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need to by vehicle
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*My son is now living in St. Thomas and needs to purchase a vehicle. Need to know where to direct him.
Posted : November 23, 2003 5:17 pm
Used: Tell him to pick up the Island Trader. It is free, comes out on Thursdays, and is available at stores like Gourmet Gallery. Also, the Daily News has classifieds.
Dealers (new and late-model used): I recommend Caribbean Auto Mart. I do not recommend Metro Motors. Just my opinion. There is alos a new Toyota dealer in Subbase.
I would strongly suggest that you advise your son to have any used car checked out b/4 he buys. Will save him a lot of $$ and headache later on. If you need a mechanic recommendation, just come back and ask.
Good luck to him!
Posted : November 23, 2003 10:38 pm
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