November 2014 Free Flu Shot Vaccinations Schedule - All Islands
Free Flu Vaccinations November 2014
St. John
Wednesday, November 19 - Guy Benjamin Elementary School - 10am - 2pm
St. Thomas
Friday, November 21 - RLS Hospital Front Parking Lot, Department of Health Mobile Van - 9am - 3pm
St. Croix
Friday, November 14 - Sunshine Mall - 9am - 2pm
Friday, November 21 - JFL Hospital Lobby - 9am - 2pm
Friday, November 28 - Charles Harwood Complex Community Health Lobby - 9am - 2pm
Bring immunization card if you have one.
Seniors, don't forget to bring your Medicare Card.
The Virgin Islands Department of Health Immunization Program
FYI the flu vaccine is a mostly useless gov. subsidy of pharmaceutical companies.
The strains you are vaccinated against are almost always not the strains that will be "out in the wild" the year you get a needle stuck in you.
Even the CDC knows this:
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that while this year's shots do not match ... the major circulating types of flu
Oh, and studies show that the flu vaccine doesn't work, so even though it's the wrong strain it's useless anyway.
death caused directly by the flu virus is very rare. The vast majority of so-called "flu deaths" are in fact due to bacterial pneumonia – a potential complication of the flu if your immune system is too weak.
Other complications can include ear or sinus infections, dehydration, and worsening of chronic health conditions.
The conventional treatment for bacterial pneumonia is an antibiotic, not a viral flu drug, so to think that taking a flu vaccine will prevent death from pneumonia doesn't really make sense.
"But the vaccine will prevent the flu, which will prevent the possibility of developing pneumonia," some might say.
That sounds good in theory, but the statistics simply do not support this assertion.
Because study after study, and master studies that compile the results from several studies to get a more objective result, keep coming to the same conclusion: Flu vaccines DO NOT WORK, and in many cases do more harm than good.
In fact, one shocking statistic brought to light in this video is that BEFORE the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advocated vaccinating children under the age of five, the number of children dying from the flu was very low, and on the decline.
Then, in 2003, just after children aged five and under started getting vaccinated, the number of flu deaths SKYROCKETED. The death toll was enormous compared to the previous year, when the flu vaccine was not administered en masse to that age group!
How anyone can consider a strategy that yields a higher death toll to be a "success" is a mystery to me.
However, as frightening as much of this may sound, it's important to keep things in perspective. According to the statistics shown in the video above, more Americans die from asthma, and even malnutrition each year, than the flu.
Unfortunately, the CDC grossly distorts the facts about flu deaths, making the flu virus seem far more dangerous than is warranted. On the CDC's main flu page1, they state that about 36,000 people die from the flu in the United States each year.
But if you search a little harder, you can find the actual number of people who died from the flu in 20052 (this is the most recent data that's available) was 1,806. The remainder was caused by pneumonia. In 2004, there were just 1,100 actual flu deaths.
The statistics the CDC gives are skewed partly because they classify those dying from pneumonia as dying from the flu, which is inaccurate.
TRUTH! (it's what's for dinner)
Another devolving thread. Thanks for posting the info, Beachcomber. Those who choose to get the shot will appreciate the information!
Here's what even the CDC actually knows:
From :
"Flu Shots Target Wrong Strain But Still Worth Having Says CDC
As the flu season gets into full swing across the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that while this year's shots do not match all of the major circulating types of flu, they are still worth having because as a minimum, they lessen the severity of the illness and protect against serious potential complications.
Dr Joe Bresee, chief of epidemiology and prevention at the Influenza Division of the CDC, told reporters on Friday that the flu vaccine will not directly target two of the three types of flu virus circulating this season, but it is still important to take it because it offers some protection and can make the difference, especially to vulnerable people, between having a severe illness with complications and a mild one."
That darn money making CDC. Good thing there is someone ABOVE money to show people the way. Thanks "Dr." Mercola. Please visit his online store where you can buy a plethora of untested supplements. Mr. Mercola thanks you from his gigantic mansion
Thank you, BeachcomberStt.
