Might move to VI- couple of questions
First off, thank you for this site! It's a great service for us undecided main-landers.
I've recently left my job and relationship and find myself with no strings. The Virgin Islands sound like the perfect haven to move to to escape the typical American lifestyle. I've been pouring through all of the information on this site for a while and anything I can find on the internet, but I have a few questions I couldn't seem to find the answers to.
I'm wondering which of the three islands is the most affordable. From everything I've read it sounds like STX is, but I was hoping to get some feedback from actual people about it.
Also, it sounds like it's best to go there and stay at an inn while looking for a place to live. Searching the internet for inns just seems to pull up tourist results. I was hoping to get some good suggestions for more local places while I'm looking?
I'm also wondering if there are dangerous areas that I should avoid when I look for a place or if it's generally safe everywhere you go?
STX is definitely the least expensive to live on. It's also the most difficult to find a job at which you can make a living. If you have been reading this board, then you know a premove visit is almost manditory. Come down for a week or two and check out the island. You can spend a few days doing the tourist thing, butr spend most of your time looking at apartments, grocery stores, etc. Also buy and memorize the Settler's Handbook. My wife and I went thru two editions before we moved here. We planned our move for nearly a year before we came down.
If you plan properly and know what your getting into without having unrealistic expectations, it can be wonderful. If you don't then you are setting yourself up for a very time consuming and expensive mistake. Hope this helps.
Just being Devil's advocate but, since you just left your job and a relationship, you just might be in a bit of an emotional fix right now (which too shall pass) but isn't going to be recovered from by fantasizing about island life and absolutely not by blindly moving to any of the islands.
As Ric said, you need to come down here for a PMV and look at everything available to see where and how you might fit in and be able to make a living. A monetary investment on your part in doing this (and it won't be an inexpensive trip!) will save you lots of future angst.
Continue to do your research both through this forum and others, get the latest edition of the Settlers Handbook and then make a decision. Good luck to you!
Good point STT Res.
I think the shrinks call that "geographical cure".
I definitely agree with a pre move visit. Moving here is completely different than vacationing here. From the little bit you have said, I think that you might be imagining the island as an oasis. What many people have found is that the island has just as many 'issues' or problems for you as the mainland. While the islands definitely have their wonderful attributes, they can be hard places to live.
You asked about safety. In general, you need to use common sense everywhere you go and no place is so safe that you can be carefree. Don't walk around alone at night anywhere, don't carry wads of cash or expensive jewelry, don't buy or do drugs, etc. The islands are like any other place, you need to be aware and take safety precautions.
I have known a few people who came to the islands without a premove visit, but they left after a few months to a year and pretty much knew that they were here only for the short term. I wish you the best and hope that you do find what you are looking for no matter where it is.
My wife's line about moving here is "Wherever you are, there you are". I have also found that a change in geography usually doesn't change your troubles. They seem to follow you.
Hello Meg,
Yes St. Croix is less pricey in certain areas in terms of cost of living. And yes many move here and stay in a small hotel or inn for a few days, weeks while looking for an apartment. Many of the hotels are tourist oriented but the smaller ones & inns are more affordable so that is why that type of accommodation is recommended.
Suggestions can be made for small hotels and areas once you know which island you are interested in moving too. Yes there are areas that are less desirable for reasons such as being seedy, economically depressed, known for drug sales, crime.
If you haven't picked up the Settlers Handbook as yet you might do that, read through it and then decide which island is right for you. Plan a visit to take a look for yourself.
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