Moving Soon - Need Positive Thoughts!
Hi Everyone-
I've not posted much on this site, but have been reading since early this year. I am grateful for the wealth of information, thoughts and insights that everyone offers!
I have been to STX twice for PMVs, and am currently packing for my final move! I have sent my kids to Canada to visit family and am working feverishly to clear out our home, place our dogs with rescue organizations, coordinate moving companies, storage companies and donation drop-offs, as well as, trying to keep all my packed boxes in the correct "go to" pile! As I approach move date - July 6th - I am starting to second guess my decision. Dealing with the logistics alone sometimes is overwhelming! When things get to be too much, I often come back to these posts and am reminded of how fortunate I am to have this opportunity.
I could use some success stories right now - I know that this will be great for our family (kids 7 & 5) and that we just have to get there - it's just somedays (like today, saying bye to one dog) are harder than others!
Saying bye to a pet is sooooo difficult!
I know what you are feeling....I really do.
"Every little 'ting gonna be alright".....
Not many people have the chance to make a move like we are all making (or have made). This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If it ever gave you the chills to think "I could be living there...." then you need to jump in. Both feet first. What is best for you and your family? That is the main question. If it is being in the islands, having time together, do it.
You only live once. And the pets will be fine...rescue organizations are awesome...they will screen the people and place your furry babies with homes that will love and respect them.
Smile, live, love.
Big Hugs~
Alix (Going for PMV on July 6, moving on Aug. 1)
putting the pets with rescue organizations? HOW COULD YOU. I can see putting the kids up for adoptation, but the pets. LOL
I know exactly what you are going thru. As sure as we were that moving to STX was the right thing to do, it was unnerving to get rid of most of our stuff and move so far away. The first couple of months are a little tense as you get everything set up and arranged. After that, life is excellent. Welcome to our island and I hope you love it half as much as we do.
Hello Lea,
Ahhh, the memories... Only a year ago I was in the same position as you. I have three kids and moving was so stressful (a word I am slowly forgetting). I am speaking honestly and hopefully it will make you aware, but also excited and happy. The kids and husband will adjust quickly (usually by the first time they go to the beach). We women (wives, mothers, girlfriends, friends, etc) have a difficult time adjusting. Of course there are always the exceptions and I am only speaking from my experience and others I have known. Just in case you too have some sort of homesickness or depression during the first months or so, remember that many of us found our place and now love the islands and call them home. It really helped knowing others go thru this adjustment phase. Of course even during that phase you will find the reasons you moved here. A beautiful clear day, an exploring adventure, a beach day, a hammock day, or just driving around day. This really is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In less than three months of moving here, I didn't want to think about moving back to the states. My advice is to enjoy every minute and find that thing that you love about the islands to get you thru the 'down' days - which will get fewer and fewer. For me, moving here was life changing in the way that I always wanted it to be. Accepting the customs and etiquette of the islands will really make you a less stressed and happier person. At least it has in my case. 🙂 Good luck with moving and let us know how it goes. This board was a life line for me and I think for others as well.
No worries.
RESCUE ORGANIZATION, whew...i gues some people are not as attached to their pets as others. NEVER could i do that as my girl (rotti) was part of our family. BUT THEN AGAIN, to each their own...SECOND GUESSING IS GOOD. It is a BIG move and you should THINK HARD as the islands are NOT for everyone...GOOD LUCK, and PLEASE research it!

The important stuff - do you have a place to live and is it furnished or do you really need to send all your stuff now.
I came down on a month long pre-move visit. I packed what I thought was 2 - 3 weeks worth of clothes, bug spray, sun lotion. Aside from the sun lotion and some of the bug spray, I haven't even used half the clothes.
I found and started a job within 3 weeks and a place to live. I am not going back - moving my return ticket out till next May. I may have someone pack and send my desktop computer but that's all. I will find car here, and the apartment is furnished.
All this to say - you can do this. The kids will love the place - may take time to get adjusted in school - but they are young and adaptable. I cried (and prayed) when it was getting to the three week mark and no solid job offer - had lots of interviews - because I had never NEVER felt such peace as I do here.
I know I am probably not the norm because I left 2 teenage kids who live with their dad up in the states. I didn't see them that often due to living 5 hours away from them and we talk as much as we did then. They aren't happy that I am here and they aren't. But they will love that in December I will be bringing them down for 10 days or so.
You have to live your life and follow your dreams. Is it best for the kids - heck - we never know how anything we do is going to affect them. All we can do is set the example that life is worth living and that it is right to follow your dreams.
Good luck and touch base when you get here!!!
It will get MORE hectic as you approach your leave date!!! And once you get here, it will REALLY get nerve wracking, dealing with Innovative, WAPA and the DMV! Is it worth better believe it! I am here going on 8 weeks and am finally beginning to settle down, and I just brought kids! This life is not for everyone. If you can deal with all the waiting in line, the frustration, not getting all that you have at home, you will do fine. I went from running a busy practice to managing a laundromat and an apartmnent building. I have switched from people chiropractor to animal chiropractor! I don't regret a thing! I am doing exactly what I want! I live in Paradise and the people I have met here on STX, have made this island even more beautiful. I am lucky and fortunate to be here and I know it!
All the mayhem you are going through is like a right of passage! Once you are here, Everything will work out! Good luck!
WHY aren't you taking your pets??? I have moved around the globe w/pets...The USVI is easy-no quarintine, no red tape & paperwork...
