Nuts! or just MLC
Brand new to this forum. Have been contemplating this awhile. Are we nuts or is it just mid-life?
My wife and I are new crusing sailors [ 2 years] w/ a mid sized catamaran. We would love to relocate to USVI's preferably St.John. I am wanting to know if this a viable option. I have a small business that could be sold to help finance such an endeavor, but some form of part-time employment would be nesasary evenyually. My wife holds a masters in SLP [ speech languange] and I own a swimming pool/ landscape/irrigation business. I have crew that can run it, but for how long is the question. Actually I really don't want to get back in that industry anyway, especially in paradise. After 28 years, I've had enough. We are both dedicated hard workers, but there has to be more to life. There is pretty much nothing holding us here in the states. We cruise a reasonable amount on the mid-south east coast and are ready to make a jump into a new adventure. However one needs to think of the practical side of things. Also we are cautious of burning bridges.
I also hold a recently aquired OUPV captains license & we both are certified divers.
So are we dreaming or is it possible to live aboard our boat, work part-time and cruise the area until its TIMES-UP!?
I have researched a lot on USVI but have found little on cruiser relocation. We are attracted to the USVI for a lot of the obvious reasons. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
The cruiser world is fairly close knit. You might want to come down, hang around some of the marinas and talk to them. I think the biggest problem with St John is going to be mooring. I believe there is a moratorium on new moorings- you need to check with the Department of Planning and Natural Resounces. No problem in getting an SLP job in the schools. And don't turn your nose up on irrigation, landscaping and pools!! Check your PMs. 🙂
Almost every house on stj is a luxury villa or it feels that way. I go with the landscaping/pool business. I would think you could do well or at least ok with that. I imagine even a housekeeper for those luxury rentals does well. There are only so many full time residents on stj and only so many st thomians that are willing to take the ferry over everyday.
Everyone wants to work on a boat, or dive shop, when they move down to paradise, so the competition there is going to be steeper.

One thing to check into is the insurance on your vessel - many policies for cruisers have conditions about being in this latitude - 18' N during hurricane season. The cost to maintain coverage can be exorbitant.
St. Thomas is a much better option for what you want to do. More anchoring/mooring options, more jobs, more fellow-cruisers. It's definitely doable. As to the insurance that Exit Zero mentioned, a lot of cruisers just go south for the hurricane season, so they don't have to pay the higher rates. That brings up the part-time job issue. Most cruisers don't work part-time, they work full-time, part of the year, and then cruise during the summer months, getting them south of the hurricane belt. We did it for years. It's a great life. If you have any specific questions, PM me. We've been "on the dirt" for several years now, so I am not as current with mooring requirements, etc., but I would be glad answer what I can.
Just a side note - An OUPV license will only allow you to to work in the USVI. To take trips to the BVI you will need a minimum of a masters with sail endorsement along with your STCW. Yes, sorry even to carry 6 passengers into the BVI on a day trip and certainly for any longer charters. I just received the permits for three moorings so they are not impossible. Happy to help if I can.
Thanks everyone for your input. I didn't expect so many respones so quickly. Exit Zero, thanks for the heads up on insurance. i kinda knew about that, but overlooked that exspense. I will be looking into that. Eastender, thanks for the PM's. We will be researching and responding soon. I think a recon down there would be in order. Any suggestions on where to stay reasonably & be able to provide for some of our own meals for a couple weeks?
immanuel: People with skills we need here are always welcome! The problem is that some of those jobs don't pay quite what you would like, but...
I think Pamela was talking about requirements for chartering your boat. Is that what you are thinking?
There are a few people on this board who have short term rentals. When you have an idea of your dates, you might post something on the classified section. The big live-aboard spots are the east end- Red Hook, the Independent Boatyard areas and Elephant Bay/Crown Bay area.
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