movie - Sicko
We went last night to the movie "Sicko" by Michael Moore. While I don't much cars for his movies, this one was sure a eye opener to the health care problem. I highly recommend it to everyone.
I thought it wasn't here yet...? Oh, are you off-island? If so, no fair!!! 🙂
Yes, please oh please let me have the Cuban system. I can't wait till we have a system like that. Che, Hugo and Fidel lauded by the likes of a Moore.
If the fat slob lost a couple of hundred pounds maybe he wouldn't worry so much about the health system.
He's America's biggest joke.
Ouch, promoguy, the best you can do is assail his weight?! Schadenfreude (sp?) is not becoming unless it relates to Paris Hilton.
BTW, why is advocating for a better health care system such a bad thing?
BTW, I thought America's Biggest Joke was George W. Bush.
Sorry, couldn't resist. The gauntlet has been thrown.
There is nothing wrong with advocating for a better health care system. Highlighting a Cuban system shouldn't be part of the process.
Actually, I could highlight a lot more than his weight problem in talking about his hypocracy. But will allow others to do a google of the combination hypocrite and Michael Moore in the same search. Remembered when he was skewering big corps like Halliburton. I'm sure you're aware that he made a nice 15 pct on that stock sale. Just one of many of his past musings.
Mr promoman
You do protest a bit too much. It sounds as if you have been brainwashed and desensitized by the right wing talk show drivel. Too much Rush & Sean shrinks the brain. (and the ability to think independently)
Michael Moore is a bit heavy handed and one sided, but he has helped to shed an important light on many abuses that abound in the good old USA.
We have president and veep who are strong-arming our constitution and threatening our freedom. We are fortunate that Mr Moore has now brought attention to a very sick health care system.
Be glad that we care. Be glad that we are trying to make changes. Michael Moore may not be physical appealing to you, but he is a true patriot.
As to his physical appearance, I have seen pictures of you.
Yes, but I'm healthy. I'll now quit since the subject has changed. Oh and I don't listen to Rush and I find Sean boring and repetitive. Yes, I'll try to think for myself.
Now off to the beach
That last line was a little low, island wedgie for you, replete with a quart of very fine sand.

Michael Moore a Patriot?? oh Puh-leeze! He's as much off the wall for the left as Bush is for the right. He's not above misinformation and distortion of truth to fit his agenda. Whether it's the Left or the Right, it seems to be all about greed and self-interest. To fix the fiasco of the American medical system, we need to train more nurses who will actually nurse, doctors who will doc and get rid of the insurance company and the lawyers. Let people pay for their own health care, but make the prices reasonable. I detest Michael Moore, but the issues he raises, albeit with hyperbole, are real. I will see the movie when I can
I believe, for better or worse, and with no comment on anyones looks, that Michael Moore is this generations Ralph Nadar.
Is that good or bad, Linda? LOL!
Ugh, ouch, scratch
To the shower / I accept my wedgie with grace and charm.
I guess that my description of Mr Moore as a patriot might be confusing. I was trying to say that despite being rather unpleasant in appearance and decorum he tells us "truths about our democracy". In a democracy telling the truth helps to keep us free. We have been so lied to by our current crop of politicians that we forget the high ideals that our founders tried to express.
And yes, he has his own agenda and faults and golly he might even be making a bunch of money doing what he does. So What, as my brother used to say.
Let's hope we all survive this dangerous period in America. Let's hope our ideals and our constitution are stronger than the corruption that our leaders show us every day.
The Virgin Island constitutional convention reminds us that we must strive for a better more honest place for us all to live.
Weren't we told off for having contentious posts that were not related directly to moving to the VI? Or has THAT changed now
Good or bad? I don't know. I distrust anyone who is wrapped too tightly around any one subject. Have you ever noticed "the look" that comes into the eyes of those who are rabidly committed to pro-life or pro-choice, or home schooling, or gay marriage, or, anything, really? I worry about people who care too much. Also, I think Nadar was a spoiler in at least one presidential election. But he did do a lot of good.
So who knows, maybe it takes people with a special, focused, vision to make changes in this world. The rest of us are too pragmatic and too busy living our lives.
I'll just say this about health trip to any government run hospital or military hospital where you wait 3 to six months just to see an orthapedic surgeon and i bet you will never again support government run healthcare....and lets not forget it was the government who gave us HMO's.....Not the insurance companies, they just did as they were directed by the government.
Oh, and as always, one more thing....As far as twisting the constitution, please direct me the section where the government is responsible for health care...I do know that it is in some state constitutions, but help me out here...
Jay, it's in there somewhere, you know right next to the one on privacy.
The main thing I got out of the movie was how some of the insurance companies are screwing their customers. Not giving coverage they are supposed to. The movie is more about insured people, not non- insured people.
I don't know if government health care would be good or not, it seems that the government does screw up anything they do, but it does make you think, and opens your eyes to problems.
Like I said, the lady we went to see the movie with works for a big insurance company, and up until a few weeks ago was in the department that reviewed claims. She said that part of the movie was pretty much right on.

My son was born in Liverpool, England at an NHS (National Health Service) hospital. He was born by cesarian section so his mother had to spend five days in hospital recovering. After we took our baby son home, he and his mother were visited by the nurse and the midwife twice a week for three months and then once a week for the next three months. He was weighed, measured and examined on a regular basis. Total Cost: 0- nada- not one penny!
We have the best health care system in the world- if you can afford it. I have heard this right wing GOP argument for so long now in this country: "the private sector will take care of you best". That's why we have three drugs for E D and many obscure life-threatening diseases remain unresearched because there is no profit motive for the big pharmaceutical companies in developing a cure for a malady that only affects a few thousand people. Yes right wingers, there are problems with government run health services all over the world. Perfection does not exist. The best run service that I have seen is in Australia which seems to have the right balance of public and private. If we set our minds on reforming US health care without our representatives being bought and paid for by the medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex we can get it done... prognosis: unlikely because our representatives are bought and paid for by the medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex.
Here in the US Virgin Islands this argument is moot. Once again I must remind my fellow posters that we have no say in US government policy. We do not vote for our president and our representative in Congress has no vote on the house floor. This is part of what it means to be disenfranchised in our wonderful democracy. I had more influence on national affairs when I lived in the UK. I could vote in US federal elections there.
If you miss enfranchisement you could always move back to the mainland. Or if you feel like you need to vote in the presidential elections and want to be heard in congress, you could always start a movement to statehood.
Oh, and before I forget, may I call you a left winger.
You can always send money to support your favorte candidate, that is as powerful as any vote.......Oh.......lets never forget that if you want free health care in the United States of only need to relinquish your citizenship and come back illegally.....then just go on welfare and get your free child stamps.......and on and on and on.....
Just because health is manage by the govt and is "supposedly" free (like England) it isnt at all when you consider what they pay in taxes. Theres no tooth fairy and there's no such thing as free health care. The middle class will pay like it always does. I would prefer we rely less on the govt instead of more.
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