Mosquito tips. For the love of God HELP!!!!
Ok I have deet going, which works temporarily, and at night I have a industrial fan blowing on me, but I would love to hear other peoples tips on killing mosquitos, or a spray that works well, etc.
We have tried bombing the room which works for a few hours until the reinforments arrive from out of nowhere. I have screens. I can't take it anymore. My ankle look like I have posion ivy
Mosquito Magnets seem to be in our immediate future.
If sitting up all night and using that fun swatter is not your idea of relaxation, here are a few tips: 1. Mosquito coils - they can't stand the smell but if you can the bugs will stay away. 2. Those nifty new lanterns from Raid. The life span is not long - about 2 hours - but they work. These are the ones with the candles and the inserts. 3. The plug in things from Raid with inserts. They take a while to kick in but work up to 20 hours. 4. Ever popular - mosquito net.
Hope this helps!
Pamela (still the favorite food of island mosquitos)
I think Janelle has you beat on the favorite food thing. She has the worst reaction to them, she gets like tumor sized bites, then she scratches them and the whole area looks like a bad skin graft.
Thank you so much for the tips. I'm going to Cost you more right now to get those. I've seen those burning coils but I thought they would work as well as citronella candles which don't seem to work at all.
bless you pamela!
Hey Stu
I did a post when I first got here about the mosquito issue-I'm right in there with Pamela and Janelle as favorite food- it's downright embarrassing how many mosquito bites I have!
Pamela- In the words of Bill Lumbergh: "'m going to have to go ahead and *disagree* with you there" re: coils, lanterns, and plugins. I have tried them all, to little/no avail.
Stu, the nasty Raid "outdoor fresh" spray works for a while, as you've noticed. Are they getting in once all your doors are closed? I'd check the seals on windows, doors (esp. if you have louvered doors or windows) to make sure they aren't getting in after you spray. Also spray around your doors and windows outside. It kills them fast.
There's some stuff called Yard Guard that you can get at Sea Chest that seems to work well, too.
Unfortunately, there's no one panacea- but a combination of things seems to work. Tight seal + spraying inside and out + no standing water outside + vigilance keeps them mostly at bay for us.
If Janelle wants some "coping with those hideous creatures and their foul saliva deposits" hints, have her email me.
Good luck! (I hate them too!!)
Oooo those darn things love my legs! I can't shave properly anymore! I have a solution for me, hope it helps you all. Skin-so-soft spray by Avon - it is now called a bug repellent. It doesn't have a bad scent. I put it on right after a shower. I don't know why the mosquitos don't like it or maybe they can't sit on your skin, anyway it is really worth a try. Down by Crown Marina on STT there is a blink or you miss it store called John's Auto Body - sort of near Pueblo. There is a little lady that works there that sells Avon on the side. You might want to try asking her since Avon will not ship to the V.I. I am going down there today to see if she has any to sell. I will let you know if she does. In the meantime, I am having a friend of mine ship me some as well. I swear it works and it doesn't have deet! Good luck to all.
I just asked a hunting buddy what he uses (here in New Jersey).....he gets a 100% DEET spray from Wal-Mart. He says it works. I know Wal-Mart is not in the VI's, but you might want to ask around or have a mainland friend send some.
Personally mosquitos don't bother me....but they do bother my wife....she's like you a "mosquito magnet". Do you hire yourself out for outdoor parties? (LOL)
btw...did you know that the New Jersey State bird is the "Mosquito"?
100% DEET is the answer, but please read up on it as there are potential health risks that may be associated with it for certain folks. If you have children, you should not use full strength DEET as they can be greatly affected by it -- I belive some of that damage it can cause to kids is permanent.
I always take 100% with me on camping trips. Michigan's upper peninsula, one of my favorite places to camp, is not only overstocked with mosquitos, there is also a lovely, large biting black fly population that comes out in mid-May/June and hits peak in July/August. Mosquito bites are bad (I have the same tumor swelling reaction as Janelle), but I'll take that over the painful and itchy black fly bites any day. 100% DEET keeps both of these flying biting pests away for hours and hours.
Good luck -- we all feel your pain!
Hey F.I. , I too am in NJ. I heard that they are changing the state bird to either the Woodpecker or the Swallow. 😉
Don't know if you remember but we met at a VI Now gathering last June at Bryan's bar. whereabouts are you in Jersey?
where abouts in the U.P. of Michigan do you go? I was born and raised in the bug and snow infested small portion of the world, now live in S.E. Michigan just north of Ann Arbor. LeeAnn
A combination of things usually works for me in an attempt to get rid of them in the house and keep their numbers down around the house; don't leave stagnent water ouside - even in planters; keep the yard well groomed; make sure screens are not torn and that they sit properly in windows; don't leave doors open; spray mosquito spray around windows; spray dark areas in the house - under chairs, under beds, nooks in the closet; if you have vases in the house or balcony with flowers or trimmings change the water every couple of days, keep the area around front doors/entrances free from mosquito hiding places.
