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McDonalds "fast" "food"

Posts: 424
Reputable Member

I hope that proves how the Source is a joke of a "newspaper". Their so called "articles" are pretty much govt or private press releases. I usually refer to them as the Worst instead of the Source.

I don't think it proves anything of the sort and can't fathom how you can conclude that their articles are "pretty much govt or private press releases" unless you only glance at it very occasionally. Where's condemnation warranted in reporting on an award given to a company just three weeks ago? Is this such huge news that it should warrant a headline banner within a day?

I know your m.o. is to get into long debates, but I'm not going to get into a long back and forth debate with you.

The announcement of the award was made on May 29, but was not published by the Source until June 20; three days after this thread was started. I guess we're to assume that it's just a coincidence. :S

As for my conclusion in regards to the Source just publishing press releases, I'll let the VIPD website and the Source links speak for themselves. Compare both and you tell me if the Source has added any information to the report other than what was given to them from the VIPD.

Suspect Arrested Upon Release from Hospital

Police Investigate Estate Fredenhoj Homicide

Two Injured in Separate Shootings

I can also show the same thing with govt house and legislature press releases, but I don't feel like going through all that and I've already proven my point.

Posted : June 21, 2013 4:26 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

I know your m.o. is to get into long debates ... and I've already proven my point.

Incorrect and you've simply stated your opinion as I have mine.

Posted : June 21, 2013 4:31 pm
Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Go to the drive thru at Golden Rock McDonalds and see how long it takes you to get food. It's incredible.

Only place worse, is IHOP. That place is epically bad, especially if you're white and don't know anybody.

Posted : June 21, 2013 4:33 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Did you know that genetically engineered (GE) potatoes could soon show up in your fries? People are calling them McFrankenfries, and if the FDA approves GE potatoes (as they might soon do), you might soon be eating them without knowing it.

That's why I just signed a petition to McDonald's asking them not to buy GE potatoes. McDonald's is the largest potato buyer in the country, and if they commit to not buy them, there won't be a market for these GE spuds, and farmers won't plant them.

We need a lot of voices to convince McDonald's. Will you join in signing the petition to tell McDonald's that you wouldn't eat McFrankenfries?

Posted : June 21, 2013 6:26 pm
Posts: 206
Estimable Member

Waiting for the McRib to come back! Horray pressed chemicals that taste like pork!

Posted : June 21, 2013 7:44 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Did you know that genetically engineered (GE) potatoes could soon show up in your fries? People are calling them McFrankenfries, and if the FDA approves GE potatoes (as they might soon do), you might soon be eating them without knowing it.

That's why I just signed a petition to McDonald's asking them not to buy GE potatoes. McDonald's is the largest potato buyer in the country, and if they commit to not buy them, there won't be a market for these GE spuds, and farmers won't plant them.

We need a lot of voices to convince McDonald's. Will you join in signing the petition to tell McDonald's that you wouldn't eat McFrankenfries?

I've done a fair amount of reading and research into GM foods but, as a mere layman with a curious bent, I find no compelling reason to convince me to sign a petition asking McDonald's or any other potential user to put on the brakes where their use is concerned. I'm far less interested in the more sensational negatives expounded by the extremists than I am by the real scientific data thus far gathered (and there's reams of it dating back a few decades) which is pretty well balanced.

Whatever you eat has been treated in some way or another which may be harmful to your health. The animal providers of meat are fed grain, hay and grasses sprayed with insecticides and herbicides (not to mention the addition of growth hormones); the farm-grown veggies you buy are likewise grown dependent on herbicide and insecticide sprays. Heck, even if you grow your own veggies organically it's a pretty safe bet that unless you have your own manure pile of droppings from animals fed ONLY the grains you grow and the untreated grass you grow, your compost isn't exactly pristine and chemical-free. Heck, even the eggshells and the coffee grounds I put in my composter are probably "contaminated" in some form or another.

The argument is one which will never end but I suppose my question is why YOU have decided to support a ban of GM veggies and add your signature to such a petition. Just curious and willing to learn.

Posted : June 21, 2013 8:02 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Do your research. Ever wonder why we get produce from as far away as Thailand. Why does USVI get old frozen food from some where that has no food controls? Jeeze there are so many! Do you want GM products that supersede natural ones that can change the face of the planet?

In our microcosm we tend to forget that everything happening outside the USVI affects us.
Not to mention the incredibly bad choices we and our our government ( and world governments) continues to make that has and will continue to effect out entire world at some point. Where do you think our Sahara haze comes from? Sorry OT. We need to look outside just our small lives in the VI. If I have offended anyone in the process. TFB!

