Moving to St.Croix July13
Hello my name is Danielle Droessler and on July 13 I will be Moving to St. Croix! I'm so happy, you see, right now I live in Wisconsin, ya I'm from a town of 2,000. I'm moving down with my brother and his friend who have lived in St. Croix for about 2 years now. They're 29 and 27 and I turn 23 on July 12 the day before I get there. So what I'm wondering is, there anyone down there that I can talk to or talk to about coming down, I don't know anyone but these two guy and would like to meet someone , anyone my age.!!!! So if you would like to meet someone new and from Wisconsin on top of it e-mail me back, I would really appriciate it !!! I'm sort of nervous not knowing anyone I want to have the time of my life but, don't want to be a complete stranger to the island and everyone when I arive!!!! PLEASE HELP I'm normal I promise!!!
How about that, a "cheese head" saying they are normal? Just kidding, welcome to the islands. I too will be moving down there, unfortunately, I'll be you're neighbor to the north, on STT. I'll be opening a bar there by the beginning of Oct. Who knows, maybe we'll all be able to get together soon. I'm from Cleveland, and have lived down in the island previously, but had to move back to the state for 3 years. I am now ready to head back. Anyway, I'll be down there by the end of July. Let's stay in touch and hook up down there!
Sounds good Gator who are you moving down there with?
My girlfriend and I will be down there by the end of July (God Willing). I just have a few loose ends I have to deal with prior to that, but shouldn't take too long. By the way, is your brother already there? I couldn't tell from your message. Also, just to let you know if you can't find a place to catch the Packers games come football season, look me up, I can assure you, I'll have the games on in my bar! What the hell, as long as they don't play the Browns, I'll even cheer for them. I'll see you in the Caribbean (I never get sick of hearing that) in a couple months. Please keep in touch in the mean time.
Hi Danielle,
i just came back from visiting STX. I too am from WI, and my best friend lives there and she is from WI. I'm not sure where you'll be working, but remember that you'll meet people really fast once you're there and start working. I know a couple of guys in their twenties who live on boats and work for diving companies. I'm also friends with one of the cooks at Stixx who is 29. A word of warning though, be careful about how you conduct yourself when you first get there. You're young and I know you'll be excited to be there and you'll probably get carried away now and again, but the island is small and word spreads really fast about the going- ons of new comers. Just be careful and have fun, if you want any names of people I know I'll give them to you, but be rest assured that most of the young people are very friendly to new people to the island and you should'nt have any problems gaining friends. Goodluck!
Hey Danielle,
It is so nerve racking to go some place new but just remember meeting new people is half the adventure. Don't be shy about saying hi and striking up conversations. Asking someones opinion is always a good ice breaker. Such as advise on a restaraunt or place to get drinks. Look, you broke the ice on this message board and we all want to talk to you and give you advice. It is that easy. Just be positive, approachable and try to keep that nasty fear of rejection at bay. If the people in the USVI (and I suspect they are just from what I've read here) are as kind, cool and easy going as they are other places in the caribbean I've visited, you won't have a problem at all. Good luck to you Danielle!
Hi Danielle,
My girlfriend Brooke who you will also see on this message board and I are moving down to St Thomas sometime in late August. We are both 23 and currently living in VT. We are both looking for jobs and an apartment right now and are really excited to get to St Thomas. We would be more than happy to meet up and put down some beers. We do not know anybody on the Islands and will be eager to meet people. I promise we are very normal also. Brooke is from Mass. and I am from New Jersey, i guess that doesnt really help huh. Any way hope to keep in touch.
My name is Terrence 24, also from New Jersey
Im thinking of moving to St. Thomas or St. Croix.
Dont know yet if I want to stay for the summer or longer.
Nervous about being on my own but hey...
Anyway Im a good dude so no worries if you meet a guy from NJ he's cool.
Hey Wisconsin girl.
I am a Mn guy and just thought I would say hi.
I used to know a bunch of cheeseheads back in college.
I live on St. John and have been since august but havent even made it to STX yet.
If you are ever in the area, I would be more than willing to talk about how much cooler minnesota is compared to wisconsin.
If you wanna hear any Packer or Wisconsin jokes, just hollar.