Appreciate your posting the above info regarding the free flu vaccinations.
Bet those Americans that received the experimental Ebola vaccine were glad to have it and survive. There are many diseases that have been eradicated thanks to the use of vaccines. We know LF doesn't believe in vaccinations and that's his choice. Not interested in a debate on the subject, AGAIN.
Thank you, BeachcomberStt.
Appreciate your posting the above info regarding the free flu vaccinations.Bet those Americans that received the experimental Ebola vaccine were glad to have it and survive. There are many diseases that have been eradicated thanks to the use of vaccines. We know LF doesn't believe in vaccinations and that's his choice. Not interested in a debate on the subject, AGAIN.
To each their own. > woo
Thanks BeachcomberStt.
Here is one source for the info:
Hmmmm....I see they are keeping there website updated. Good.
I copied the information from a flyer.
You're welcome to all that said thank you.
I'm just informing for those that are interested in receiving the flu shot, not getting into a debate. Bring that over to the Under a Coconut Tree board.
(I had a feeling when I posted this, this thread was going to turn into debate.)
That darn money making CDC. Good thing there is someone ABOVE money to show people the way. Thanks "Dr." Mercola. Please visit his online store where you can buy a plethora of untested supplements. Mr. Mercola thanks you from his gigantic mansion
First, this entire post is a Logical Fallacy: ad hominem. (the point here is, if you doubt the data, talk about the data, not who is delivering it, critical thinking works very well when it is used)
Second, CDC Does make money off vaccination programs etc.. If you are unaware of how government entities are funded and how important "money spent" is to them then I can go on, but that is a bit off topic on this thread.
I'm just informing for those that are interested in receiving the flu shot, not getting into a debate. Bring that over to the Under a Coconut Tree board.
(I had a feeling when I posted this, this thread was going to turn into debate.)
its always good to inform, I guess flu shots have some sort of relevance to relocating here (?) or should this entire thread be moved to the 'tree?
To each their own. > woo
yes, I agree; in fact that is the whole reason I posted, because of the data & studies.
Take your logical fallacy and stick it under a coconut tree.
Beachcomberstt posted as a community service as people have asked in the past when the dates of free vaccinations will be.
We've already endured your opinions on this same subject of vaccinations which does belong on the under a coconut tree post where you've expounded previously ad nauseam. You're constantly usurping posts and turning simple announcements or informative threads into your dissertations on logical fallacy.
@ LiquidFluoride,
I'm posting local community information that members of this board have inquired about in the past on this board concerning the time and locations of the flu immunization clinics.
I'm not debating or giving my opinions on this topic and I believe some members of this board feel the same as I do concering this post.
Your debating belongs on the off-topic board.
We seemed to have posted at the same time. I agree with you. Thank you!
@ LiquidFluoride,
I'm posting local community information that members of this board have inquired about in the past on this board concerning the time and locations of the flu immunization clinics.
I'm not debating or giving my opinions on this topic and I believe some members of this board feel the same as I do concering this post.
Your debating belongs on the off-topic board.@Alana
We seemed to have posted at the same time. I agree with you. Thank you!
censorship is but a click away, please do report my posts if you feel they some how make your information unreadable in some way.
These type of combative responses to alternate information view demonstrate a strongly held belief, lots of ego and emotion involved and really I don't see how your information has changed at all.
you offered some information, so did I. there has not been a debate since then, just some disgruntled posts (symptomatic of a strongly held belief challenged) and Ad Homienom attacks.
You're constantly usurping posts and turning simple announcements or informative threads into your dissertations on logical fallacy.
adverb: constantlycontinuously over a period of time; always.
"the world is constantly changing"
Gross exaggeration is basically lying.
gerund or present participle: usurpingtake (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.
The use of this word is just wrong in this context, though it could be another exaggeration.
noun: dissertation; plural noun: dissertationsa long essay on a particular subject, especially one written as a requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy degree.
Again, a very poor word choice here; it doesn't really fit at all unless used as a large exaggeration.