Posted : June 21, 2013 9:49 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Do your research. Ever wonder why we get produce from as far away as Thailand. Why does USVI get old frozen food from some where that has no food controls? Jeeze there are so many! Do you want GM products that supersede natural ones that can change the face of the planet?

In our microcosm we tend to forget that everything happening outside the USVI affects us.
Not to mention the incredibly bad choices we and our our government ( and world governments) continues to make that has and will continue to effect out entire world at some point. Where do you think our Sahara haze comes from? Sorry OT. We need to look outside just our small lives in the VI. If I have offended anyone in the process. TFB!

I do research. You think the USVI is unique in getting products from Thailand? And not "old frozen food" either. I'm not sure from where you're getting your information which leaves me a little confused. All I asked was, " why YOU have decided to support a ban of GM veggies and add your signature to such a petition. Just curious and willing to learn." I'm into facts not unsubstantiated hyperboly. You're only offending me very slightly by not answering my simple question.

To answer the question about Sahara dust, I know from whence it comes and has come for centuries but don't understand your current point where that's concerned. My small life has never been confined to the USVI.

Posted : June 21, 2013 10:19 pm
Posts: 275
Reputable Member

I know your m.o. is to get into long debates ... and I've already proven my point.

Incorrect and you've simply stated your opinion as I have mine.

Blah-Blah-Blah. OT. You're aaaaaalways right. Boooooring.

Posted : June 21, 2013 11:02 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

Did you know that genetically engineered (GE) potatoes could soon show up in your fries? People are calling them McFrankenfries, and if the FDA approves GE potatoes (as they might soon do), you might soon be eating them without knowing it.

That's why I just signed a petition to McDonald's asking them not to buy GE potatoes. McDonald's is the largest potato buyer in the country, and if they commit to not buy them, there won't be a market for these GE spuds, and farmers won't plant them.

We need a lot of voices to convince McDonald's. Will you join in signing the petition to tell McDonald's that you wouldn't eat McFrankenfries?

I've done a fair amount of reading and research into GM foods but, as a mere layman with a curious bent, I find no compelling reason to convince me to sign a petition asking McDonald's or any other potential user to put on the brakes where their use is concerned. I'm far less interested in the more sensational negatives expounded by the extremists than I am by the real scientific data thus far gathered (and there's reams of it dating back a few decades) which is pretty well balanced.

Whatever you eat has been treated in some way or another which may be harmful to your health. The animal providers of meat are fed grain, hay and grasses sprayed with insecticides and herbicides (not to mention the addition of growth hormones); the farm-grown veggies you buy are likewise grown dependent on herbicide and insecticide sprays. Heck, even if you grow your own veggies organically it's a pretty safe bet that unless you have your own manure pile of droppings from animals fed ONLY the grains you grow and the untreated grass you grow, your compost isn't exactly pristine and chemical-free. Heck, even the eggshells and the coffee grounds I put in my composter are probably "contaminated" in some form or another.

The argument is one which will never end but I suppose my question is why YOU have decided to support a ban of GM veggies and add your signature to such a petition. Just curious and willing to learn.

Not quite: theres more research right now on GMO than cancer. For me it's like... If you jump off this bridge you might die. Am I willing to "risk" it on the unknown. Not really. If you eat GMO foods you might die? Well they don't know yet but it's not looking good.
Something our nation is (pathetically) finally catching on to.... One of the last. Personally I'll stick to what good ol Mother Nature intended as often as possible. We have no idea on the seriousness of changing the DNA in our foods but I am certainly not willing to risk it when I have a choice. Now I am going to make a salad from my garden. 🙂

It's not really going to be a debate for very long: potatoes are one of the oldest GMOs.

Oh and this one really freaked me out.

Posted : June 22, 2013 1:15 am
Posts: 2937
Famed Member

I knew a marketing guy from Puerto Rico who worked for Arcos Dorados but has moved on now. He once told me they considered the stores in the Virgin Islands to be the worst in almost every measure among all their Latin America and Caribbean stores. Not hard to imagine there was some truth to that after eating there a few times.

Posted : June 22, 2013 12:53 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Article: 4 Potential Health Risks of Eating GMO Foods

Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are any living thing that has had its genetic material altered in some way through human scientific interference. This does not refer to “selective breeding,” such as when certain crops are selectively bred by gardeners over time to withstand heat, for instance, or the process by which different dog breeds were developed over time. Instead, GMOs undergo a form of gene therapy under lab conditions whereby segments of DNA are spliced, rearranged or removed altogether. You may have been eating genetically modified food for years and not even know it.

