Moving to USVI: Wanted Timeshare Sales Job or Divemaster??
Hello out there in cyberspace land,
I am currently looking for work in the USVI and would appreciate any feedback. I am currently living in the Cayman Islands: have been selling timeshare also am a Dive Master & Underwater Photographer I must leave the island due to immigration requirements: expiration of 7 years. I would like to work in the US and in addition dive on my days off or else work part time with a dive shop or full time or both???
I am considering the USVI before I head to must have a real estate liscense there to sell timeshare. What are the requirements to sell Timeshare in the USVI???
Thank you beforehand to responding to my inquiry.
My recommedation would be to go to Hawaii. After 7 years in the Cayman Islands, the USVI would look like a slum to you, particularly St. Croix. Plus, the economy here is dropping like a stone due to the gross incompetence of the inept and corrupt territorial governement, which by their own admission is nearly insolvent and can't really borrow any more. Many, many businesses have closed here and the middle class is fleeing due to the incredible cost of living. Stay away.
My recommedation would be to go to Hawaii. After 7 years in the Cayman Islands, the USVI would look like a slum to you, particularly St. Croix. Plus, the economy here is dropping like a stone due to the gross incompetence of the inept and corrupt territorial governement, which by their own admission is nearly insolvent and can't really borrow any more. Many, many businesses have closed here and the middle class is fleeing due to the incredible cost of living. Stay away.
Do you not see a change in the economy at some point??? Wouldn't adding another working individual that supports the local economy be a tiny step in the right direction?
So, you have been to Hawaii?
My recommedation would be to go to Hawaii. After 7 years in the Cayman Islands, the USVI would look like a slum to you, particularly St. Croix. Plus, the economy here is dropping like a stone due to the gross incompetence of the inept and corrupt territorial governement, which by their own admission is nearly insolvent and can't really borrow any more. Many, many businesses have closed here and the middle class is fleeing due to the incredible cost of living. Stay away.
I've never understood why you continue to live in the USVI when you never have anything positive to say about the life here whether it be related to the political situation, the economy or the inhabitants. The islands have gone through innumerable economic slumps through the decades (and I've been here for three of those) and have come back again but you haven't been here long enough to have a clue about any of that.
Do you have an answer to the OP's basic question?
There are a couple of realtors who subscribe to this forum so hopefully they'll step in with the answer.
My recommedation would be to go to Hawaii. After 7 years in the Cayman Islands, the USVI would look like a slum to you, particularly St. Croix. Plus, the economy here is dropping like a stone due to the gross incompetence of the inept and corrupt territorial governement, which by their own admission is nearly insolvent and can't really borrow any more. Many, many businesses have closed here and the middle class is fleeing due to the incredible cost of living. Stay away.
I've never understood why you continue to live in the USVI when you never have anything positive to say about the life here whether it be related to the political situation, the economy or the inhabitants. The islands have gone through innumerable economic slumps through the decades (and I've been here for three of those) and have come back again but you haven't been here long enough to have a clue about any of that.
Do you have an answer to the OP's basic question?
There are a couple of realtors who subscribe to this forum so hopefully they'll step in with the answer.
OT, If this were facebook, I would "LIKE" your comment. Thank you!
Hello out there in cyberspace land,
I am currently looking for work in the USVI and would appreciate any feedback. I am currently living in the Cayman Islands: have been selling timeshare also am a Dive Master & Underwater Photographer I must leave the island due to immigration requirements: expiration of 7 years. I would like to work in the US and in addition dive on my days off or else work part time with a dive shop or full time or both???
I am considering the USVI before I head to must have a real estate liscense there to sell timeshare. What are the requirements to sell Timeshare in the USVI???
Thank you beforehand to responding to my inquiry.
Ok...back to your original question....
In the VI, St Thomas offers your best opportunity for time share sales and water time. St Croix has few time share opportunities, but great diving. Hawaii probably gives you the best time share sales jobs, but in my opinion the diving does not compare to the VI. I use to spend time in Hawaii, but find the waters less friendly. Note five shark attacks in Maui this year...none in the USVI.
