We plan on moving to STX as soon as the business sale is final and the house sells, we are hoping it won't take too long, but we are far from being able to count the days, we have started packing and purging all our things.Attic, storage shed and closets are done. Still have a camper and car to sell. so we are busy. We were hoping to be out of here before winter but it looks like we are going to get it early and won't be able to escape soon enough. VERY anxious to start our new adventure. I grew up in the UP but have been in SE Michigan for the past 11 years. Keep me posted on your move.
I'm happy to hear someone near me is packin up to get to the islands!! My name is Lynnette and i live in Plymouth right now, I plan on moving there within the next year!!
I too am not overly excited about one more winter, but, I still smile!! I am trying to find a good time for a visit down to convince my man to come, I know it won't take much! =)
Good luck with your journey. I would love to KIT w/ you. let me know!!!
s the business deal closes we are planning a 2 week stay down on stx. just to get away and do some pre-move stuff. the wait is terrible, especially with the weather getting colder, 31 degrees this morning. i am kind of planning the very end of october may be first part of november. we usually go someplace during the christmas holidays but this year may be our last christmas here and we are going to use the time to spend with family here i think. i have already started packing our summer cloths in containers to ship down when the time comes. doesn't look like we will need them here anymore this year.
Ha ha-
LeeAnn I sent you a funny yooper email!!!
I tried to e-mail you at your hotmail address but it didn't go thru, will you email me from there so I can save your address for future stress help??? And I loved "da yooper" thing. Sent it on to my girlfriend who still lives up there, no response as of yet,
Hello fellow Michiganders!
My neice in Ypsi passed this on to me today, and I knew y'all would get a big kick out of it. My favorites are about Vernors, hockey, soda and pop, and tennis shoes. Which ones make you laugh and nod your head??
Am amazed at how many of these I no longer have to think about at all now that I'm here in tropical St. Croix -- hurry on down here so we can take the list out with us for drinks and ceremonially burn all of the ones about snow!
Ex-Pat from Union Lake
You Know You're From Michigan When...
You define summer as three months of bad sledding.
You think Alkaline batteries were named for a Tiger outfielder.
You can identify an Ohio accent.
Owning a Japanese car is a hanging offense in your hometown.
You know how to play (and pronounce) Euchre.
The Big Mac is something that you drive across.
You believe that "down south" means Toledo.
You bake with soda and drink pop.
Your Little League baseball game was snowed out.
You know how to pronounce "Mackinac".
The word "thumb" has a geographical rather than an anatomical significance.
You have experienced frostbite and sunburn in the same week.
You expect Vernor's when you order ginger ale.
You know that Kalamazoo not only exists, but that it isn't far from Hell.
Your favorite holidays are Christmas, Thanksgiving, the opening of deer season and Devil's Night.
Your snowmobile, lawn mower and fishing boat all have big block Chevy engines.
At least one person in your family disowns you for the week of the Michigan/Michigan State football game.
You know what a millage is.
Traveling coast to coast means driving from Port Huron to Muskegon.
Half the change in your pocket is Canadian, eh.
You show people where you grew up by pointing to a spot on your left hand.
You know what a "Yooper" is.
Your car rusts out before you need the brakes done
Half the people you know say they are from Detroit... yet you don't personally know anyone who actually lives in Detroit
"Up North" means north of Clare.
You know what a pastie is.
You occasionally cheer "Go Lions- and take the Tigers with you."
Snow tires come standard on all your cars.
At least 25% of your relatives work for the auto industry.
Octopus and hockey go together as naturally as hot dogs and baseball.
You know more about chill factors and lake effect than you'd EVER like to know!
Your snowblower has more miles on it than your car.
Shoveling the driveway constitutes a great upper body workout.
When giving directions, you refer to "A Michigan Left."
You know when it has rained because of the smell of worms.
You never watch the Weather Channel - you can just assume they're wrong.
The snowmen you make in your front yard actually freeze. Solid.
The snow freezes so hard that you can actually walk across it and not break it or leave any marks.
All your shoes are called "tennis shoes", even though no one here plays tennis anyway.
Your major school field trip includes camping and cross-country skiing.
Half your friends have a perfect sledding hill right in their own backyard.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Michigan.
How depressing to read this and relate to 99.9%. There was frost on the windshield this morning. Really makes us push alittle harder to get there ASAP.
To all who have suffered the Michigan winters.
I think I am going to burn all but one sweater this year for ceremonial purposes!!
Leeann I am pretty sure this is our last winter here as well!
Hip-Crip, yes thanks for all the silly reminders and more fuel to my inner ceremonial flame!!!
Cheers to all!!
We really are hoping to not make it all the way through this winter but only time will tell. I have packed most of our warm weather stuff to ship down when the time comes and have reluctantly brought out the cold weather stuff, I was really hoping to donate it all to charity before now. They say patience is a must and I have little of that. I am sure we will have some sort of ceremonial episode when all is settled here, maybe the bronzing of the snow shovel or something like that. This is probably the hardest anticipation that I have ever gone through.
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