nursing opportunities
Greetings from Florida, I am inquiring on the job market for nurses on any of the islands. I am an RN with med/surg and ICU experience. Any input appreciated. Laura
Laura: Here is the website for the hospital on St Thomas: Med/surg and ICU nurses are always needed!!

Hi East Ender,
Does the hospital post the nursing positions? All I can find on the RLS website is, "Physicians needed:
OB/GYN, Orthopedics, and Pulmonary/Critical Care."
I've gone through about the last seven months of postings related to nursing and e-mailed several of the nurses who have posted. Heard back from one of them (which I appreciated!). Would like to learn more about the hospital.
WELL...sometimes I have noticed that they are a little slow in removing notices, they may not be up to date. Do you have a number from the web site to call? In the Caribbean face-to-face is the best contact, phone second and all other methods are "Pthhthh" (that is a raspberry sound.) You can get some initial info from a website, but frequently one can become frustrated in any details.
On the other hand, a return visit to specifically look at the hospital and other opportunities could be in your future!! 😉
The contact for the nursing recruiter at the Governor Juan F. Luis Hopsital on St. Croix is Ms. Hannifer Britton, 340-778-6311, ext 2293. WHile the hopsital is fine facility, remains JCAHO accredited, and is breakingground on a 25,000 square foot comprehensive cardiovascualr treatment facility, I am sure working here as a nurse isnot without challenges. Check it out first before jumping.

I've gotten the name and number for HR at RLS, as well as the contact information for the VI Board of Nurse Li censure and the VI State Nurses Association, as well as a couple of potential nursing employers. Since I'm 'dreaming in advance' as much as anything, I would probably waste their time calling this far in advance. I'm just trying to gather as much information in advance as I can. Next visit to STT I'll have to make a point of visiting the hospital.
Anyone working in RLS E.D., I'd be interested in hearing what that's like. How shifts are staffed, what kind of numbers are seen, what kinds of problems, etc.
Haven't visited STX, so have not considered it at this point. Wouldn't hurt to hear more about it either though. 😀
P.S. I'm sure that "Pthhthh" is a direct quote from 'Bill the Cat' . . .
P.P.S. Here's the information I've gathered from various messages. Could be handy to have in one place:
Local Contacts
Continuum Care- Home Hospice (340-772-2273 is their number on St Croix
Dept of Education 340-774-0100
Dept of Health 340-774-0117
Roy Lester Schneider Hospital
Geralda Williams (Old name? 2003)
on the 5th floor, Nursing Department
Phone: 776-8311 ext. 5068 & 5066
Fax: 714-6314
Marsulite Cohen (nurse recruiter) 340-775-8311 x 5068 or 340-776-8311
Seaview Home Health: 340-775-1660
Seaview Nursing and Rehab- 340-777-3303
Virgin Islands Board of Nurse Li censure
Veterans Drive Station
St. Thomas, VI 00803
Voice: 340.776.7397
Fax: 340.777.4003
Virgin Islands State Nurses Association
P.O. Box 583
Christiansted, St. Croix
U.S. Virgin Islands 00821-0583
Voice: 809.773.1261
Want Ads - International Search for the Virgin Islands, US
Agency Nursing
Cross Country Travcorps
Worldwide Travel Staffing]
" P.S. I'm sure that "Pthhthh" is a direct quote from 'Bill the Cat' . . . "
And also "AAK" if I am not mistaken? You have been doing a lot of leg work! 😉

Bill The Cat I know from "Bloom County", "Outland" and "Opus". "AAK" is not ringing any bells . . . Korean Court Music and Chinese Ritual Music don't seem to follow the thread . . . ya got me!
I searched the forums for" nursing" and at least browsed through or read all of the responses (some were, "I need in home nursing", etc.) - something like 48 pages. Gathered tidbits here and there and tried to e-mail people who either were currently or planning to work at RLS to see what they would share. I haven't had to job hunt in so long, or ever move myself, that I have to stop to think about the questions I want to ask and the information I want to search for. I was an Air Force Brat and moved a lot, but it was always with family.
Yeah, I know, got that 'Paradisitis'! I've been reading the forums a lot. I think I could do it - not sure how long it would end up being for. I sometimes wonder if my wife would 'flex' enough. Exploring ideas, I mentioned a local duplex, that could probably be purchased fairly reasonably. Store what stuff we want to keep, but not take with us (antique furniture, my old car, etc.) and rent out the other half. First response, without even considering what I was suggesting? "I'm not living in that duplex." I'm thinking of storage and sale if/when/should we move back, not a long term place to live. Guess I'll have to try to approach the idea again from a different angle. :S
I just looked it up- he says "THPTH" *AND* "ACK" 😉 😉

Mia Culpa! That sounds righter!
Now . . . AAK? *-)
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