Also keep in mind because of all the rain recently the mosquito numbers are up... so the increase around your home might be related to stagnent water in pots, buckets, piles of leaves and branches collecting water.
Damn them all. Unfortunately I think I'm screwed. My whole upstairs is one large room pocket sliding glass doors going all the way around, with no screen of course. Its very nice because it bring the wraparound deck into the house but it brings those damn critters. Grrr.
Thanks you all. I am going for the multifaceted approach. Evedrything. My dog is actually getting good at catching them too. Quite funny to watch.
Do NOT use 100% Deet - asking for problems.
Skin So Soft by Avon is absolutely the best because you're not adding something to your body that it wouldn't otherwise not care for.
I had an e-mail address for a lady in the states that sells it for cheap and if pressed I could find itl I've not ordered it because I hate to put anything on, but I'm with all of you on it's nuts.
And when you grab one of these puppies - you know you really have something in your hand other than the little wisp of hair-size they usually are.
I am feeling your pain, i just spent 8 days there, brought back great memories and about 100 bites despite my bathing in OFF and surrounding myself with citranella candles. I will return prepared. I am bringing mosquito nets for the beds and couches and hammocks and I am going to attempt to make one to drape around the entire house (I'm not kidding either ;). Desperate needs call for desperate messures.
My question is, what is the disease that the mosquitos carry and how is it treated? I heard it makes you deathly ill for weeks. Considering I am a nurse I thought I would stock up on some "just in case" meds. I heard the hospital is more like a clinic. I am not jugding since I have never been there and might work there some day. Once again desperate messures...
Hey leeann!
We share a lot of stomping grounds!
My favorite place UP place to camp is the rural side of the Tahquamenon Falls State Park-Rivermouth Unit that's just outside of Paradise, I was last there in 1996 for two glorious weeks -- took my Harley Servicar up and we spent our days riding the bike to the Falls and up to Whitefish Point to collect rocks on the beach (I am a rock junkie and those are the greatest for tumbling) and visit the lighthouse and Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum. This trip was always paired with a stop in St. Ignace, where friends of my parents live.
I also spent a large chunk of my college years in Houghton when my boyfriend transferred up to Mich Tech. Have had some interesting experiences on that route, including the reception of an AM radio station from Missouri while riding the Seeney Stretch (about 20 miles of absolutely straight, perfectly flat two lane road in the middle of nowhere for you non-Youper friendly folks) and stopping for caffeine at a bar that we have never been able to find again (insert creepy music here).
I spent most of my life in lower Michigan -- raised near Walled Lake (my parents still iive there), went to college in Saginaw and Ann Arbor (used to live a block from Zingermans - MMMmmMMmm), and was last a resident of Lansing. I have a brother and a nephew and family in Jackson, a niece in Ypsi, and life long friends in Big Rapids, Grand Rapids and Lake Orion.
Where are your MI and (potential? imminent?) USVI habitats?
I was born and raised in Manistique (in the U.P. just southwest of the falls on Lake Michigan). I now live in Northville and own a auto repair shop in New Hudson (one of our parts stores is in Walled Lake). We have a signed purchase agreement on the shop and the when the house goes we are planning to relocate to STX. My husband really wanted to be down there before the snow flies but it doesn't look like we will miss the winter here, already getting in the low 40's at night. What Island are you on?? as soon as the deal is final with the shop we plan a pre-move visit, we were down there last year and checked out some real estate and possible jobs and decided that if we didn't try it we would never know so we are getting rid of most everything and making the move. LeeAnn
Believe it or not, we're on STX! You must let us know when you get that second pre-move visit set up so we can take you guys to lunch, dinner, or cocktail hour while you're here.
My parents, who are actually in Union Lake (which no longer exists and has been swallowed by Commerce Township), are coming down here next week. Let me know if you'd like me to send the recent HOUSES magazine or local newapapers back with them for you.
From what they tell me yesterday was like, it's not going to be too long before the snow does fly. It seems that the trees in their yard and the small woods behind changed to almost their full fall wardrobe and the air is getting cool and crisp but the sun is still warm. The only thing I feel even slightly sad about leaving behind is the color change on a perfect fall day.
Am looking forward to meeting you -- please don't hesitate to email me if there's anything you'd like to know or just to chat.. And I'll keep my fingers crossed on everything related to the sale and move running smoothly along so you can miss as much winter as possble.
I went looking for the girl that sells Avon on STT, but alas she was not present at her place of employment! (The mosquitos are making me dramatic in using words...) I stepped outside for two seconds and was swarmed!!! I was soaked in OFF, so I really don't think it works at all. I am out of Skin So Soft and if anyone can tell me anyone else who sells Avon on the island - I would greatly appreciate it!!! My mom is shipping me some, but it won't arrive for another week!!! I don't want to wait that long!!!
