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Moving to St. Croix with children

Posts: 1
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Hello All,

I have wanted to move to the Virgin Islands for a very long time! I have studied up on it & feel like St. Croix may be a great fit for my family. I need advice though... What are the most recommended public elementary schools on the island? I'm looking for a good academically enclined school. My children love art and music so i would definitely want those things to be included in their weekly schedule. How do you like St. Croix? Do you find it family friendly? Is it a great place for kids? What part of the island do you recommend?

Thank you for your help 🙂

Posted : September 22, 2011 11:57 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

not sure about public. it might depend on the age and which ones are actually accredited. there was a big write up in the paper about a year or so ago that made a big fuss that six schools became accredited.

Posted : September 23, 2011 12:18 am
Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Elementary School.....Pearl B. Larsen....message me for any info

Posted : September 24, 2011 7:21 am
Posts: 3919
Famed Member

I have a friend whose grandchildren went to Pearl B and she was very satisfied with the school.

Have you been to STX yet? We usually suggest a longish pre-move visit, 2- 4 weeks, especially when planning a move with children. The islands are very different that the continental US. It's hard to define the differences, so coming and seeing for yourself is best. Come at a time when school is in session and try to sit in a classroom for part of a day.

Posted : September 24, 2011 9:18 am
Posts: 319
Reputable Member

cknapp, Linda J is right on the money. Follow her feedback for the best interest of your children.

Sadly, I had two tenants who arrived with children. One had a plan for her children; she checked out schools and was confident when her children arrived she had schooling all set. It didnt work out and she ended up home schooling.

The other tenant, had a 9 year old child. Visisted and stayed a few weeks, with child. However, although knowing she would be returning in 60 days and the child had to be in school, they never checked out the schools. Later, when they arrived, the child was unable to get into the private schools, and the parent didn't want to send her to public.

Bottom line, the child stayed back. I have to say it was not the schools that failed----but the parent for piss poor planning. And not being a parent. This was a tenant who was OK with leaving a 9 year old child at home all day by herself. She was Ok with the child using the pool without no adults on site. She was Ok with a 9 year old child riding her back alone during the day . I think you can see why I believe the failure was more of the parents fault.

Don't get discourage, I know plenty of people who have relocated with children and are happy with the schooling of their children--some in private and some in public. Some do home schooling.

Do your due deligenence in "shopping" for the schooling fit for your children. Strongly recommend , you involve the children in the "shopping" . Ultimately, the best fit will be your selection, but more likely to be the best results if your children are involded in the decsison process.

Good Luck.....

Posted : September 24, 2011 11:37 am
Posts: 74
Trusted Member

Hello All,

I have wanted to move to the Virgin Islands for a very long time! I have studied up on it & feel like St. Croix may be a great fit for my family. I need advice though... What are the most recommended public elementary schools on the island? I'm looking for a good academically enclined school. My children love art and music so i would definitely want those things to be included in their weekly schedule. How do you like St. Croix? Do you find it family friendly? Is it a great place for kids

Thank you for your help 🙂

Have you really studied up? Because asking for public schools that are academically inclined doesn't sound like a request made from someone who one of the currently open threads about "advice for moving with a family" that was recently added--there is some hard information there about a resident who uprooted his family to STX.

Not trying to naysay, but all of these questions seem out of line from someone who has supposedly done any research whatsoever.

Posted : September 25, 2011 7:49 pm
Posts: 380
Reputable Member

I can only speak for schools forty years ago, but from what I read on this board, not much has changed. I went to St. Mary's on St Croix, and the discipline was brutal, recess was loud, a continuous homogenized screaming sound, activity consisted of a series of kid brawls and in between people trying to double dutch jump rope or play jax, marbles, chinese jump rope or hop scotch. Rock throwing, for some reason, was highly frowned on. After school was each kid for his own. Luch was repulsive slop. The cup of powdered milk was warm, lumpy with foam on top and dead flies floating in it. We were required to eat some arbitrary portion of our food, and drink all the milk. As we left, we poured leftovers into a trash can, and some kids would vomit up their lunch into it as they passed. The nuns were sadistic and cruel. I learned to read and write okay though. There were ZERO extras included in the education. Three R's plus religion. Not tryng to paint a too harsh a picture, just saying what I remembered school was like on St. Croix. That was private school, catholic. I heard public was much worse.

Posted : September 25, 2011 8:16 pm
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