minimalist lifestyle
i have for years been dreaming/planning on moving to the VI's. I live a very minimalist lifestyle and desire little in the way of creature comforts. My friends accuse me of persueing the "jimmy buffet" lifestyle. Whatever you may call it i feel that i would just love it in the islands. Don't get me wrong... i have no disillusions about what i'm getting myself into. i do intend on working hard for my keep. i've worked as a cook for years and would begrudgingly work that feild agian if neccesary. Although i would prefer a more easy going job if i can find one. Anyone who's worked in a kitchen knows that it's an excersice in controlled chaos. I would appreciate any input on which island would afford me the lifestyle i seek (i know each island has it's own characteristics) and any input on the job market ( i also have experience in the landscaping field). In fact i would appreciate any input on any info about relocating at all. Thank you and i hope to make many new friends when i do finally make it there. P.S. please forgive any grammar misgivings.
Hello Dave,
I would suggest you read through this message board, you will find answer to many questions you have and some you might not have thought about. There is a search feature at the top of the first post, below the picture. Also read through the Moving Guide on this site - top of the page there is a link.
You can live in minimalist lifestyle here - sure. Work as a chef would be feasiable there are lots of restaurants. Landscaping is very hard job - its really hot here; but you could find work in that field also.
Water Island, St. John, St. Croix, St. Thomas (in that order) would afford you what you are seeking; In the reverse order for development and most job opportunties. You really need to look through the guides on this site to each island, read about them, look at the pictures, get a book or 2... and really do your homework and see which looks that best for you and maybe plan a pre-move visit so you can check it all out.
Dear Islander,
Thank you for the responce to my message. I have done much research into what i might expect from relocating. I have read several books on the USVI's (though most only offer information from a tourist point of view) and everything this sight has to offer and i must say that this sight by far is the most informative sight i have found about the relocating process. I have also read much of this message board and found that you yourself seem to be a valued sorce of information (to be honest, i was hoping for a responce from you.) I also have a couple of friends who grew up on St. Croix and they have been very helpful with information on relocating... telling me what to expect from the culture and people and how to go about getting started i.e.- bring enough money to support yourself when you get there.
I have seriosly taken into concideration the obvious advantage of a preliminary visit to see if i truely feel the USVI's are right for me. I don't want to just jump into something blind and hope it's for me.(momma raised me better) Although a preliminary visit is also financially taxing should i leave only to find that i would like it there. So i have the rare option of a compromise. I can initionally schedule a visit with the option to stay. Like i said in my first message i have landscaping experience. It is in fact my current job and with the season beginning to wind down here soon i have with the full support of my employer to take a leave of absence to see if i like it there and to come back to my job if i don't. I've managed to save enough to support myself for at least two to three months. I won't disclose figures, but my friends who have lived on St. Croix assure me that i can make it at least two months. More if i'm frugal.
My first choice of islands is St. Croix. Probably due to the first hand accounts of my friends and also that it is the largest of the islands. I'm sure i'll try to visit all the islands, but my one concern about St. Croix is the seeming lack of a ferry to the other islands. It is the only question i haven't asked of my friends because until recently it hasn't occured to me that i would have a need to travel to the other islands on a semi-often basis. I haven't seen any mention of ferry for St. Croix on this sight. I can only guess that it is because St. Croix is not in close proxcimity to the other islands of the USVI's. I'll have to ask my friends about that but would welcome any info on that subject. Thank you Islander and every other local who help make the transition to the islands much easier and joyful.
Come to St Croix and check it out. I think it's great. As far as getting to the other Virgins, during tourist season there is the Fast Ferry as one option. Otherwise the best way to get there is via Seabourne Airlines. Both options are fairly expensive. I think it's about an $80 round trip. You'll probably find a foodservice job more easily than a landscaping job. Although I'm sure places like Carambola and the Buccaneer use landscapers. I don't think many private individuals do.
We have lived here for about a month and a half. St Croix fits us two old people quite well. I strongly suggest you come for an inspection tour first. Also, buy the Settler's Handbook. As often as I make that suggestion, people are going to think I have a financial interest in it. I don't. It was the most helpful thing we found (besides this board) for getting information about moving.
If you would like to email me specific questions, feel free. I'm still new here, but I'm learning quickly.
As Ric noted there is a fast ferry that runs; its schedule is usually late November to mid May and is pricey compared to the $6 round trip to St. John from St. Thomas... The ferry service is St. Thomas - St. Croix - and thats it. The Seaplane offers good deals from time to time and also at some events like the Crab Races - sometimes the prizes are free passes on the ferry and or the seaplane- something to look out for... 🙂
Also you can check out the ferry schedule on this site... they are all listed:
Landscaping as Ric mentioned would be at the big resorts and villas. Individuals will hire folks to cut the grass or trees but nothing major really.
Glad to hear you have done research - it will help you prepare and have a more relaxing move.
If you have any other specific questions - ask away.
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