moving to the island
I will be moving to the island mid January with my husband and two children. It has been a long process getting life up here wrapped up but now moving time is approaching quickly. Random thoughts about island life are popping up and I was hoping to get some assistance.
- I will be living in Frederiksted is it safe to run? Any recommended routes?
- Nervous about learning to drive on the left side of the road, any tips?
Thanks for any help, the message board has been a great resource.
the worse part about first driving on the left, are the turns, parking lots ( especially golden rock ) and driving on a road when no one is in the other lane. go slow and pay careful attention.
do you already have jobs, schools lined up?
I live in c'sted so not sure if running is safe-maybe only if it is light outside? others can chime in who live down that way.
more questions, just ask and welcome
I don't think I would run anywhere on island in the evening. You should be fine anywhere during the day.
I drive to some of the more private neighborhoods to run, because they have fewer dogs running around and generally there are more people around during the day. My favorite to run in is actually Tamarind Reef, but that is East. I'm sure there's somewhere around you? Lots of people do run on the island.
I would not run on any busier roads or blind roads. Too dangerous with crazy drivers. And carry a stick or pepper spray for dogs until you know the area where you're running.
I run in Frederiksted--my start and end depend on my mood and schedule, but typically I'll run anywhere from the Frederiksted pool to Sprat Hall (road runs parallel to the water). I wouldn't do it at night or super early in the morning, but anytime from 8am to about 6pm is pretty safe for a lone female (or at least, I do it all the time and haven't had any problems).
I also run along the North Shore road between Carambola Resort to Off the Wall--and bike further down to Salt River and Princess. Another route is along River Road from the Carambola golf course entrance to the top of the beast. That route is quite a climb on the way up though (or quite the climb coming back up the beast if you go down it in the first place).
There are also other little routes here and there I'll go to near where I live or places I used to live that I know the terrain and neighborhoods. Just don't run at night (safety reasons and its also very dark most places, cannot see potholes, drivers will not expect you etc) and you'll be fine. I've never encountered a major dog problem (expect for one little chihuaua mix that charges my bike near Rowdy Joes all the time). One day I'm afraid he'll get caught up in my spokes and injure himself (and me, because it will probably cause me to crash).
Biggest tip on driving remember look over your right shoulder when pulling out then over your left
Also, drivers here love to pull out side streets and stick nose out cause its hard to see from side roads
Also a horn means yore giving the right of way....

Judith's Fancy is another great place to run. It's a gated residential community with little traffic, lots of varied elevations, and some great scenery as well. There are enough winding roads and hills to get a great workout. I know it's not near your future home, but if you find yourself mid-island and wanting to run, you can't go wrong there. Just park your car outside the gate and tell the guard you're going for a run--no problem.
And I'd second the idea about not running in the dark. The roads generally are crap, drivers can be inattentive, and safety could be a concern in some places.
I really appreciate the tips and running suggestions. This move from the states to STX (as I am sure some of you have experienced), is a pretty big deal in a lot of ways for us. I would be lying if I did not admit to some anxiety over the changes that await us. However, knowing that there are friendly people on the other side helps a lot. Thanks!
I read this article the other day and found it spot on for everything I went through when I moved to St. Croix. Maybe it will help!
Substitute your home state for the USA in the patriotic bit, and please forgive the occasional language. *grins*
For adjusting to driving on the left side (or whichever side you're not used to), I found it helpful to ride as a front seat passenger for a day or two first, to let it sink in. In the first few years, I used to get anxious driving on the right when I went back to the states. Now I can switch effortlessly, but not with complete confidence, so no matter where I'm driving or which way I'm turning, I always look both ways several times. I never did that before I moved to USVI.
For a state-sider, driving on the left side in the USVI is a bit easier to adjust to vs elsewhere because the steering wheel is still on the left.

all this talk about running is getting me tired.....
Yearasta: You should rest up because there is a marathon and 1/2 marathon there on December 15th. You'll want all your strength!
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