Need some Feedback on this one!! I have been discussing my move with a gentleman I work with in the evening. He has been seeing the cost of living down in the USVI I.E the rental costs. So he is saying I should step out of the box and try something different.
His idea was to buy a piece of property in VI with utilities on it and just bring a Travel Trailer over there with me. I think this sounds a bit insane but I thought the only way to find out would be to ask.
So does this sound absolutely insane to anyone else or just to me?
If nothing else maybe I can get some laughs out of everyone...I love to crack myself up!
See ya all in NOV 08

Scenes from The Wizard of Oz...
Does not sound like a good idea to me. It probably wouldn't even take hurricane force winds to damage your trailer-- a good tropical storm might do it.
Also, some neighborhoods have rules and regs about non-permanent dwellings.
I think the VI version of what you describe does exist, though. Boats. They are mobile homes and you buy (or lease) the mooring.
While your original idea may not work, it is useful and often necessary to think outside the box down here.

Really bad idea.
I just drove through Elijias Retreat to look at a piece of land. There is one there with the land all ready to build on. they look like they are working on getting things done. I think if you move with a trailer, don't expect to be here in hurricane season. And color it gone when one gets here.
what your friend doesn't know is that there are very few (if any) properties for sale in the USVI that have utilities on them ready to go. You may have power and phone and cable lines within a couple blocks of a property, but you still need to excavate and build a cistern plus put in a septic system. Neighborhoods with covenants usually don't allow a travel trailer as a dwelling. They have a minimum size requirement that would be larger than a few hundred square feet, for example. Even though we don't have all that many hurricanes hitting the USVI, you need to take into consideration that for 4-5 months of each year, we are in the zone where they could occur.
I was expecting the responses I have been getting. I grew up in the Midwest and I seen what high winds do to mobile home type structures. He is one of those talk alot somewhat thinks he knows a lot about nothing. So I was going to post his idea and see what responses I recieved. I am not looking to move down there and be the laughing stock of the island. Let alone watch my possesions and house fly away possibly with me in it.
Then in turn have it litter the island with unneeded debri. There is nothing that irritates me more then seeing litter in a nice rural setting or anywhere for that matter.
So I have not made it down there yet and plan on it soon for my PMV, but how is the litter situation down there? I seen people say there is abandoned vehicles down there. I guess what I am asking is the beauty of the island preserved pretty well by "most" people?
Check with the local building permiting offices. Many times temporary housing such as a travel trailer is allowed for a certain length of time. While you build your permenant housing. They might want a surety type bond in that you lose the bond if you do not remove the temp. housing in the time frame allowed.
And don't let hurricanes or tropical storms scare you.
go see
U.S.V.I. are not even in the top 50 most often hit list.
The only draw back is that you can't drive 100 miles inland to avoid a storm.
There are several companies in Florida manufacturing park homes that will stand up to a major hurricane if properly anchored. It is true that the properties with utilities in place would have covenants against them.
Chariot Eagle has a distributor in Puerto Rico that will send a park home to St. Croix for $2,000. Park homes are different from mobile homes because park homes are considered vehicles, so no permitting is necessary. (Of course, you would want to get a license plate and register it to seal the deal). You could always haul your water and get an RV solar system, and have someone come and pump your waste system regularly. (I would recommend against setting up a full cistern and septic, because permits are needed for those two, and then the park home is becoming a permanent fixture of the land, and it might raise questions as to whether a permit should be solicited for the park home itself.)
Another option is a camper van. If a hurricane is coming, you can shack up with a friend and park your camper van somewhere on the island that you expect will be more sheltered. If it gets demolished, so it goes. Keep comprehensive insurance on it. The great thing about a camper van is that you can drive it somewhere to empty the septic waste and refill the water tank. I don't know where, mind you, but maybe a septic business would take the waste and a water business would sell you forty gallons at a time. For the sink waste, you can dig a french drain surreptitiously.
One major concern, however, is safety. You sound like a female, and I think until you know this island well it is less than wise to live alone in a freestanding unit in the kind of area that would permit a park home or camper van. That is not to say there aren't safe places that you could do this in, but it takes a long while to know St. Croix that well. I am unaware of any areas on St. Thomas that I would think this is acceptable.
Hey heepajeep,
When you say don't let hurricanes scare you, It becomes obvious that you have never been on the island when we have had one ( hurricane). I was here when Hugo hit! and I mean hit!! You could not believe the devastation mother nature can cause and the aftermath that follows. So I'm going to be gentle with you. You don't know what your talking about.
I have always wonder how the trailers by the Complex has lasted this long.
Sorry to disappoint you but I have lived thru Ivan, Dennis and Katrina.
The first two making landfall within 5 miles of my house.
I stand by my statement as the U.S.V.I. are no more of a hurricane magnet then 100 other locations.
The aftermath and recovery can be much much much slower on island then anywhere mainland however.
And the potential for anarchy is far greater on island.
Hey heepajeep,
Like I said its obvious you have never been on an island during a hurricane. Oh and when your done with it ,I'd like to borrow that crystal ball you have, it might come in handy for the next almost missed storm. Or maybe I can use it at the DIVI CASINO since odds are involved.
You are correct Lizard, I have not been on island when a hurricane hit.
I have not hung onto a tree while a hurricane hit either.
Where you gonna live if you let the potential of natural disasters rule out living there?
Which island are you considering? If you are willing to live in something as small as a travel trailer, then there are affordable condos for sale on STX. Ask Alexandra about Peter's Farm. They are small but reasonably priced.
Just an idea.
you guys crack me up!.....i just got the biggest kick out of reading this thread.
some guy up the hill from me lives in a travel trailer on his land,he was going to build and this was a temp thing but now he's trying to sell it all and go back to the states
Well I am getting the responses on this I was expecting. Very interesting. I am looking at moving onto STT because of me transfering to the Marriott in Frenchmans bay. So I need something in that area. I have been looking at places in the area in regards to a condo, and roommates actually. I just wanted to utilize the great people on this website to prove to my know it all guy I work with about this that its not a good idea.
lizard how much damage did pepper tree terrace sustain from hugo,marilyn and lenny i can only remember marilyn and lenny and i don't recall it being that bad over there
Trw..I know that guy that lives in the trailer up the hill from you...If I'm not mistaken, he can't build because he can't keep a job to pay for the expense of it.. He said he only brought $25,000 with him since coming to the island over 5 years ago. I found that hard to believe he could live off that amount but he probably has...don't think he had electricity in that trailer or running water. Is his land on the MLS listing yet?

Ther is a 1990 Chev. 31' Aluma-lite motorhome for sale in the STX Avis today for $11,500 that claims it is perfect for a small, temporary island home. At the least it is already here and registered.
I don't recall anything about Pepper tree Terrace after Hugo. Mid island fared better. I Think they still rent to visiting nurses for the Hospital across the street. How is your leg?
thanks Lizard, the leg is fine just an ache when i'm at work to long, i stopped with the pills because i could'nt feel anything and i did not want to get a false sense of security. Charlotte, i honestly no nothing about the guy i see him with his laptop at bogeys and give him a ride up the hill to his place on ocasion but i've never accepted his invite in, he uses his cane all the time now and i think he's the one moving to vegas for health reasons,i don't know i never pay attention to all the blah blah blah,i think his name is rick, his site is great though,i think he wants 40 grand for all of it and i don't know if he has it listed lol i'd call bogeys and ask for rick
it's listed on the mls lot 259 lavallee
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