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Need a new cell provider

Posts: 1
New Member
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We have received an offer of employment in Saint Thomas. We are currently using Verizon in the States as our provider. They do not play in the Islands. We need to get toll free access to the mainland and would like to have INTERNET connectivity for our PC. Who are the major players and who is the best? I am sure that this thread has appeared before but I did not see it and wanted some current opinions.

Posted : September 7, 2009 2:59 am
Posts: 277
Reputable Member

I am looking into the same issue.

Both Sprint and ATT work on st. Thomas. I tested both and service for each was good, with coverage actually available all over the island end to end (even though Sprint's own map modestly states that east end may not be covered). Data speeds were good for AT&T with rates better than the rates I get on mainland. Google maps application on iPhone was a joy to use - something I can't remember around my home location in a while. I would guess that this is because there aren't as many data users with iPhones on st. Thomas as there are in my "major metro area". All in all cell service and wireless data were quite good. Sprint reception was also very good - better than at my house on mainland (I tested only voice services for Sprint, and minimal internet access - no "scientific" speed testing, but what I did test was quite good too)

I wish wireline internet was as good (actually it was at the hotels I stayed at, but from network traces it appeared they have their own direct circuits terminating in Puerto Rico, so probably not indicative of what Innovative or other local providers may do).

Posted : September 7, 2009 3:32 am
Posts: 3904
Famed Member

Sprint doesn't work in a lot of the south side either. Wait until you get a place before signing with either & see what works where you are.

Posted : September 7, 2009 11:34 am
Posts: 1171
Noble Member

I'm in Northeast STT and use ATT for both services. Very happy both with service and customer service.


Posted : September 7, 2009 4:17 pm
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