As far as livability, for me St Croix wins hands down, but your results may vary.
Sunshinefun said why he is still on island in a post 8 months ago:
"As a business owner, I stay here because I can make well above average profit and it is nice and warm. But once I'm ready to sell out and retire, I'll be gone like the wind."
I think that says it all.
The only timeshares that come to mind on STT are Ritz Carlton, Bluebeard's Castle and Bluebeard's Beach. Also, Frenchman's Cove.
Yrs. ago, Bluebeard's had their own staff selling timeshares but there was some talk/movement towards having those selling time share's being required to be fully licensed as Realtors. Can't recall the outcome but see timeshares listed for sale on MLS by fully licensed Realtors.
You may have to contact the resort's themselves to discover if you need to be licensed. You could also call the Dept. of Licensing & Consumer Affairs/DLCA. I would not count on selling time share's to supplement your income in this particular economical climate but there may be other types of jobs available to do so. There are presently 53 time share's listed for sale on MLS.
As for Dive Master jobs - Height of summer is probably not the right time to be looking for a job as it is the doldrums of off-season with little tourist activity on all 3 islands. Maybe one of the regular posters can give you a link to the VI phone book or you can Google Dive Shops in VI and you can call around to see if any of the dive shops are hiring or will be looking for additional personnel come season/Mid Oct.
Most dive shops will probably require someone with a current captain's license as well as a Dive Master's to run their boats/tours.
Most of the resorts here in STT have some type of connection to Dive Shops that will service their clientele as well as those taking guests out for day sails.
The diving/sailing here is very nice and believe opportunities may be better on STT vs STX due to the economy in season and proximity to all the various offshore islands and cays nearby as well as those in the BVI and all their great dive sites. The Wreck of the Rhone off of Salt Island is a popular dive destination in the BVI and there are many great dive locations there and around St. John.
Good Luck with whatever you decide. Just bring $$ as you will need a rental apt., pay for utilities, buy a car, shop for basics/necessities and many other misc. expenditures. Be smart and do your homework and check out info available to you on this board.
Sunshinefun said why he is still on island in a post 8 months ago:
"As a business owner, I stay here because I can make well above average profit and it is nice and warm. But once I'm ready to sell out and retire, I'll be gone like the wind."
I think that says it all.
And in his very first post on this forum he said, "This is exactly why my business no longer hires VI employees and now outsources all our production off-shore. Since we've done this, our profits have soared and we no longer have lazy people sitting around waiting to sue us."
He appears to be a real contributor to the well being of the territory. *-)
As for Dive Master jobs - Height of summer is probably not the right time to be looking for a job as it is the doldrums of off-season with little tourist activity on all 3 islands. /quote]
Interestingly enough (and if my friends aren't fibbing but they've no reason to!) the dive shops remain busy even during the summer. That came as a bit of a surprise to me but this IS a prime dive destination. The OP may want to contact Wayne at Red Hook Dive Center and see what, if anything, he can add or suggest. You can google for the website and contact information and you're more than welcome to tell him that the Old Tart suggested you get in touch with him.

MSIB 05-13 covers 6-pack dive and snorkel operations. The Master of a 6-pack cannot act both as the master of the vessel and dive master or snorkel guide and must remain onboard the vessel, even while at a mooring ball or anchored. The vessel must be under the "direction and control" of an individual holding a license or MMC endorsed as operator of uninspected passenger vessel. If a dive master or snorkel guide will be used, an additional crew member must be carried to act in that capacity.
This is from USCG San Juan.
I am not sure if you can run still the boat and dive with customers aboard after reading this directive from the USCG - but having a Captains license MMC is certainly an advantage for any divemaster - but even the entry level OUPV will require 360 days underway at sea signed on a sea time form before qualifying to take the USCG Test.

Divemaster job on Craigslist today. On STT with Boss Underwater Adventure
I'm glad that I have so many followers! Maybe I should get a Twitter account.
But seriously. You guys on STT need to take off the rose colored glasses and take a look through your binoculars at what is really happening over here on STX. The rate of decay is intensifying by the day. For example, in a matter of weeks, we won't have a fuel storage facility which means that large planes can't refuel here anymore. Bang! No more tourists.