Stu, I really do feel sorry for you. We have only survived by duct taping every inch of space around screens and any holes we have. We bought fly swatters and even the kids are involved in the game of who can get the most mosquitos. My husband usually wins, but I am only down by two. They are easier to hit if they are on clothing. I think their legs stick or something. Also, they seem to hang around the windows. We smooshed at least a dozen on one screen. I could go on and on. There are several techniques to smooshing them. My landlord can clap his hands and catch them. How do you do that? It is like Karate or something?
Also, Claire's at the Tutu Mall sells fancy mosquito netting canopy style (usually pink, purple, etc colors) for $20. They work well for the kids room. You can hang them from the beams on the ceiling. Also, just having a fan blowing on your bed seems to keep them off of you at night.
Yes I wish skin so Soft worked for me. I literally put some on my hands and then a bug lands on it. I swear that stuff is awful, but whatever works. We have been using Cutter which has more Deet than Off and it works a bit better.
Yes the fan at night is key, as long as you can sleep in a wind tunnel. Our ceiling fan on high didn't work so now we have a industrial fan, and the low setting feels like hanging you head out the car window going 50.
Anyhow its been great seeing everyone's tips. I love the tennis rackets, although Janelle's hand was cramping up a bit. She's a little tense with that swatter, some anger there she needs to work through. LOL.
Teresa, my partner in duct tape!
We've applied 10 rolls of clear duct tape to try and hold our screens together for just a little while longer, mostly because we can't get the clear to stay stuck to the screen for very long before succumbing to the humidity and drooping off. Is yours sticking?
We've had the worst concentration of skeeters in our bathroom, which adds a whole new speed element to the already fast island shower! We started spraying raid flying insect spray and closing the door(s) for about 15-20 minutes before we went in each morning and night. That did a pretty decent job of banishing the little bloodsuckers without causing me any breathing difficulties at all -- even if I had to go in right after spraying.
My mom is bring ing skin so soft down with hre next week -- it was one of the first items on the "what do you want or need from here that you can't get there" list. (Diet Vernors soda was next.)
So when are you coming over and giving the Crucian nibblers a chance at you?
I have a book put out by the UVI titled Traditional Medicinal Plants of St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. John that says of Aloe vera (burn plant, sempervivy), "In South America, the gel has been rubbed on the skin as a mosquito repellent. Whole plants, hung upside down, have been used to repel insects."
Even if this doesn't work well, the gel should ease the itching from bites.
I suspect that mosquitoes have trouble flying in wind, or if it's strong enough, perhaps their wings break. I work outside at a mansion, and I've been cutting a lot of wet grass and vegetation (mosquito territory) in the wake of TS Jeanne. The place is very exposed to the trade winds. I think I've gotten one or two bites in the past week.
I answered my own question, Dengue, here are a few websites about mosquitos. This is good info but unfortunately there is nothing that can really be done about the mosquitos. So good info but not so helpful.
One line says that mosquitos are attracted to some more then others, I never knew why and neither do scientist. So there you have it.
And I also like how moquito control methods since 1970 dont really reduce the population. There is no hope.
I should also mention that one thing I do in the apartment at night is to leave the lights on in the living room. Mosquitoes that get into the bedroom probabaly congregate more where the lights are left on. In fact, I'm looking at the floor below one of the living room lamps right now, and there are quite a few insect droppings there. I can also see quite a few dead mosquitoes.
Also, check out Like I said I am coming prepared.
Hey FOG,
Nice to see you back here again. You have been missed.
We have the opposite issue: the mosquitos that invade our perimter clearly prefer dark, moist places over brghtly lit locations. That's why our danger zone is a bathroom in the middle of the house, which is also the only room with zero exposure to natural light.
We only attract attack moths with our 100 watt "green" lightbulbs.
We used Scotch brand duct tape that we bought at Home Depot. It stuck to most screens and has stayed up for at least four days so far. Also, good hint for holes in your screens, put the tape on the inside and if you dare - tape the same spot from the outside. The tape sticks to itself thru the screen better than just sticking to the screen. This of course is the quick fix. When we saw the dark cloud of mosquitos heading towards our house, we went tape crazy. I was smacking the mosquitos as Chris was taping. It was hilarious. Anyone else do the dance while trying to unlock your door so the mosquitos don't land on you?
Don't think that we are strangers to mosquitos. It is just that back in the States we had winter proof homes that mosquitos couldn't get in as easy as here. For the most part, windows stayed closed.
Funny thing, my son doesn't have one mosquito bite and told me that they haven't bothered him at all. If it is your diet that makes mosquitos like or dislike you than I suggest eating nothing but sugar cereal, peanut-butter/jelly sandwiches, and macaroni and cheese. It works for my son...;-) I was also talking to a friend back in Missouri and she said that the mosquitos were horrible there as well. They had a lot of rain all thru August. The good news and bad news is that the winter will take care of them, but I don't know how it works down here. We are getting used to it though.
HipCrip, I don't know when I will be over to St. Croix. I have a friend visiting the first of November and I thought it would be cool to go over then and leave the kids with Chris. Of course, Pamela and I need to plan our trip. 🙂 We will see. Can't wait.
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