Need XL Dog Moving Advice and Housing Area Advice Please
I am new to the forum, planning a career move from San Diego to USVI with my short-coated St. Bernard and need advice on the best airline for a 170 lb dog, dog best transport crate & any dog friendly areas...Any suggestions on breeziest & safest area to live on St. Thomas or St. John would also be great. Thanks!
I know im going to come off like a downer and usually im super positive but I've been looking around at rentals right now and this year, much more than last people are saying no dogs. It's gonna be really tough IMO especially with a very large dog. We looked at 12 rentals (called 2 dozen) all on the northside of STT (breezy and safe as you mentioned) and half wouldn't even allow our indoor cats with a pet deposit. Your very unlikely to find a fenced in area, is your Bernard used to being inside all day? Have u been to STT or STJ to check it out yet? Not saying it can't be done but it's gonna be really really tough. In my opinion I would highly suggest hiring a realtor for your needs - they are specific and that's your best chance of finding legit place for u and your dog. Seaglass properties always has a large number of rentals and Alana on here is a realtor and can help too. I hope your company is paying for relocation - If so hopefully they allow for a huge pet deposit. Good luck!
I agree that it is a little more difficult to find a rental place with a large dog. It is not impossible, so it depends on how much you want to live in the islands. You will need to be patient and realize that your apartment choices will be limited to places that meet needs of the dog first and then determine if the apartment fits your preferences, budget, etc.
I know of an apartment (under $1,000) that will be vacant soon where pets are welcome (including large dog). However, it does require the dog to be inside OR on a leash (or 'lead line") outdoors since there is no fenced yard.
As for airlines ---You would have to contact the airlines for information related to transporting pets. They will not transport in summer months when temperatures exceed 85 degrees at airports in transit. So, make sure you plan to travel during the allowable dates for pets.
A friend with a 150 pound Great Dane was moving cross country. His problem with the airlines was that the dog wouldn't fit into the largest crate that was made. That was a problem because they couldn't accept the dog without him being crated, of course. I'm not sure if a crate could be made for a dog and the airlines accept that. ??
I am not sure if my tenants are leaving or renewing again at the end of thier lease term which is up Oct. 1 but they have 2 Great Danes. The single family house (no other tenants on property) they rent from me has a completely fenced back yard so their dogs are never off the property unless on a leash. I rent unfurnished and the rental amount is $2400.00 in a great, convenient location with wonderful views.
Your dog is pretty large as are theirs. They drove thier dogs from WI to meet up with a private flight that had other people with animals coming to STT. There should be a few links on this site related to this topic. Good luck.
I do have to ask the question as I know nothing about the breed but how well will your St Bernard do in an non air conditioned home in the height of summer August, September, October when it can be unbearably hot. If you are on St John do know you can hike on the trails with him on a leash but he can't go to any of the beaches to swim except those not in the park - Cruz Bay where you get off the ferry then a few on East End. I know it is very difficult finding housing on St. John with dogs - not impossible but very, very hard. Good luck.
make sure to check with your airline to make sure they can carry that breed of dog. last time i was at the airport, american had a list of breeds for cats and dogs they would not let fly. also be mindful of the temps at all airports your animal will be at. if it is too hot, they will not allow an animal in cargo
We shipped 5 dogs and 3 cats, one a large Lab, to STX in October 2012.
We delivered them to the kennel linked below with the transport kennels after driving them from California(long story).
We used the pet transport company linked below. They will SCREW you!(another long story)
Had I known then what I know now I would have contracted with the kennel to package my animals and deliver them to the airport and with the linked below airfreight company to get them where they are going for about half what I paid.
All considered Bobbies and Amerjet were fair and honest but the bunch @ Airanimal are bordering on being unethical.
One last thing, when we delivered our animals to Bobbies I saw a huge create that they had manufactured to transport a very large dog.
PM for further info.
There are restictions for transporting pets during the summer months due to heat in cargo holds so you may want to contact your airlines and check the cut-off dates unless you have money to do a private charter.
Restrictions on the airline we learnt the hard way:
- Dog must fit in a kennel so that he can stand without touching top and turn around.
- Dog must be calm and not a danger to handlers. Dog cannot (and shouldn't, they can choke) be medicated.
- You dog exceeds max weight, he must go cargo (basically same flight, but different procedure and price)
- Temperature at any airport at the time the dog will be present must be less than 85 degrees or they will deny boarding. Arrival in STT is usually the problem.
- Some airlines have a summer program, ensuring air conditioned transport all the way (i.e. exception to 85 degrees rule). ATL, MIA, IAD and other major airports participate. STX does not. You need to check with STT.
If your dog is kennel trained, calm and in good health, and you fly in the next few months, flying Delta or American would work. I would avoid transfers, so drop him off in ATL or MIA.
We ended up sharing a private flight with other pets from MIA. Airpropel arranged it. Feel free to PM.
Thanks everyone for all the good advice. Beauford and I will be out there eventually, I am sure he is likely to be the only shaved St. Bernard on the island! Have a great weekend!
Good Morning
In December I did the reverse with 2 dogs ( one-118lbs in #500 series crate & one- 81lbs.#450series). My recommendation is to get yourselves to PR then book a private charter to what ever island. As my dog in the 500 series crate was too big for any commercial flights leaving STX. It took me weeks to figure out how to get him off island in addition to dealing with the weather temperature issues. Dog flights can't be made more then 3 days out of travel time, because of the temperature restrictions. The only option I found (I called every small commercial & private pilot on STX) was hiring Bohlke International Airways @ STX Henry E Rohlson Airport, 340-778-9177. They flew both dogs out of crates (we nested the crates together), my husband, myself and 6 large pieces of luggage to PR. It wasn't cheap but the worth every penny. Once I booked with Bohlke Sandy took care of everything, she had handlers meet us at the plane in PR with a van ready to take us to Air cargo (my large dog had to fly air cargo stateside) and rest of us to our corresponding gate. I worried the complete time that everything would go as planned, it was a waste of my time & energy as they had everything under control.
St. Thomas had other commercial options but that wasn't any help for me as I was on STX. Good Luck!
I have recently come across Four Star Cargo. They too will fly large dogs, but they tend to end or begin their route in Miami. They have a website, the same as their name. Check it least there is another possible option.
Is 4 Star still in business here in STT?
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