If you feel your messages are not good enough to stand on their own and need to (poorly) use "large words" and exaggeration to get your message across maybe the message itself needs to be reviewed.
That darn money making CDC. Good thing there is someone ABOVE money to show people the way. Thanks "Dr." Mercola. Please visit his online store where you can buy a plethora of untested supplements. Mr. Mercola thanks you from his gigantic mansion
First, this entire post is a Logical Fallacy: ad hominem. (the point here is, if you doubt the data, talk about the data, not who is delivering it, critical thinking works very well when it is used)
Second, CDC Does make money off vaccination programs etc.. If you are unaware of how government entities are funded and how important "money spent" is to them then I can go on, but that is a bit off topic on this thread.
I'm just informing for those that are interested in receiving the flu shot, not getting into a debate. Bring that over to the Under a Coconut Tree board.
(I had a feeling when I posted this, this thread was going to turn into debate.)
its always good to inform, I guess flu shots have some sort of relevance to relocating here (?) or should this entire thread be moved to the 'tree?
To each their own. > wooyes, I agree; in fact that is the whole reason I posted, because of the data & studies.
My last post. Sorry for engaging.
Death rates/1000 was graph. Obviously death rates were dropping before advent of vaccines. Cases weren't. Just like Ebola has a 70%+ morality rate in 3rd world countries.. here hmm less than 25%? This is the beauty of modern medicine is that we can treat you more efficiently even when you make silly decision to not get a vaccine
Following your dissertation on correct grammar, you might want to review this:
... and Ad Homienom attacks.
Latin is not my first (nor second) language 😉
(does this count as a dissertation as well, what degree should I be saving these up for?)
Latin is not my first (nor second) language 😉
Then follow your own sage advice, viz, "If you ... need to (poorly) use "large words" and exaggeration to get your message across maybe the message itself needs to be reviewed."
Touché? (Oh, French, sorry!)!
Latin is not my first (nor second) language 😉
Then follow your own sage advice, viz, "If you ... need to (poorly) use "large words" and exaggeration to get your message across maybe the message itself needs to be reviewed."
Touché? (Oh, French, sorry!)!
I chortled. Loudly
Latin is not my first (nor second) language 😉
Then follow your own sage advice, viz, "If you ... need to (poorly) use "large words" and exaggeration to get your message across maybe the message itself needs to be reviewed."
Touché? (Oh, French, sorry!)!
Clearly you did not understand the short sentences (my "advice") I used nor my correct use of the name (though misspelled) of the logical fallacy which is only expressed in Latin.
the logical fallacy is literally named ad hominem.
since the name was not used incorrectly nor a part of an exaggeration I can only assume that you are looking for any chance possible to "stick your tongue out" and say "nah nah nah" when ever possible.
And so your use of "Touché" was highly incorrect and revealed the above more so.
What is it about the internet that causes the emotional regression to high school (or in this case earlier?).
I do not mind verbal sparing (though from earlier posts that seemed to be something that was to be avoided??) but please, at least try not to fall on your own sword (or.. Touché).
Hoisted by your own petard, mon ami - that's what sometimes happens when you hijack a thread and can't leave well alone. Further protestation serves no purpose.
Really, Mercola?! One of the biggest quackeroos in the alternative universe.
Really, Mercola?! One of the biggest quackeroos in the alternative universe.
even a blind pig finds an acorn.. talk about the data, not the the messenger (this is a logical fallacy discussed above).
that's like saying I shouldn't listen to anything you say because you're from the east end.
Isn't citing Mercola basically "appeal to authority" fallacy? Forgive me if I'm wrong. Been a long time since philosophy 101
Yep this thread is certainly devolving!!

I'm sorry I'm still laughing at "take it and stick it (under a coconut tree)" and the quick escalation of this thread. Love the strong, intelligent personalities on this board….But now even more confused about whether my mom (cancer patient) should get the flu shot this year. She had one stateside last year and didn't get sick.
Is there a lot of flu going around the islands in the winter even though the weather is lovely?
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