Michael Vick and An...
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Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Posts: 704
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On another thread, the subject of VI residents training dogs and roosters to fight has been discussed.

As a former Humane Society Executive Director, I absolutely detest those who abuse animals. And research shows a high correlation between those who abuse animals and those who abuse humans. This is especially true with boys and young men.

Having said that, I hold out hope that abusers and criminals can change. I've been to dozens of prisons and am strengthened in that hope by my encounters.

Let's hope that Michael Vick has truly repented of his crime. What do you say we give the guy a chance.

Posted : August 19, 2009 7:47 am
Posts: 1842
Noble Member

It Doesn't matter if Vick is truly repentant of his crime, the NFL has already made that decision for a second chance. So this Mutt got his second chance in the City of Brotherly Love. What's your point?

Posted : August 19, 2009 8:46 am
Posts: 539
Honorable Member

Second chance? The dogs he killed didn't have a second chance.
Yes, he spent time in jail and paid alot of money in fines but come on, he needed way more jail time. This is a case of abuse & murder.
I will be routing against the Eagles.
This is my opinion.

Posted : August 19, 2009 12:24 pm
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

People and perspective... I love dogs and don't think any animal should be treated that way BUT he has gone to jail, lost millions I think like anyone else he deserved a second chance. Where is PETA in the news at about the war or the fact that bombs are being dropped for drugs and oil? Humans are dying all over the world, the war crimes committed are tolerated because we have no power to put those criminals behind bars and the only concern right now is a man got a second chance after during a horrible thing to American dogs? I don't know my faith in humanity decreases by the day.

Posted : August 19, 2009 12:59 pm
Posts: 151
Estimable Member

He knew exactly what he was doing and would probably still be doing it if he hadn't been caught; give him a second chance to do what..........I don't think so.

Posted : August 19, 2009 1:01 pm
Posts: 878
Prominent Member

this man is filth! Not only did he fight the dogs, but brutally killed them with his own hands.......and like HBIC stated, the freak would still be killing the dogs if he hadn't been caught...........his remorse isn't for the murder of those poor dogs...........it's his gangsta live style & money he lost.
I hope the Eagles LOSE every game with their choice & MV NEVER plays a game again! (JMHO)

Posted : August 19, 2009 1:27 pm
Posts: 887
Prominent Member

Where is PETA in the news at about the war or the fact that bombs are being dropped for drugs and oil? Humans are dying all over the world, the war crimes committed are tolerated because we have no power to put those criminals behind bars and the only concern right now is a man got a second chance after during a horrible thing to American dogs? I don't know my faith in humanity decreases by the day.

PETA stands for: People for the Ethical Treatment of ANIMALS. It is a group dedicated to eliminating Animal cruelty. They would have nothing to do with "the news about the war or the fact that bombs are being dropped for drugs and oil". They leave that up to other groups.

People choose which fight to fight - you can not win them all. Just because people are passionate about saving animals doesn't mean they are not also passionate about people - they just chose to speak for those who can not speak for themselves. It certainly isn't reason to lose "faith in humanity". That is a bit dramatic.

I happen to agree that Vick's "remorse" is over what he has lost not what he did to those dogs. My only hope for him is that Tony Dungy has agreed to mentor him and Tony is a good man. Hopefully he can help Vick be a better person. I still will hope that Philly loses all their games - this man should not have been allowed back into a "Professional" sport (although they keep letting all the other thugs back so it should not be called "Professional" IMO).

Posted : August 19, 2009 1:53 pm
Posts: 2552
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I only hope he rots in hell and not a moment too soon!

Posted : August 19, 2009 4:02 pm
Posts: 219
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Before Vick is allowed to play he should be thrown in a ring with a bunch of pitbulls that have unfortunately been trained to fight by jack#$*es like him, and he should have a bunch of meat strapped to him. A pitbull was tossed or wandered to the edge of my driveway, emaciated, with one of those huge agitation collars on it. It's back in good health, and is the SWEETEST dog you would have ever seen. I guess that's why it didn't make the grade for whoever was keeping it. Awful shame. The fact that these dog fighters put so much brutal effort into training these dogs to fight like that is just disgusting, let alone then throwing them in the ring. He's a pig. So go make more money and impress your friends and "be a man" some other way.

Posted : August 19, 2009 8:35 pm
Posts: 151
Estimable Member

Someone once said these boys have big mean dogs to make up for their lack of size in "other" areas. Makes them feel like the man they are not.......

mminstx--right on!

Posted : August 19, 2009 10:14 pm
Posts: 3919
Famed Member

Sorry, but to me, this falls under two different categories - free market economics and religious theology.

