Need advise from locals
I need for all you locals to jump in here and give me your opinion on a franchise opportunity I have available. My one desire in life is to move to the Islands and slow down my pace of living. I will have to work. Not quite able to do the retirement thing.
I have been researching and thinking about buying a house cleaning franchise business. A friend of mine bought into this same franchise but is in a different part of the US and the busines is doing quite well.
Now, my question is, do you locals believe this would be a smart move and profitable for possibly St. Thomas or St. Croix? It would be the type of business where I would hire a few individuals to do the work. I would think due to all the condo's, villas & rental property, there might be a need.
I did look in the VI yellow pages and don't see many listed.
My guess -- and it's just that -- is that there is a need, and also an adequate supply. They may not be called "cleaning" business, but real estate management or villa management. I am not in any related business, and I would not be a competitor, but I would still hesitate to recommend this approach, especially to someone new to the island.
Whatever you decide, good luck.
I have to agree with MsChuy (always!!). Before you put money into something like that, it might be a good idea to come, live and observe. Many of the condos have their own cleaning crews. The villa management cos. usually have someone on their staff. I do know of one lady who did this for individuals and she has done pretty well. But it would be a lot of who you know, etc.
I know one guy who did just what you said - but started a carpet, fabric cleaning and general cleaning businesses from stratch... he however was married to a lady from St. Thomas - they lived in the states where he had a businesses - they moved back here (incidently because they thought it was a better place to raise children - or so they said) in any case - he didn't jump right into it - he worked here for about 8-10 months to feel things out - to see what he thought would work or not and then he started his carpet businesses... him and his wife are the employees... they do a good job and get word of mouth referals... they don't advertise heavily but do go around and present their services in person with flyers from time to time... approached some of the big offices and got a steady stream of regular clients and that was satisfactory for them - they weren't looking to be huge - but busy yes. And it worked.
Not sure you would need to be a franchise... seems like you could work for a bit here see what and where you could establish your business - network, meet people, make contacts and then build your business...
There are lots of folks who are housekeepers, maids... whatever you want to call it and they aren't in the phone book --- they often are ladies from other islands who are maids and have maybe 6-8 clients... they clean for one each day.. sometimes two and thats it. And sometimes villas management folks hire or have on call some of these folks who do the cleaning... I think if you researched this you could find a unique way to approach it... you would need to find a way to present it that isn't being done - so you would need to come down and live here, ask questions, see what is working, or what is not... and make a better servivce then what is out there and one that you can sell - and that sells itself - its a small island and word of mouth is a big deal.... Potential clients would be the villas, big offices (doctors, lawyers...), home owners with large homes, government offices perhaps - not sure if they contract that work out, banks/stores.... again you would need to research who presently does this work. In my experiences... employees had to keep the place clean, another store paid an employee whos job was to clean and organize only.... another job hired a lady to come once a week, I know my doctor hires someone to come on weekend when they are closed to do a through cleaning, the mall has employed maintenance and cleaning folks... not sure about the bigger stores like K-mart or the big grocery stores - not sure who does their cleaning.... definately research it.... there is a market - but not sure what approach you would need to take to get into it - as Ms. Chuy and East Ender pointed out the demand is seemingly met by those already doing that line of work.
Perhaps you could call bigger businesses and some offices... speak to the manager and ask whether they have someone at work that does it, if they are satisfied, what might make them change over to a new company... you might get some people who are too busy to answer... but this might help give you a perspective on who is doing it and how its getting done right now.
All the best.
There are sveral organized servces available, none of which are franchises. If you are thinking of a Maids on Wheels, it always sounded like a good idea to me, but you will have lot of work ahead of you. First and foremost, to find the right people to work for you, that you can trust will do the work without your being there. Good luck! Second, to market yourself in an area where you don't even know how to get around. It's not simple city streets that you can find by using a map. No chance!
Maybe you need to come down and poke around and see what interest you can raise. All of the villa companies have people that they use on a regular basis. There are some home owners or people between maids that could be your customers. Could be worth a try!
not sure about the bigger stores like K-mart or the big grocery stores - not sure who does their cleaning
I think you are on to something, Islander! At times, I don't think they DO have anyone cleaning!!!!
You guys are great!! I really appreciate all the words of wisdom and your opinions are helpful.
Sounds as if it just takes getting out and networking.
It may take a couple of visits and research to determine what will work best for us.
By the way, my boyfriend who works for Radio Shack in the Corp. office in Texas was checking into managing a RS store in the VI. Not what he wants to do for ever but he does have 20 yrs. with Radio Shack in other areas and it would be an job for awhile. He had heard from one of the store Mgr. in Puerto Rico that the Radio Shack stores get robbed alot in the VI. No violence, but just stick em up and take the money. Heard any of this?
I have never heard of RS in St. Thomas getting robbed in stick up style... they do have some trouble with theft from time to time... To my knowledge all three stores have managers... the St. Croix store maybe needs an assistant manger but not possitive.
Once again, thank you very much for the info!
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