Moving to st. Croix
Ok me and the ol lady are thinking to move there but however she keeps squawking about something called work permits to work there plus costing 30,000. Personally I don't see it Can anyone set us straight on this Thanks Reddog
Are you Americans? If so none needed. Regardless of your nationality, I do not think you can buy work permits.
Thanks that's what I thought. Yes we are Americans from north west Indiana very close to Chicago u know the worlds first outdoor shooting range. It's getting roughing the city though. Thanks for answering are u a native to the islands
No I'm also moving there but the main reason being that it is an American territory and I can keep my cell service and US accounts, so if it doesn't work out it's easy to go back to the mainland with everything still intact.
If you haven't yet seen it, there is a ton of information about moving to the USVI in the drop-down menus top of this page. If you read everything there you'll have a basic grounding in what it takes to move and live here. Good luck.

And look at a map so that you are sure where you think you are moving to.
Won't hurt to have that 30 grand in your pocket for the move though. As you will read in the info and past posts you;ll need a pocket full to get established with lodging, transportation, utilities, and get buy while looking for work before it runs out. And you may need it for self-funded health care as you'll read you will likely not be able to get health insurance.
And look at a map so that you are sure where you think you are moving to.
(tu) LOL!!!!
Thanks for the comment but what about the healthcare is it somehow different from the mainland
There is no individual health insurance available in the VI. If you don't work for a company that covers you then you can't buy coverage at any price. It's a risk a lot of us have to take.

Unless you work for someone that provides health insurance, you will not be able to get insurance. No one in the VI sells private health care insurance.
Thanks for the comment but what about the healthcare is it somehow different from the mainland
You really do need to take the advice offered and read all the general information readily available here both in the drop-down menus and on forum threads. At least get some of the basics down so you have a vague idea of where you're thinking of coming to and how different living here is to living on the mainland.
The bottom line on health insurance is that the territory doesn't participate in the Affordable Health Care Act and affordable individual health care insurance isn't available here.
Reddog: The US Virgin Islands are a territory of the US. Some things are almost like America and other things, not so much. Have you been to any islands of the Caribbean before? And what makes you and "the ol lady" think this place is for you?
Well thanks for the comment. I've been to many places in this world but the Caribbean is not one of them. However many of my friends love it there and I can't get the ol lady to move to Japan or Thailand the Caribbean will be just fine I'm sure plus there is a lot of island hopping to do there but the biggest reason for moving off the mainland is just to live a much simpler Life tired of the everyone is better than u thing that goes on up here
It's always interesting to hear people thinking of moving here referring to a "simpler way of life" as one of the main reasons. As many quickly find out, it's really not true at all. Life for many who move here from the mainland is way more complicated than the life they were used to and not at all how they envisioned it to be. You'll get a better feel for it when you come and visit. It's different in so many ways but not simpler.
Well I'm sure we'll be fine I can't see it being more stressful or anymore complicated than where I'm at specially with the gangs in Chicago shooting ALL THE TIME now I'm in Chicago everyday for work and don't want to get shot again. It doesn't tickle and who knows they might go a lucky shot next time
uh oh
Reddog, what you're saying is absolutely obsurd. I'm from Chicago, born and raise. Not some suburb like so many then say they're then from Chciago. Unless you're walking in some areas of the south side and sticking out saying rob me you have very little to worry about. The gang problem in the VI is worse than Chicago because we are so small here so it hits much closer to home than it ever did in Chicago.
Your priorities are greatly skewed with what you think will be a more stress free life. Life is complicated down here and you either adjust and roll with it or the island chews you up and spits you out. Seen it was too many times... I won't even invest in new friends unless you've been here a couple years. We visited for years before we decided to make the move and even after, living full time is much different than visiting.
I usually don't give advice to people who have never even stopped on our rocks that are considering moving here as this just a waste of breath. As much as the Windy City now drives me nuts, leave it out of this rediculous notion you have. Come visit for a week or two first. If you like it come back for a season. If it works out then stay forever, it not then go back to dodging bullets in Chicago... oh wait.
Ok since you want to argue here. When is the last time you watched news in for Chicago everyday every weekend people are getting shot on the freeways broad daylight one block from the cop station being captured on phone video and if u read all the posts yes I am from northwest Indiana about an hour from the city never said I was from the city but in the city everyday. So son when was the last time u were in Chicago. I'll guarantee u this more my opinion than anything but the certain people doin all the shooting in chi town they are organizing. All hell is about to break loose up there and oh 60+ shooting Memorial Day from Friday afternoon to Monday about noon the news reported. Oh let's not forget the innocent people who are getting shot specially that truck driver that got shot in the face doing his job. So son u are the idiot in this conversation not me sounds like u need to put your head on straight So now I ask u. How many shootings in a week in the vi
One more thing. This right here is exactly what I'm trying to get away from so if u were the spokesperson for the vi which I'm glad your not you would have a hell of a time gettin tourists or potential new residents to move there. Once I'm there I hope I never run into people like u that's for sure
I'm in Chicago almost every other week for work (I fly a lot), so yes I am well aware personally what is happening there and it's not as bad as you make it out to be... in a city of 3 million (10 million in the metro area). You think it's bad in Chicago, you're in for a rude awakening here. Between STT and STX there is practically a shooting every day if not multiples with a population of only 100k.
We all move down here for our own reasons and you make it work and enjoy life or you get chewed up and spit up cause it's not all rainbows and beaches like you think it is. Why don't you actually read the newspaper down here so you see what is really going on - people being shot in broad daylight, armed robberies, corruption, retaliation killings, crimes go unsolved and unprosecuted. Crime is all the same no matter where you're at, it's all about how/where you want to deal with it, but down here it's much closer to home than anywhere back in NWI. Oh, and don't bother going out on NYE unless you want to get hit by a stray bullet at midnight.
"People like me" and others here gave you good advice... oh wait, you've already got it figured out sight unseen. Just make sure you have enough money for that plane ticket back to NWI when it's not what you thought it was.
What good advice u gave me all u gave me was a bunch of shit. And oh I'm sorry u still have to work for a living. I know I don't. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Don't bother replying I'm done with this stupid shit
You know nothing about me, but nice superiority complex... you'll fit in great here.
Whoa. The "gang" violence, in St.Croix, isn't worst than Chicago. That statement was a reach. I'm born and raised here. I didn't grow up in great neighborhoods but I maintained. I left for 11 years, now I'm back, and I still fell relatively safe. How big is the worst parts of Chicago? Could you compare that to the size of St.Croix? Nothing against Chicago but we're not that bad.
And for the most part it isn't gang violence. It's usually one area vs. the other. Then on the other hand there's drama for the stupidest things that lead to violence. Somewhere in that mix, innocent people get hurt but it's usually isolated incidents.
interesting, the talk of crime. per capita our murder rate is usually higher than chicago.
and we have had a lot of shootings lately
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