Free market economics is a matter of supply and demand. Vick has a supply of talent/skills that are marketable and he's marketing them.

Most of the major religions has some type of redemption "clause". They all believe in the power of the person to change. The whole basis of Christianity is condensed into the Lord's Prayer, which in part, says "forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us"

So, if you are a conservative, religious, free market capitalist, you should be in favor of Michael Vick's efforts to make a living.

Posted : August 19, 2009 10:21 pm
Posts: 1842
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Linda J,
Your point of satire is duly noted.

Posted : August 19, 2009 10:52 pm
Posts: 3919
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Lizard, unfortunately I was totally serious. Which don't you believe in, the free market or religion?

Posted : August 19, 2009 11:04 pm
Posts: 338
Reputable Member

I am a big time dog lover and I thought Vick's jail sentence was reasonable, however he did his time and now its time to move on. If he is not allowed to play in the NFL, should he be a cop, teacher, fireman, doctor? Philly wanted him and he has signed, if you don't want to see him don't watch (that is what the channel selector is for).

Posted : August 19, 2009 11:16 pm
Posts: 201
Estimable Member

Wish there was a some presence of PETA or ASCPA in the VI.

Is there anyone in the VI who enforces this?

Posted : August 19, 2009 11:17 pm
Posts: 1842
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Linda J,
Both, There are more deserving young men that can play the game. If your going to cite religion you forgot the penance requirement, his absolution would be a complete ban in the NFL. But unfortunately the NFL thinks like you, and that is sad.

Posted : August 19, 2009 11:23 pm
Posts: 3919
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I would say 19 months in jail and lost of 100s of millions of $$ is a good sized penance.

Posted : August 19, 2009 11:39 pm
Posts: 1842
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linda J,
if he wasn't caught he would still be doing it. You cant make a swan out of a duck no matter how much time in the poky and loss of dollars. However i guess you think jail time and loss of dollars makes him whole again, a real human being.

Posted : August 19, 2009 11:58 pm
Posts: 3904
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Some pedophiles do their time in prison too. Unfortunately they usually aren't able to join the National Felon League & be cheered on.

Posted : August 19, 2009 11:59 pm
Posts: 3919
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I have no idea whether he is a "real" human being. I do know that he'll be playing in the NFL as long as he can produce. That's his right because this is America and he's paid his debt to us. Your right is to watch or not watch as you see fit.

And as far as "getting caught". I imagine there are people on this website who are doing illegal things and will continue to do them until they are caught.

Posted : August 20, 2009 1:17 am
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

Divinggirl, just as you are entitled to your opinion I'm entitled to mines. I do think PETA should be fighting the cause for dog/animals being maned, murdered in war torn countries. It's very relevant. Unlike our war criminals Vick did his time. Calling a man filth and saying he's a gangster and if he hurts a dog he'd hurt a human isn't dramatic??? Give me a break!

Posted : August 20, 2009 1:24 am
Posts: 1842
Noble Member

Linda J.
there are a lot of jobs in "America" that convicted Felons cant work at.. Good Attitude!

Posted : August 20, 2009 1:25 am
Posts: 887
Prominent Member

Divinggirl, just as you are entitled to your opinion I'm entitled to mines. I do think PETA should be fighting the cause for dog/animals being maned, murdered in war torn countries. It's very relevant. Unlike our war criminals Vick did his time. Calling a man filth and saying he's a gangster and if he hurts a dog he'd hurt a human isn't dramatic??? Give me a break!

I did not say you were not entitled to your opinion, nor did I call Vick filth or say he is a gangster or that he would hurt humans. Also, the post I responded to did not say anything about assisting animals in war torn countries, you only mentioned humans which is why I responded.

Posted : August 20, 2009 2:19 am
Posts: 1842
Noble Member

Hey eldove76,
My opinion I think convicted felon "Vick" is a Mutt, Thug, and a Gangster. He enjoyed the abuse, fighting, and killing of animals. He is a real role model for everyone. Somebody does a white collar crime and gets ten to twenty. How about community service in a zoo cleaning the cages for 20 years additional.

Posted : August 20, 2009 2:57 am
Posts: 2707
Famed Member

because dog and cock fighting is a huge part of the culture down here the laws are not enforced,case in point was last year a man was charged with beating a dog with a board that had a nail in it,and the case was dismissed because the witness spoke very little english,these are the same judges that let murderers go on house arrest,they don't care about their fellow citizens why would they care about animals

Posted : August 20, 2009 3:10 am
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