellent comapny to work for, I have heard.
My cousin's husband is an engineer and they have moved all over the world due to his work.
Their last posting was in Dubai. They have 5 kids, each born in a different country.
vicanuck... Thanks for the link...
No need to go to Saudi Arabia to work at a refinery when we have one right here on STX that will be opening up again soon.
Thanks for the link Alana33...another sign that the refinery will be up and running again soon!
Its cheaper to run it than clean it.
Check this one out: http://stthomassource.com/content/news/local-news/2013/03/26/hovensa-says-no-fair-trial-possible-vi
What a mess. Hang in there Crucians, hopefully they can get it together and re-open.... I'd hope for a clean up and then reopen but I'm doubting that's happening 🙁
That would be huge!
Because of my job, I can't give any information regarding my clients and former clients... All I can say is that re-opening the refinery is nowhere near as easy as most people think.. I for one, know very well the condition of that refinery and, on my last visit, I drove by and saw severe environmental damage due to no use and no maintenance...
I know for a fact that offers have already been made to Hess to buy the place but, none has been accepted... those offers only remain on top of the table...
None of those articles says anything that the place is going to re-open, much less, that it will "re-open soon"...
I am just being realistic.. I can say this, I am one of those who would love to see the refinery re-open and get a chance to go back and finish what I started...
P.S. Just to get the permits and certifications to put the refinery back in service will take MONTHS... and the most important one is to get the insurance which is required...
I imagine it would take several years to get it operational again. So even if sold tomorrow jobs wouldn't reopen same day. It would still be years. "But a start it would be". Yoda.
I hope it never opens again personally.
Going back to the topic, vicanuck's post is a good one... I know there are a few good crucians in my line of work that are still trying to land a job... Unfortunately, all of them believed the rumors that the refinery was going to re-open and now they realized those rumors were untrue... They are just good people trying to earn a living even if it means leaving home behind... Those without a job with good experience in refinery/ chemical plants, should take a good look at this opportunity...
By the way, as an example, Saudi Aramco has a partnership with Shell Chemicals in the USA... So, just because you apply with them does not mean you are going to end up in the middle-east... It is more likely you will end up working up north...
Not that the Middle East is all that bad. Even though Iraq was a war zone and still is. The culture and people as a whole were great. Nothing like most Americans think it is there.
I find it interesting that a new transplant hopes the refinery never opens again. Hess/Hovensa did a lot for STX, besides employing locals and raise the local economy, stabilized gas/oil prices. For those that remember Hurricane Hugo the damage that was done and the dollars donated for cost to repair by Hess. The social programs they sponsored. We will miss Hovensa for a long time. I'm sure that new transplant will be long gone as well, we can always find bartenders.
I'm not going anywhere and I think there are a lot of better options I would like people to embrace here, other than suckling on the oil teet.
Sorry you don't want me here, but I earn a living tending bar. That's not who I am.
.... I'd hope for a clean up and then reopen but I'm doubting that's happening 🙁
I'll be pleased and surprised if it ever opens as a refinery again. It is being cleaned up.
I'm not going anywhere and I think there are a lot of better options I would like people to embrace here, other than suckling on the oil teet.
Sorry you don't want me here, but I earn a living tending bar. That's not who I am.
There aren't any options out there, Oil refinery will never go away; it may change from what it is today but it will always be there in some way or another.
I hope you don't drive a car, own anything plastic, or take any medications (just to mention a few things that are here due to petrochemicals) else you risk severe hypocrisy.
Reality isn't fluffy bunnies and rainbows, it's jobs and economy in the current system.
I understand that. I understand our dependence. Between the great farms, music, cultural heritage, celebrations, people, fruit and foods, beaches, botanicals and history, I just think there is a lot more, healthier options we have to embrace other than dirty oil or federal funds.
I understand that. I understand our dependence. Between the great farms, music, cultural heritage, celebrations, people, fruit and foods, beaches, botanicals and history, I just think there is a lot more, healthier options we have to embrace other than dirty oil or federal funds.
Dirty oil and federal funds are the only reason any of that other stuff exist in its current form.
What farms? I see federal and state subsidized land that doesn't do anything very dramatic; music only makes money if someone has a job to pay the musician (it's a service industry, much like bartending or what I do for work) cultural heritage might draw some tourism if its advertised right, but that's still a service job, someone with a REAL job will be paying again (which brings us back to production, resource exploitation or innovation) beaches, botanicals, history... all of these need actual productive jobs to stay afloat.
Our current system requires this, there's no getting around it unfortunately.
The oil refinery could facilitate all that you desire, with out it we have nothing here on STX, barely any tourism, the Cruzien rum factory is one bright spot & same with Cpt Morgans, but neither one are going to keep the island running at any great economic level.
I seriously doubt that oil refinery will ever reopen, so we need to figure something out.
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