Now that the rain has abated, the mosquitos are coming out in full force.
And they loooooooove to bite me.
I'm sure I can't be the only one on the island, so I thought I'd ask all of you what remedies you've heard of that actually work. I'll share what I've found out and experienced. I'm most interested to hear from fellow mosquito magnets like myself.
A lot of people have given me a lot (and I mean a LOT) of different ideas to try, and I've googled the subject extensively.
There are a lot of theories out there, from what blood type you have (I'm A+, but have read stories of ppl with AB, O, with the same problem) whether or not you're a vegetarian (I was, but am not any more) how fair your skin is (are you *kidding*?!) what fruit you eat (which seems to have at least some truth to it, since they hate citronella- and thus might dislike other citrus-based smells)
Here's what I've learned so far (which seems to be working):
DEET-based repellents work well.
There's a DEET-free alternative (all natural, with coconut, soybean, and geranium base) alternative called Bite Blocker that you can get online (they ship to St. Thomas! Yay! They realize we are indeed US and will ship to PO Boxes! Glory be!) I've asked a local store to carry it, and they have ordered some. I'm already halfway through my bottle- the stuff works great.
Avon's Skin So Soft works for a few hours, but doesn't touch the repellant properties of DEET or Bite Blocker.
Citronella candles work to some extent, but I personally dislike the way they smell. The theory goes that mosquitos are attracted to a combination of color (hence gravitating towards black/dark clothing), smell (sweet toiletries, chemical compounds on the skin and breath), CO2, heat and movement. Thus, any candle might attract them since they give off CO2 and heat.
There are several studies about gadgets like the MosquitoMagnet (which works off a propane tank and sprays CO2 in the air) and handheld devices that mimic the sound of a male mosquito (apparently abhorrent to a pregnant (biting) female mosquito).
I've ordered the Sonic Web (hard to get- having friends stateside ship it to us- sometimes people just *cannot* comprehend "We are the US, too! Only USPS will get here! Please please ship to a PO box!"). We'll see how that works.
Here's what *hasn't* worked for me: (all suggestions from locals)
Get a tan
Eat more meat
Take B12 (a waste of 10 bucks at Kmart)
Eat tons of garlic (repels humans, but not mosquitos!)
Rub vodka on your skin
Rub vinegar on your skin
Eat lots of vinegar on your salads (ugh)
Just wait- you'll become immune! (hah!)
If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Will keep you posted about what works/doesn't work for me.
Mosquito Buffet
Ha, ha! RUB the vodka?? You are supposed to DRINK the vodka- then you won't FEEL the 'skeeters!
Do you have mosquito racquet? It is a lot of fun- you get to practice your tennis swing and sizzle a few bugs at the same time! And you can keep small children in line! (JUST KIDDING!)
My most UN-favorite topic. Simple solution has been to
a: apply don't bite me lotion late in the afternoon, (this is critical! late afternoon) and
b: once they bite'cha, you can apply the same companies don't itch lotion. Both are available at Sunset Pharmacies, mine in Red Hook recommended it, and it's on the counter right next to the Pharmacist. It does NOT contain DEET, which I'm not sure is too good for us humans.
It's called Bug Off and is produced by Caribbean Lifestyles, Inc. The label claims it was fromulated and developed by a pharmacist chemist, with the tag line - " we strive to make living here even better than it is." Amen to that.
I'm all out of the non-itch stuff so can't tell you it's name exactly, Itch Off, comes to mind? At any rate it's on the counter right next to the Bug Off stuff.
Try it it works. Do as suggested, spray it on your hand and rub it where you need to. Early to late afternoon is when they come looking for you!!!!!! Be forewarned and fore-armed.?????
Greetings All....
You know, I never considered the blood type thing before.....After living on a boat as a child, my mother always gave us kiddies a 1000mg vitiam E gell cap every morning.
She said that it produces an oil on the skin that the critters just dont like.
I must admit to this day, I dont have skin problems, and the critters, including the dreaded "biting fly" never bugged me. If I was sweating or had just come out of the water, they might visit for a short while, but never stayed.
I have no idea is this works for others, but I still carry a jar of them when I visit there, and I was just there the last half of Sept. And it worked then too.
I always thought that it was infared heat seeking sensors that they used to find us with?. Hate all the other stuff, sprays, lotions, candles, etc.
Anyone else ever try this?
Great! Thanks for the suggestions.
Vitamin E, eh? Well, I'll certainly try that- and the Bug Off as well.
Here's another wacky one I got yesterday : "rub dryer sheets on your skin!" (Huh??....dunno what that's supposed to do).
Hey Paul, good bug advise, hey are you the Paul Perkins I knew? If so, let me know, as I'd like to reconnect and catch up with you on what's been happening. If not, well, then...nevermind; but since you live in Red Hook, if you see Paul Perkins around, would you give him my e-mail and ask him to e-me? Small world story:
shortly after HM '95 and just after I got my first cell phone, the first inbound call I received was from my friend in France. I was could he have found me? and how could I be sitting on my steps, on a mountain in Red Hook, talking to somebody in France Note: he was supposed to come and visit but HM '95 squelshed those plans. Well, you know how he found me? He began calling numbers in St. Thomas, asking if the person knew me. On the 9th call - NINTH CALL! - the person said "sure, and here's her new cell phone number." Small island...small world.
Have fun in the sun = Priss
Hoo boy... finally a topic to which I can contribute rather than just ask questions... we're from Eastern Ontario, and let me tell you, you guys don't know from mosquitoes. I mean, you guys have little irritants, we have really, really big *&$@@$$s. And I hate to tell you, some people get bitten, and react to the bites, no matter what you put on your skin, or burn, or turn on or whatever. My wife is one of the unfortunates... if there is a mosquito anywhere near, zap.. she's bitten. We've been thru every lotion and potion invented... the best one is gin, taken internally.
Growing up in Houston and after a relatively wet summer we've had quite the mosquito problem here this year. I did some research both on the web and from experience. I avoid DEET just because I figure I've injested enough pesticides when I rode behind the fog trucks as a kid.
One of the new remedies I found that seems to work is vanilla oil. Not extract mind you, but oil. It doesn't smell exactly like the extract (more like cotton candy) and you doing need much. It seems to work well. I've also had friends use brewer's yeast (alternatively just drink lots of quality beer) and the vitamin E trick too as long as you continue to take it.
Ya'll swat 'em all down before I get there, that way I won't have to deal with them 😉
t- 10:11:58:40
Everything you always wanted to know about mosquitoes (what attracts them, how long they live, etc...):
Thanks for all the info. Anyone happen to know what kind of 'skeeters we have here?
They have stripe-y legs, I've noticed.
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