Moving to VI
So as usual I am concerned for my safety. I am a 20-year old, white female, blonde, 5'7'' I just a recipe for disaster? ha
I know I am young but moving somewhere and being independant is my goal, my concerns are of course for my safety so should I bring a friend? Or meet people before moving or get a roomate?
Also where would be the safest (or more safe than others) places to live, preferably somewhere were the other American Residents live.
I need as much advise as possible.
I wouldn't recommend moving before doing some extensive research.
Have you read all the info on this site? I would read as much as you possibly can - entertain every idea, and look at all angles. I've been doing research for the past month, and don't plan on moving for several more months.
As for moving alone, I wouldn't recommend it.
What exactly are your safety concerns? Ask yourself: Do you feel safe where you now live. If so, why? If not, why? Do you live a particularly wild or risky life style? Do you take a common sense approach to your own safety? The point is, the VI's are like any other city, town, village, etc. area of the world - some areas are safe others are best avoided. You didn't say which of the VI's you are considering so it's difficult to give you any meaningful guidance other than to say St. thomas is the most populated and therefore statistically will have more crime than say St. john which is must less populated. Does that mean you'll be "safer" on St. John - not necessarily - again it much depends on YOU.
As for relocating with or without a friend - that's a purely personal decision. If you are comfortable and can afford living alone the VI's then you should probably go it alone. On the other hand if you feel it necessary to have a "support person" close by than bring someone with you (however make sure that person is ready to take on island life - nothing is worse than a couple where one likes living in the islands and the other can't stand it).
Also ask yourself - Do I make friends easily? It often takes time for islands to accept newcomers - reason, many new arrivals don't stay long so the old timers tend to fraternize more with those who have been here longer. That's not to say they don't accept new friends but rather they are slower to do so.
You mentioned that you wanted "places to live, preferably somewhere were the other American Residents live". well, the USVI's are US territories and the majority of residents are, in fact, "Americans". What exactly did you mean by that?
As the prior respondent said - don't move until you've done your research - start by reading everything on this website (use the links at the top of this page), order and read The Settlers Handbook and Living in De VI, scan and read the posts on this forum - every question you have plus many, many more you haven't thought of yet has been asked, answered, hashed and rehashed hundreds of times.
Finally, DO NOT relocate without first making a Pre-Move Visit (known as a PMV on this forum). You'll hear it referred to over and over again. It's the single most important thing you can do. When you do your PMV do not come as a tourist and stay in a resort or hotel. Instead find an efficiency unit where you have to cook your own meals, do your own laundry, do every day chores. Use the time to check out what shopping is like, research neighborhoods to find out what it will cost to find an apartment or house that fits your lifestyle, check the availability of jobs in your chose profession. The idea is to spend a few weeks or even months finding out what island life is really like. Living in the islands is not all palm trees, beaches and sipping pina coladas. Unless you are a "trust fund baby" once here, you have to still go out and earn a living and do the same everyday chores you do where you now live. It's not better or worse than where you now live - it's just different.
Good luck following your dream.
When are you moving? I'm actually relocating to STJ this Friday (September 2)! I thought the same thing, that I should get someone to go with me, but in all actuality, I'm moving to start a new chapter in my life so I've decided to do it alone. I recently turned 25. I'm a blonde, white female as well! Seems like we are in the same boat! Good luck with your travels. Keep in touch and maybe we can be roomies!
preferably somewhere were the other American Residents live.
You do realize the VI is part of the US and we are Americans? You need to do some more homework, read this message board like you would a book.
Hiya, cut her some slack. Her OP is some six weeks old. I am sure she has been reading this board like a book. For OP, just refer to 'statesiders' or 'continentals' to convey what you mean _ essentially ex-pats.
I believe when she said "somewhere were the other American Residents live", she meant white people. At least that is what I got from it. JMHO

Most residents of the USVI are Americans, not " ex-pats."
American means white to you? And I didn't say anything mean, nasty or otherwise so I don't know why I need to cut anyone slack. You however have annoyed me. Reread what I wrote and take the negative tone out of your head when you do, nothing was mean. Just good advice.
American means white to you? And I didn't say anything mean, nasty or otherwise so I don't know why I need to cut anyone slack. You however have annoyed me. Reread what I wrote and take the negative tone out of your head when you do, nothing was mean. Just good advice.
No, friend, I did not say mean, nasty or otherwise. No negative tone here or in anything else I have ever posted here. Reread what I wrote. All I am saying is that someone posting on this list for the first time (in July) might not know all of the nuances that posters on this list who are wise adhere to.
No. American does not mean "white" to me, but, I am not the one who inserted race into this discussion.
I am sorry I committed the cardinal sin of "annoying" you. All I was suggesting is that maybe you might consider that OP posted that remark some six weeks before you counseled her to read this forum.
Most residents of the USVI are Americans, not " ex-pats."
Not sure what you mean by "most" _ let's take STX as example _ some 50k people on the island. 40k are Crucians. Other 10k are statesiders, for the most part. I would suggest all are "Americans," but, 40k are Crucians and 10k are statesiders _ if STX was not a territory, one would call those 10k ex-pats.

I doubt that 40K people in STX are Crucians - a very large proportion of that number are from down island , PR and Santos, - native born STX residents are a much smaller percentage.
I doubt that 40K people in STX are Crucians - a very large proportion of that number are from down island , PR and Santos, - native born STX residents are a much smaller percentage.
I would concede this point. You are probably right. My point about the term 'ex-pats' as relates to STX stands.
I doubt that 40K people in STX are Crucians - a very large proportion of that number are from down island , PR and Santos, - native born STX residents are a much smaller percentage.
This statement is false because the migrants have children born on St. Croix which are then native born Crucians.
But the the USVI ARE part of the US and therefore noone living here is an "ex-pat" Those who come from the states are usually referred to as continentials or state siders.
But the the USVI ARE part of the US and therefore noone living here is an "ex-pat" Those who come from the states are usually referred to as continentials or state siders.
Ummm ... I think that's what I wrote!
What's an ex-pat?
An ex patriot is a person who lives permanently outside his/her own country, think Rick in Casablanca.
Jbatl, you said we were "essentially ex-pats" and I was saying that we aren't.
I fully agree with Linda J.
think Rick in Casablanca
LOL...I bet CayleeBea had to google that one!
No offense CayleeBea...just having a little chuckle.
You bet! I had no idea who Rick was lol
Sorry, showing my age!!!
My husband said yesterday..."I feel sooooo old!" He asked a young lady "Pardon me madam, does your dog bite?" (complete with cheesy accent). She immediately started with no, no, not at all. My dog is very gentle, blah, blah. THEN, he couldn't stop while he was just a little behind...He started explaining to her it was from an old Peter Sellers movie, and she really nailed him when she, quite sincerely, asked "Who's Peter Sellers?"
I'm waiting for the day when someone asks me "Who are the Beatles?"
Sorry about the off topic....couldn't resist...back to ex-pats!!
Even though we are Americans, living in a US Territory, we used to be able to get ex-pat health insurance. Of course that was when we were on our sailboat, and it might have been that we had to leave the country (including the USVI) for X number of days. We did leave, so no problem, but we knew people with the coverage that did not leave. I think they've really tightened up on it now.
Hello i am 24 years old from Boston and also moving to the virgin islands. I don't know what to expect! any advise would be greatly appreciated!

Saying the VI is apart of America should used very loosely.....
It's a US territory, but 3rd world.
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