Hey thanks for replying! If you dont mind me asking where are you and your friend from in Wisconsin, and she already lives there(St. Croix). I would love to talk to her and definetly meet her when I get there. Wow I cant believe that someone from WI already lives there. You see I'm picturing my brother his friend, me, and a whole bunch of islanders(not sure what they go by) that already dont like me because I'm moving into there home! You see I've been told many times and heard storys about how mean and down right ignorant the darker skined people(i hope im safe with that title, not sure again) are toward the whites on the island! Atleast this is all my brother and his friend have experienced. Chris, the friend, has been there for 2 years now, Shane,my bro, 1year. So you could say I'm a little nervous, scared even of not meeting anyone my age(23). I honestly wasent even sure if there was anyone my age down there besides the locals. I'm go happy that you answered me!! Thank you so much! I would be forever grateful if you would introduce to your friends!!!! How old are you and your friend, who did she move down there with? I'll stop with the questions, sorry! I just hope you right me back! Maybe we could even meet up before I leave. I guess depending on how far away we live from eachother. By the way, I'm from a small town, all 22 years in the same little town. That might clue you in on the whole bein a little scared thing, the locals scared thing! I hope too hear from you soon, really soon because now, I'm really excited and cant wait to hear more POSITIVE St. Croix info.
wow, sounds as if your brother and his friend prolly should find a nice lilly white suburb in the midwest somewhere to swill beers and ride around in a pick up truck so that they don't have to deal with any "ignorant""darker skinned people".
danielle, although i am much older than you,i have visited stx many times and am relocating there myself this summer, i just wanted to tell you please don't be fearful of the locals. they are some of the warmest, kindest, sincerest people i have ever met.also, don't just limit yourself to making friendswith transplants from the states,seek out local people to befriend as well i can asure you it will make the experience much more enjoyable. crucians are very [proudof their island and love to share it with people who show an interest instx as well. i have an idea if you keep an open mind and heart you will love the small town felling of stx best of luck!!
Like linda (above) I am older than you and have visited STX many times. And I too have found the locals to be wonderful, open and sharing. Like most places and people, you get back what you give. I suspect that your brother and his friend, coming as they do from a small mid-western town, have not had much personal experience with "minority" populations and rely too heavily on stereotypes. The friends I've made on St. Croix are in all shades of the rainbow and we remain in touch even when I'm in my northern home.
I would also echo the advice of MD above. There is an extremely small town feel to this island and everybody knows everything about everyone. So do be mindful of this, I can easily imagine that an initial impression could be difficult to revise.
Have an open mind and an open heart and you will love St. Croix.
Danielle, what do you plan on doing when you get to St. Croix? Do you have a job lined up? A place to live? Or maybe the real question is, WHY are you moving to St. Croix? You sound as though you are not going to be comfortable being a minority (white) in the population. And because you will be in the minority, it will be up to you to go along and get along. That will mean being open and friendly to ALL you meet. It means adjusting to the customs of St. Croix. It means "island time".
I hope I'm wrong and you love the island, fit in, and stay for a long time. Maybe a shorter visit to get a feel for the island would be a better plan. For someone who has never traveled outside of Wisconsin, moving to the USVI might be too big a leap. But good luck.
"Mean and down right ignorant"? Remember Danielle, your attitude has a lot to do with your success. If your brother and his friend are having a hard time with the locals they might want to look in the mirror and check themselves. If the locals are alienating them, it is for a reason. You have only the opinions of your brother and his friend to go on and that maybe stereotyping based on the pigment of one's skin isn't the way to go about it. I have known and seen quite a few "mean and down right ignorant" white people. But thank God that they don't represent the entire population! A racially motivated attitude will only hurt you and possibly sour the adventure you are about to go on. I agree with Linda that maybe a shorter visit might be best for you. Leave your race issues back in Wisconsin and think for yourself Danielle.
Everyone is giving good advice to Danielle but I think you are all being to hard on her for this racial thing. I think she tried explain her concern the very best way she could without offending anyone or coming off as a racist. Besides what kind of racist would move to the Virgin Islands. Come on people. And as for her brother and his friend what racist would stay in a place like that for two years.
Go easy, she seems like a good person
Danielle: a) your brother and his friend's assessment of locals is unfair and untrue, and b) you get what you give. That is, if you come down to STX believing that all the "darker-skinned people" will be "mean and down-right ignorant," that is precisely the reaction you will get. Living in the USVI and being a statesider is already an adjustment, and at times hard, without bringing unnecessary racial baggage.
Btw, Terrence,
I have met a whole host of racist statesiders since I moved here 10 months ago. I have encountered the white statesider who moves to the VI (where it is 85% black) to enjoy paradise (sailing, drinking, sunbathing, etc.) with the benefit of US legal and military protection, but still carries the hate they have for black people. On the flip-side, I have encountered a few black statesiders who, in no uncertain terms, disapproved of my interracial relationship. Indeed, I have a local friend who believes that racism in the USVI has increased in large part due to the statesiders who come and refuse to abandon their notions of race relations.
Hi Danielle,
I'm from Eau Claire, WI and 27. I think that you're move will be a wonderful growing experience for you. I too moved to St. Croix when I was well, 24. I plan on moving back in December. About the fear you have about Cruzans (locals), you'll be happy to find that they are very welcoming and friendly. But just as blacks run into racist white people in the states, you may occasionally run into a local who doesn't care for you because the color of your skin, but believe me, you'll only become a better person because of it. You finally get to know how it feels to be disreguarded because the color of your skin.
