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Musician moving to VI

(@Charles Milling)
Posts: 1
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*I am looking to move to the Virgin Islands. I am a professional musician from New Orleans, trained in all areas, especially jazz and contemporary music. What can you tell me about the music scene there? Which Island should I check out? St. Thomas? Do you think I could make a living as a private music instructor? What are the live music opportunities there? Much appreciated, Charles

Posted : March 2, 2004 5:58 am
Posts: 3030

Hello Charles,

You might want to look into working in a school teaching music while securing your business as a private music instructor. If you have a degree in music you could look into being a professor of music at the university. If you have the start up money to pay your way for a few months while you get the word out and advertise your services perhaps you can do without securing a teaching job - but my initial thought would be a 9-5 while setting up a private school of music and perhaps even doing both. There is a women who teaches private piano lessons while also playing at resorts/restaurants as an entertainer - had a small place at Tillett Garden - not sure if she is still there - actually just looked in the phone book and she is the only one listed for St. Thomas music instruction - its called Hintz Academy of Music (340)774-1905 - perhaps you can call and get information on what they offer, if you can offer something additional maybe you could network with them or do a partnership. I think you will find that you will need to do several things to make a living as a musician in the VI, for example private lessons and resort/restaurant performances or teach and private lessons...

All the best.


Posted : March 2, 2004 11:26 pm
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