In the United States, much of the corn and soybeans produced (especially those to be fed to livestock or to provide filler material in processed foods at the supermarket) contain some portion of genetically modified material. From cereal and crackers to baking mixes, veggie burgers, and even milk and cheese, GMOs have infiltrated our grocery aisles largely without much study into their long-term health effects on our bodies. However, The Environmental Working Group conservatively estimates that each American consumes about 190 pounds of GM foods every year despite this lack of research. Choosy consumers are worried — and getting mad and organized — about these potential health impacts:

1. Allergies

Perhaps the number one health concern over GM technology is its capacity to create new allergens in our food supply. Allergic reactions typically are brought on by proteins. Nearly every transfer of genetic material from one host into a new one results in the creation of novel proteins. Genetic engineering can increase the levels of a naturally occurring allergen already present in a food or insert allergenic properties into a food that did not previously contain them. It can also result in brand new allergens we’ve never before known.

2. Antibiotic Resistance

Genetic engineers rely heavily on antibiotics to guide experiments. It works like this: Not all host cells will take up foreign genes, so engineers attach a trait for a particular type of antibiotic resistance to the gene they introduce into host cells. After they’ve introduced the gene into the cells, they douse all the cells with the antibiotic to see which ones survive. The surviving cells are antibiotic-resistant, and therefore engineers know they have taken up the foreign gene.

Overuse of antibiotics can potentially cause the development of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Several health organizations, including the World Health Organization and the American Medical Association, have spoken out about the need for the use of these antibiotics to be phased out of the process of making GM foods. Food Patriot Sam Spitz’ harrowing story provides a scary, precautionary warning of how antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” can affect your health.

3. Pesticide Exposure

The majority of GM crops in cultivation are engineered to contain a gene for pesticide resistance. Most are “Roundup Ready,” meaning they can be sprayed with Monsanto’s glyphosate herbicide Roundup without being harmed. The idea is that if the crop itself is immune to Roundup, you can spray it to kill any weeds endangering the plant without worrying about harming your crop. Sound like a good thing? Only if increased human exposure to pesticides is a good thing. Glyphosate has been linked to numerous health problems in animal studies, among them birth defects, reproductive damage, cancer and endocrine disruption.

4. Unpredictability and the Unknown

Foreign genetic material in a host can cause other genetic material in that host to behave erratically. Genes can be suppressed or overexpressed, causing a wide variety of results. One consequence of overexpression, for example, can be cancer. Nutritional problems can also result from the transfer. In one example, cows that ate Roundup Ready soybeans produced milk with more fat in it. In another example, milk from cows injected with a genetically engineered growth hormone was found by a number of researchers, including those published in the journal Lancet, to have substantially higher levels of a compound known as insulin-like growth factor-1, which is linked to human breast, colon and prostate cancers. The milk also has higher levels of bovine growth hormones in it, along with pus and sometimes antibiotics. GM crops have been linked to health problems as diverse as reproductive damage, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes. Concerned scientists have been outspoken about these risks.

DNA is complex, and we have yet to understand all the potential complex interactions. The potential hazards are difficult to predict and identify immediately. Additionally, the United States regulatory system is set up to deal with problems occurring with GM foods only after they occur. But what if, instead, we invoked the precautionary principle, an international agreement that calls for intelligent caution when it comes to new science and technologies? Thankfully, you can protect yourself and your family by taking action against GMO foods. Choose organic foods wherever possible (this app can help you determine which foods to avoid), support farms that refuse to grow GMO foods, and pressure your lawmakers to force agriculture companies to label GMOs. The right to know is one we must be outspoken to protect.

Here are additional links:

Posted : June 22, 2013 1:23 pm
Posts: 234
Estimable Member

These studies saying GMO food is safe are done by folks who work for Monsanto and other companies who make a LOT of $. Why would you believe them just because they told you they are experts? Many countries in the world have banned GMO, and the scientists and workers at Monsanto refuse to eat it in the lunchroom! The GMO stuff is already rampant in the food chain, especially corn,soy, canola, wheat, and others. It is all around you in the grocery store, and, will take a small effort on your part to avoid it. You have the internet. If this is too much to get, just keep wondering why there is more cancer and autism than before, and go back to sleep. BTW McDonalds Has been serving sodas full of high fructose corn syrup and other GMO products for many years.

Posted : June 22, 2013 3:42 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

Who are you arguing with lol. I think were all on the same side. GMO = NO NO 🙂

Posted : June 22, 2013 4:12 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

What Foods are GMO Free? There’s an App for That.

Read more:

Here's the App link if you are interested:

Posted : June 22, 2013 4:31 pm
Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Wow, if McDonalds starts using GMO foods (which they already have been btw) does that mean it will be unhealthy to eat? hahaha

Posted : June 22, 2013 7:27 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

How about Subway's food?