If you want any other info you can leave your email address and I'll email you back.
How do you like living on St John? I lived on St Croix for a year and a half and plan on moving back this year. I really enjoy St Croix, but I can't imagine living on St John! It's so tiny! I stayed at Canneal Bay once when I was visiting StJohn, it was beautiful. By the way WI and MN are one in the same, it's like comparing sliced pineapple to diced pineapple. Of course the Packers are much better than the Vikings but who's judging? anyway I'll let you know when I'll be around, ok?
St. John is cool. I like it alot. I mean if i wanted to live in urban areas, I could live stateside. On St. John, you get to know people who live on the rock with you.
There is not much of crime and people live pretty much to enjoy the life of living on an island with better beaches and better virgin wilderness because of the national park. You learn to enjoy the finer things in life. I couldnt imagine living on STT or STX to be honest. I like living on an island where there are no stoplights and less corporate bull.
Better watch it, the Packers have always sucked. MN is way better than WI. We actually plow the roads in Mn in the winter. The number of houses arent outnumbered by the number of bars in MN. Plus, the number of shotgun carrying drunkards is a little lower in MN. The only things in WI are beer, guns, and the Packers and I think the reality of the Packers brang out the other two.
Danielle and others - I was going to opt not to reply to this message because the advice was already so greatly put forward. However I would like to reiterate one point and to make one other.
I attended UVI a while back 🙂 and while there I recall many transfer students from the mainland that came down and got really caught up in the island life and nightlife and very much to their demise. I don't think this topic has been discussed on this board before - however it is an important one. It is very easy to get caught up in going out and drinking, dancing, meeting people and then going to the beach all day the next day and the next and the next. Again back to the transfer students - some of them dropped out, failed courses, slacked off because of being taken up in the island fun and sun. I mention this because of you enthusiam toward having lots and lots of fun. Don't get burnt out by this 🙂 but do enjoy the islands.
As for your comment about locals - well, gosh I understand you tried to word it so it was clear and not misconstrued as your own... in any case. Two things - try to keep an open mind, there is ignorance everywhere and there are mean people everywhere. Also some locals have seen new residents come and go, some have felt slighted by perhaps new residents who might think they are better then the locals, or new residents that might get paid more then locals.... and to some degree this has created a bit of "hey there is a new person - lets see how long this last here" attitude that can be misunderstood as dislike. And then there are some who really are rude and generally dislikable ..... Look passed it, be strong, enjoy the islands, be friendly and you will enjoy this new adventure in your life.
There are other whites in the islands - 15% of the population actually, so you won't be alone. And you will find others your age. Actually always surprises me how many stateside young people are to be found in Christiansted shops, restaurants, cafes working....
ooolala, C.C. you're a fiesty one! You're right about the Packers though, they've sucked except for when they won the title a few years ago.
I think it is funny how everyone has dismissed racism on the islands as rare or unusual. I don't think it is RARE for some west indians to hold color against a person from my experiences. There is ignorance down here and I think it is funny how some people are totally blind to it. Some people just see the world as white and black. Maybe you get into your own group of friends and are shielded by stranger's reactions. Just because you have a few friends of different races doesnt mean you can't be racist. The fact that Danielle's comment got everyone so fired up is evidence that it is a heated topic in which there is some truth that there are issues of racism. Of course, some racism is brought from people coming from the states. I think the problem is more deep rooted than that. SOME west indians actually believe that statesiders are invading their land. Statesiders are just supposed to come here and visit, drop all their cash, and LEAVE. Can some of you actually tell me there isn't an underlying sentiment like that? Heck, even some of the tourists, who are spending lots of money, have voiced concerns to me about racism. I really believe that problems should be faced and dealt with not dismissed as rare. I look at it like cancer. Cancer starts out as one single cell that is a problem but untreated, it can kill the entire person. I know everyone will try to set me straight and tell me how great everyone gets along and how wrong i am. The problems with opinions are that you can't prove opinions wrong.
You are of course entitled to your opinion. I, however, am learning to take your posts with a grain of salt.
Anyone who considers St Thomas and St Croix "urban" is clearly coming from a very different mindset than me. Doesn't make your point of view invalid, just not valuable to me.
Let's agree that the natives are "mean and ignorant" and the continentals are "arrogant carpetbaggers" and get back to the main point.
Danelle sounds like a naive young girl who may not be making a wise choice in moving to the USVI with her brother and his friend.
The social and cultural climate are factors to consider when moving to any area, much less an island in the middle of the Carribean. Let's face it, she moves to Indianapolis and doesn't like it, she can get home easily. The USVI, not so much.
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