Need help finding gluten free and casein free food
My son has Autism and will be accompanying me to the island in June. He has a strict diet which has afforded him the chance to develop eye contact, speech and friends!
We are looking for 2 kinds of foods:
1) gluten free (no wheat, barley, oats or rye) (I know, right?)
2) casein free (no dairy, but also free of casein which is actually added in to many dairy free foods (go figure)
Rice and millet are fine.
Rice milk
Rice crackers and rice cereal
Rice "cheese" products
Butter substitutes
Tofu based sour cream
Are these things available on island?
Many thanks,
Mom and Nick
Mom: I am not sure what the diet has to do with it, but the children here on the spectrum are short on services, so I hope you don't have high expectations.

You don't say which island but on St. Thomas there are a few health food stores plus if you can visit several markets like Four Seasons & some others you should be able to find pretty much what you need. Other staples you could probably order online (if they don't need to be refrigerated). I would assume you will be making a pre-move visit to check these things out for yourself?
I have seen some gluten free products at Plaza Extra.
On St. John, Dolphin Market has the island's best range of gluten and casein-free products. They also have Kosher foods.
The thing about the islands is you never know for sure what the grocery stores will and won't have. When we see things that we feel we have to have here you usually buy all of them. So its not uncommon to see a store shelf striped of some item because someone else didn't want to run out of that item. So I would have a plan B.

And you can't depend on stock. When something runs out, it can take many weeks before you see it again.
Hi there,
I had a gluten free charter guest not long ago and put together a week long gluten free menu for the charter. PM me with an email address and I can send it to you. Recipes are included where necessary.
Had a lot of luck with Natural Foods Grocery and Deli in Havensight (STT). Lots of mixes, great crackers and chips (some of them actually very good), and all sorts of stuff that worked.
Let me know and I will send it along.
The diet has to do with reducing (in some cases drastically) some of the more common "autistic traits" seen in these kids. Some dramatic results have been witnessed worldwide, and I can attest to it personally in my son!
If you know children, teens (or parents of same) with ASD please pass along my message and encourage them to inquire. I will be happy to share my experience and help steer them in the right direction.
It may not help everyone, but it certainly is worth a try. I hesitated for 13 years thinking it wouldn't apply to my son's condition, and had dramatic changes in 4 days. Still kicking myself for not having been willing to try it years sooner.
Thanks everyone for responding so quickly! He is quite panicked at the thought of not having his foodstuffs! He is a growing teenager!
And the Island was St Thomas for those who asked.
Bless you all!
The cheese and sour cream substitutes may be the hardest to come by, since they are perishables; definitely look into recipes for making your own. That will help avert a crisis when your son wants X and the store is sold out. Good luck!
There is an autism family group. Daniel mentioned it for St Croix in your other thread, but I believe they are active here on St Thomas, too. Have you spoken to people at the school Nick will attend? The problem is a lack of professionals and services available to children and young people on the spectrum. Some things you may expect from the educational system may not be available. On the other hand, you will find plenty of others who share your belief system about nutrition. 😉

i highly recommend that you courier ship some things that are non-perishable and work with your island manager or concierge. there are some of those items here, but like previous posters say, not always consistent in terms of supply.
natural food grocery and deli in mandela circle and plaza extra (tutu mall) have selections for you... there is a new natural food place in sugar estate across from the post office but i have not yet been.
consider pre-stocking, too... because you don't want to be running all over for one or two things, and the service personnel are better acquainted with what's where.
congratulations to you on your son's progress (you're a good mama!), and hope you enjoy your stay.
Nicksmom, I would advise shipping some non perishable products if you have an address to ship to. May daughter visited recently and she shipped baby formula for my grandson as it was $10 to $20 cheaper in the states.

There was a health food store on STX when I was there a year or so ago (I was living there then) that is run by the 7th day Adventists. There was also one near Hess on the road from Sunny Isle to Hess. I don't know if they are still there but those would be some options to check out.
Also, when back stateside you may want to check into mild hyperbaric treatment. I have seen it work wonders for autism and many other conditions - MS, Fibromyalgia, even early altzimers (sp).
Good luck!
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