Our already outrageous cost of living is about to increase again substantially as all motor fuels will have to come in on a barge from PR. Thanks again to our brilliant senators, they've finally put the last nail in the coffin for STX by spitting on Hess.
I'm thankful I had the foresight to change the way we did business here, otherwise we'd have been forced to close like so many other businesses. I'm just telling it like it is. Oh, and by the way Linda J, where are you going to go for your critcal healthcare needs when you get old and are retire? JFL? Lol...I think that says it all.
I'm glad that I have so many followers! Maybe I should get a Twitter account.
But seriously. You guys on STT need to take off the rose colored glasses and take a look through your binoculars at what is really happening over here on STX. The rate of decay is intensifying by the day. For example, in a matter of weeks, we won't have a fuel storage facility which means that large planes can't refuel here anymore. Bang! No more tourists.
Our already outrageous cost of living is about to increase again substantially as all motor fuels will have to come in on a barge from PR. Thanks again to our brilliant senators, they've finally put the last nail in the coffin for STX by spitting on Hess.
I'm thankful I had the foresight to change the way we did business here, otherwise we'd have been forced to close like so many other businesses. I'm just telling it like it is. Oh, and by the way Linda J, where are you going to go for your critcal healthcare needs when you get old and are retire? JFL? Lol...I think that says it all.
I am in no position to pass judgment for being honest on how you run your business... Specially when it is yours! You have to survive and you had your reasons...
Anyhoo, and out of topic, I have witnessed firsthand the decay in STX so I am in a good position to confirm that... I travel about every 6 weeks and you don't need to look that hard to notice it... Downtown Christiansted is slowly beginning to look horrible... Add to that the increasing number of vacant spaces... All I can do is hope they stop it and soon...
HA! Those senators did certainly teach Hovensa a lesson! Didn't they de mon dem? (There is plenty more sarcasm to go with that)...
As for the OP, the VI economy and development is undergoing a major rough spot... So bad that I recently postponed my plans in STX... Both of your job options cater mostly to tourism and that industry is also unstable... I know the cost of living in Hawaii is horrible and it is the highest of all states, if I am not mistaken... Hawaii may, IMHO, be a better option... Just a thought...
IMO - STT would be a great option tho we, too, have similar issues but thanks to direct flights from many places and the amount of cruise ship passengers we get in season, the beauty of our islands, the vast number of great dive spots and nearby islands, we tend to fare better than STX who is much more dependent on industry. Hawaii is a long way away. No doubt their electricity is cheaper!
To sunshinefun, Alana33, Exit Zero, Old Tart,rowdy802, LindaJ, Ms Information, statesidechange;
Thanks for sharing your honest feelings and opinions as this is greatly appreciated when one is considering a major move. First, I must applaud you on being such eloquent characters, extremely descriptive wording with a lot of passion.
rowdy802: "decay in STX...Hawaii a better option
sunshinefun: "GO TO HAWAII"...After living in CI, the USVI will look like a slum to you.
Alana33: great dive sites in STT, the beauty of "our islands"..."Good Luck with whatever you decide" ; )
ExitZero: Craig's List (great idea) DM job available and the Capt. Liscense suggestion
OldTart: Refer to "Wayne" @ Red Hook Dive Center as a contact.
LindaJ: "I'll be gone like the wind."
MsInformnation: "5 shark attacks in Maui this year and NONEa in the USVI"
statesidechange: "you never have anything positive to say about living here"
All in all, you are all a great bunch to reply to my inquiry and would like to say "thank you" for all of your thoughts.
With much gratitude from the Cayman Islands,
I would point out that STX and the Caymans are as far apart, economically, as they can possibly be. Suggest you plan a longish visit before you make any decisions.
My niece, her husband and 2 kids moved to Grand Cayman, last summer, from Tortola.
They love it there even tho is is more expensive to live than the VI.
Actually, thank you for sharing with us... 😉
Let us know what you decide to do!:@)
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