Nice earthquake this morning!
You could hear it coming.

Headline: USGS Earthquake Alert: M 3.2, Virgin Islands region
Image ( )Friday, March 8, 2013 12:58:49 UTC
Friday, March 8, 2013 08:58:49 AM at epicenter
Depth: 39.00 km (24.23 mi)
Earthquake Distances: (Calculated within VI-Alert)
23.59 Miles from St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
67.13 Miles from St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
28.68 Miles from St. John, US Virgin Islands
25.08 Miles from Water Island, US Virgin Islands
What!?!? I didn't feel anything, dang! I think I had just gone to bed. Kinda bummed I missed it.
Around 9 AM - a whole lot of shaking going on.
Thought it would be at least a 4 tho as the house shuddered and the dogs were looking surprised.
Oh I misread! 9am huh - I got woken up, early, maybe it was that. How often do we feel earthquakes here? Earth is amazing!!
Not many can be felt, but the ground shakes in PR, and the Lesser Antilles quite a bit... As long as it shakes, that is good... If it don't shake, get ready for a good quake!
i wouldn't call earth quakes down there rare - but not often.
Actually, there are several daily, but most cannot be felt.
I subscribe to USGS Earthquake Alert such as Bombi posted above and am always surprised at the amount taking place in our region.
Some weeks have an amazing amount and then it'll quiet down but it is rare to go a day without an alert.
This is the first one I have actually felt in awhile but they are not rare, just not major, thank goodness.
At least, pressure gets released. I don't even want to consider what a major quake would do to our islands.
I thought I felt something. I was sort of awake, trying to decide if I wanted to get up or sleep another hour. The bf had just gotten up. I heard it as much as I felt it. I thought it must be a sign and went back to sleep! :@)
I only remember one of the many quakes in the 10 years I was on STT. I wonder how severe it was because everything around me vibrated for a moment.
The most severe one I remember was probably in 2004, I think and it was about a 6 - luckily, just one passing motion with no long duration tho it did crack the grout in in a line of my bathroom wall tile.
I went back and counted the number of Alerts issued by USGS since March 1 to date and there have been 31 alerts regarding earthquakes.
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