Thanks again
The 3 month thing was for when we first get there and find out what is what then it would be a 1 or 2 ye lease. The 3 months would be paid in advance if possible. What bank might I get in touch with to set up an account before I get there. Will a p o box count as an address for my sons schools 1 year resident requirements. And the paying in advance for the 3 months would also be because I would have the monies to do that.
What is the best auto to have on the island.
the best auto to have is a beat up one that runs good-seriously.
we have a 3 bedroom, ceiling fans run in three rooms all the time, we have two tv's and one computer. our cooking is electric and our clothes washer is electric. we average about 160 or so a month for electric. the summer months get very hot without air conditioning ( we have none). We take many more "cool down" showers during the hot months. We also have two bathrooms, only one of which has the hot water heater turned on.
I don't think a po box will do for residency. You'll probably need your lease. As employees, we were asked when we first arrived on STX (for purposes of EDC - companies get benefits for hiring USVI residents) If someone was born here, then it's their birthdate. Otherwise it's the day you actually arrive. For us it was 8/15/03. After one year we were considered "residents".
Thanks lindaj
Hope to make gumbo or chic and dumplings for all of
Good day all
Where would u suggest I inquiry on a place to stay for 7 days in Jan
Nothing special. Reasonable priced, a place to stay and sleep while we ckeck into
Things. It needs to be on Stx
Try Waves at Cane Bay. Or Arawak Bed and Breakfast.
Good day all
What does anyone know about Peters run apt?????
Good day all
One more question and I will leave
U all alone for awhile.
Besides food,gas, and accomidations
What other hidden cost are there when living
On Stx. What cost were a surprise to any of u
Or that I might have thought of.
Really, there are no "hidden costs". You'll encounter the same type of expenses you have where you now live. As you already know you'll need to pay rental and utility deposits, usually 1st and last month's rent,.
Perhaps you are referring to expenses you'll incur setting up your household such as stocking your refrigerator, purchasing replacement window shades, buying kitchen utensils that you didn't bring with yo, replacing used toilet seats, purchasing picture hooks, stocking up on tissues, and other sundries, buying food staples (not your everyday groceries but things like condiments, spices, etc. - but I don't have to elaborate on this as they are not specific to STX or any Caribbean island - you'll have those types of expenses even if you relocate to a new home in the town where you now live.
All I can tell you is that whenever I move into a new home I had a fair amount of out-of-pocket expenses for just STUFF.
The cost of water was something new for me and purchasing tires, the roads are rough on tires.
Good day all
My planned budget for our move in may/June is
1. 4000 for houseing
2. 1000 for deposits gas internet etc
3. 4000 for island car
4. 1000 for 1st month miscellaneous
5. 1200 for some ivies courses for my son to get use to the school
6 other monies in the bank
7. 609 for return tickets if we don't like it or whatever
Does this seem like a reasonable budget for a move for 3?
Do any of u have teenagers that my 18 ye old might talk to about living on St. Crouch
Thanks to all once again
I thought your son was attending UVI on STT (sorry if I missed the change of school)
Thanks for the replay pia
he is going to uvi on St croix typed it wrong
any info for me. I would like him to communicate with someone his age so he has an idea of things for him
any info for me. I would like him to communicate with someone his age so he has an idea of things for him
I'm sure on your PMV he'll have the opportunity to meet up with some youth his age and establish some contacts.
For your son I would suggest The Virgin Islands Sustainable Farming Institute. My son, at 18, did the Ridge to Reef course and it changed his life. Also, I think Judith's Fancy is the best place to live on STX.
Hello jag
Was ur son going to u.v.I. or does He now go there
Since my son has to be a resident for a year for lower tuition
and wont be enrolled can he take the ridge to reef course
Your son should check out some of the online resources for college kids. Various sites have reviews of universities from a student's prospective, about the classes, majors, social life, etc. I understand that UVI STX has some well known short programs (eco/science) that attract visiting students from stateside colleges. Even if he's not enrolling right away, he can still take on-line self study corses that may count towards the GE requirement. But, I would get him involved at the unveristy on some level asap. There is alot of tempation on STX for young men with "too much free time". I think you can read between the lines. Good Luck.
I have 6 children 37 to 18 I aways read between the lines with them. We researched the rock to reef course maybe that to start with or a course at u.v.I. and he and I scuba diving a lot.
He has learned to stay away from trouble he will be fine
Thanks for the info
Oh.....I would guess the best time for houseing is Jun. July and the best time for work is Oct. Nov.
What do u think is the best time for a pre move visit?
Thanks again
Now. Come in August. .
We will be there by Aug working now but thanks
Good day
What does anyone know about Peters rest on St. Croix.
Thanks for any info
Here's a map, the Estate Peter's Rest is in the center, the boundary outline is on page 10 of my public map of St. Croix estates.
What do you want to know?
Thanks mash
From what I can gather it looks to be a really busy part of the island.
Is it a decent area for my wife and 18yr old son or would u think that I should I look outward.
Yes it is busy, but convienent to shopping, personally I would look for rentals in neighborhoods on hillsides, avoid the communities immediately adjacent to main roads like queen mary (centerline).
Thanks mash
From what I can gather it looks to be a really busy part of the island.
Is it a decent area for my wife and 18yr old son or would u think that I should I look outward.
Peter's Rest is close to Sunny Isle shopping center, so yes, it can be sort of busy, especially on Fridays.
St. Croix is experiencing an exodus right now, as people leave in droves for the mainland due to the closure of the oil refinery and the subsequent tricke-down effects which have resulted in the loss of numerous jobs. This also means that there are numerous rentals available in nice neighborhoods, like La Reine for example (near Barren Spot, NOT Villle La Reine). I have a friend there who is leaving and is wanting to sell his huge house for 375K.
Like I have said before, people who live in modern-day America are spoiled to an extent that they sometimes don't even realize...not that this is necessarily a bad thing, I'm not naking any judgements. However, a simple thing like ordering "fast food" from a McDonalds on St. Croix will involve a wait of at least twenty minutes if there are two or more people in line ahead of you...and this is just a minor example.
At your age, you may require medical care...are you prepared to go back to the mainland for medical treatment?
You are accustomed to driving on well-paved roads...are you prepared to negotiate numerous potholes each day?
Your kilowatt per hour rate is probably around 15 cents per kilowatt hour...are you prepared to pay 55 cents per kilowatt hour for spotty service?
You probably enjoy fast and cheap broadband service...are you prepared for lesser connections at a higher cost?
You probably have a WalMart or similar big-box store within driving distance...are you prepared for greatly diminished shopping opportunities, and zero iMax theaters?
Flame time, but, if Caucasian, are you prepared to be a minority?
This place is not for have to be very self-sustaining and content from within. The island of St. Croix is not for the spoiled, unless you are filthy rich and can afford your diversions. It is for people who are content with themselves, and can look at the island's many faults and still love the guys with the expensive BMW's and Lexus who crack their front end, pay thousands of dollars for repair, then happily put their cars back on the same crappy roads and laugh about it. This is not a comfortable place if you are a whiner.
Just my two cents worth.
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