Someone long ago-before I was a pet owner-who had moved to the caribbean w/their dog said that once they'd made the committment to their pet it was for life-that always stuck with me...
Kudos to you for bringing your Rottie! - maybe we can meet up sometime! I will be bringing 2 and a mutt - after we find a place of our own, I'll be bringing over the others. It CAN be will cost us dearly to board our others at a dog camp for a few months, but it will be worth it in the long run. As the president of the largest breed specific rescue in the nation (Rottweiler, incidentally), I can tell you how difficult it is to find foster homes and adoptive homes for family pets, particularly foster homes. I cannot and will not ask our already overburdened organization to babysit mine until such time I can bring them over -so I found a place where they will be treated like family and am paying through the nose (and thrilled to do so!). There are several of us who have Rotties who are moving soon - maybe we can start a fan club on STX!
you said you brought your dogs...can you give me info. on that please? how big are your dogs? who did you fly with? what carriers did you use? did you sedate them? I have two 60lb dogs...never flown...they are my babies and I am very nervous about the transition. Have heard horror stories about flying and how the islanders "poison" animals, etc...
my dogs are 10 yrs. old...
I am sorry..Last thread- "islanders who poison animals?" What does this mean?
Also, Does anyone know if the Humane Society or any vets on the island have the ability to scan microchips? I am thinking of getting my cat a chip before I leave. She an inside cat- but I just couldn't risk losing her in case she did get out- but I guess the chip is pretty worthless if no one could scan her if she were found....
I flew from Calif to STX . I flew o Delta. I have 2 labs, 65 lbs each, a dane/lab mix, 80 lbs and a large rhodesian ridgeback, 145 lbs. I bought an extra ticket for a friend to travel with me because it was cheaper than paying cargo rates for 2 dogs instead of one! Each passenger can take 2 dogs as carry on luggage but Bart, the ridgeback, ws considered cargo because of his size so i pyed cargo rates for him! Very expensive!! I broke the trip up into 2 legs because the layover between flights was more than 4 hours. My first stop was Atlanta where i arranged t be met by a local kennel who boarded my dogs for the night. They also brought them back to the airport the next morning. It made the flight much easier for the dogs.
You may have to fly all your pets as cargo as we are in the middle of the pet embargo. Normally, you would be able to fly your pet as checked baggage but during the summer months, I believe they have to travel as cargo. This was my first time travelling with my pets. I treat them like my kids and was very concerned about their safety. DO NOT SEDATE your pets! That can cause respiratory dysfunction during a flight. I also don't believe that the carrier will not take a drugged animal.
Flew from the South Pacific to the Caribbean. Made a couple of stops & overnighted in hotels. One hotel in CA was a Hilton which, although I'd made the prior arrangements was quite nice & I'd have not expected to accept pets.
I second the "do not sedate" info.
For travel, larger, screw-on type water bowls can be attached to crates. I always throughly lable the crates w/"kit crate" labels in additon to extras that I affix. Too, when more than one dog was traveling together I put a picture of the two of them with & a request to "keep them together." When flying, too, I always let the airline crew (gate, onboard) know that I am traveling w/my dogs & to pls. let me know when they are on board/also to be sure they were in a/c while waiting in a warmer area.
I traveled in August, which was during the summer embargo once. The dogs stayed with family in the states & came w/ family members in Sept. as bagage. It worked out less for me to pay the family member's flight than cargo would have cost-plus gave me the change to have a month to settle everything in before they arrived.
Not sure about scanning, tho mine are chipped.
Re: poisioning. It unfortunately does happen. I'm very cautious when outside about what they may be eating. They are not outside unattended (yard or otherwise) & are leashed except for a couple of spots where I know they are safe & are supervised.
Hey All!
Great thoughts - Since my previous post I've decided to foster my dogs and try to find a place that will allow me to bring them with me. I have a rental, but am looking to buy and will now be searching for a house. Since I'm renting a condo, I thought I'd probably lost my dog option (I am bringing a cat), but given the feedback I'm now rethinking! Kids will be Happy!
Salvation Army is coming to pick up tomorrow, movers Fri., Auction co. Tues. - Just ready to get my family to STX for good! Another ozone alert day here in Austin - that makes about 30 in a row - there are some things I will not miss!
Thanks for all - would love to meet after arrival! In my limited experience, Islanders are the best!
good for you LW! Its a tough decision and I think it is worth the extra work and stress that will come with keeping your dogs-it will be well worth it and I don't think you'll regret it!
I thought I was going to have to leave my dog, but I was determined and prayerful about that situation, especially I had adopted him from such a bad situation. Most people were not willing to let me rent with a pet. I tried everything I could think of. Then one day someone said sure you can bring your dog. That was that. I moved on to my next what seem like attainable project. Some of the members of the message board don't realise it but they have gotten me through some touch moments. Hang in there it really will be ok.
My dogs and cats are chipped and when we moved here we asked the Humane Society if they scan upon receipt of animals and were told, "yes." Whether or not this is true, I can't tell you. But it does seem improbable on an island where chipping itslef is not available.
Anyone here know Hubert well enough to ask him for the real deal?
As I was making my donation to the HS today I asked them if they had the scanners to scan chips- they said yes as do most/all vets in the area. I hope this helps others..
Good to hear they have the scanners.
But, do they use them for EVERY incoming animal?
Perhaps I will call today.
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