moving to st. john?
I love St. John and want to live there but am wondering how feasable this would be given that it is a very small island and finding employment might be difficult.
Do you know if people ever commute from St. John to St. Thomas for work? Do you have any tips on making connections in St. John. I am a psychologist. Thank you. Ruth
Ruth - what do you want to do in psychology?? private practice, school psychology, hospital setting, kids home??? teach at the university??
There are folks that live on St. John and go to work on St. Thomas and there are some that live on St. Thomas and work on St. John. I even know of one woman who lives on Tortola and works there and on St. Thomas (Tues-Fri on St. Thomas... Sat - Mon on Tortola....)
Not sure what your employment options would be on St. John for psychology?? But answer what you want to do and I will see if I have suggestions for St. Thomas.
Actually, I think a psychologist would do well on an island with a bunch of crazy people but unfortunately we know we are crazy and don't care. I am just kidding but yeah, lots of people go back and forth for jobs between the two islands.
Hello Islander and Chris,
Thank you for responding to my e-mail.
I would love to work in private practice but would also be happy working in other settings such as juvenile detention facilities, prisons, schools or counseling centers. I have experience in those settings.
When I first came to St. John I told my sister that I wanted to live there and she said, "I don't think they need psychologists in a place like this," and I concurred. It is so beautiful, it's a type of therapy in and of itself.
: )
Dear Ruth: If you are interested in a hospital-based practice which would include a closed unit as well as neuropsych testing and some general competency stuff and counseling, etc. you might look at the site and call the head of human resources...You would have to commute to St Thomas...
Thank you, East Ender, I will do that.
The hospital info you have.
For public school openings you would need to contac the Dept. of Edu. (340)774-5182
School Psychologist were needed up to last year... there was one assigned to if I racall correctly 4 or 5 schools and she moved from one to the other... so you might look into this.
to do social work... you have to get licensed and that contact info. is (340)774-3130 then the human services public info office that might direct you to the correct folks to talk with for jobs in that field is (340)774-1166
For information on the university and perhaps teaching psy. class there... visit their web site and look for the right areas for jobs and for contacting them to inquire.
The health departments mental health and substance abuse clinic is (340)774-7700 but the administration office is (340)774-4888
There is a center for psychotherapy (340)7778989 or email perhaps you could try there and ask questions, see if they are looking for any new employees.
As for persons in private practice in psychology on St. Thomas I think there are 4 (Dr. Ann Barnard, Dr. Ramona Moss, Dr. Ilene Rothgeb and Dr. Tom Tyne)
Hope that helps. Be patient when you call... many of these offices are government offices which means you often get run around a bit before finding someone who can actually help.
Thank you for all of that contact information, Islander. I am printing these responses out and plan to follow up on them. I am believer that if you want to do something badly enough, you will be able to!!
Best to you,
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