Here's an interesting article for those of you that have an interest:

Posted : June 23, 2013 12:52 pm
Posts: 275
Reputable Member

These studies saying GMO food is safe are done by folks who work for Monsanto and other companies who make a LOT of $. Why would you believe them just because they told you they are experts? Many countries in the world have banned GMO, and the scientists and workers at Monsanto refuse to eat it in the lunchroom! The GMO stuff is already rampant in the food chain, especially corn,soy, canola, wheat, and others. It is all around you in the grocery store, and, will take a small effort on your part to avoid it. You have the internet. If this is too much to get, just keep wondering why there is more cancer and autism than before, and go back to sleep. BTW McDonalds Has been serving sodas full of high fructose corn syrup and other GMO products for many years.

I couldn't agree more. You almost never heard of cancer cases other than cancers related to smoking and such. Now there are millions of reported cases of cancers in parts of the body you didn't know you had. I didn't know what autism was until I saw Rainman. Now autism and ADHD are household words. I have to be absolutely starving before I go to any fast food chain. Even then I'll try to wait.
Even the super market is a risk. Ever wonder where the food comes from and what toxins are in the soil and water that grows that food?

Posted : June 23, 2013 2:05 pm
Posts: 1037
Noble Member

These studies saying GMO food is safe are done by folks who work for Monsanto and other companies who make a LOT of $. Why would you believe them just because they told you they are experts? Many countries in the world have banned GMO, and the scientists and workers at Monsanto refuse to eat it in the lunchroom! The GMO stuff is already rampant in the food chain, especially corn,soy, canola, wheat, and others. It is all around you in the grocery store, and, will take a small effort on your part to avoid it. You have the internet. If this is too much to get, just keep wondering why there is more cancer and autism than before, and go back to sleep. BTW McDonalds Has been serving sodas full of high fructose corn syrup and other GMO products for many years.

I couldn't agree more. You almost never heard of cancer cases other than cancers related to smoking and such. Now there are millions of reported cases of cancers in parts of the body you didn't know you had. I didn't know what autism was until I saw Rainman. Now autism and ADHD are household words. I have to be absolutely starving before I go to any fast food chain. Even then I'll try to wait.
Even the super market is a risk. Ever wonder where the food comes from and what toxins are in the soil and water that grows that food?

While I won't even argue that smoking is not unhealthy, other countries have far more smokers than we do and don't have our cancer rates. It's got to be something else that makes Americans so much more at risk of cancer. Food and stress is my guess.

Posted : June 23, 2013 2:44 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Just to comment on a couple of things which have been said on this thread …

The first paper on autism was written in 1943 and at almost exactly the same time Dr Asperger first wrote his paper on that subject. There is apparently historical data that autism was documented and known about well before the 20th century. There’s been a huge increase in the numbers of those diagnosed with autism in recent years but it’s not been established whether this actually indicates a rise in cases or that significantly improved diagnostic techniques are the cause for the rise in numbers.

For several years in the 70s and 80s I worked at one of the top cancer testing, research and treatment facilities in the US and I can’t think of any part of the body that I didn’t see or hear about affected by the disease.

The argument can be made that pollution is the biggest cause of death in the world. The US is only second to China in the list of worst subscribers to emissions worldwide. Cancer is the leading cause of death in China and in the US it’s heart disease closely followed by cancer.

Obviously it’s far healthier to consume unprocessed foods as much as possible and stay away from processed and fast food offerings. As women took a firmer hold on the job market in the 60s and 70s, the processed food manufacturers leaped on that women’s lib bandwagon with their, “you don’t have time to cook no worries, we’ll do it for you” campaigns. The frozen food/processed food market and the fast food franchises were on a huge profit bonanza which continues unabated to this day. Generations have been and are being raised alienated from the family dining room table and “real” food while the pharmaceutical companies reap greater profits every year churning out new products to relieve your gastric distress and obesity issues, your high blood pressure and your high blood sugar, etc. etc..

Just food for thought and nothing new.

Posted : June 23, 2013 4:11 pm
Posts: 876
Prominent Member

Just saw this today.

Extreme Toxicity of Roundup Destroys GM/Non-GM 'Substantial Equivalence' Argument

Posted : June 25, 2013 2:17 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

There's a lot of studies right now on how these GMOs can change DNA.

I remember when I heard about the honey bee situation, I joked about it being the engineered foods being the culprit. I'm sure that's got something to do with it as more information comes out. Scary times.

Posted : June 26, 2013 3:32 am
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Pesticides are the culprits for devastation to bee colonies world wide.

Posted : June 26, 2013 1:42 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member
Topic starter

I called again hoping that I would catch the owners and there is a lady from Puerto Rico at the Ville La Reine McDonald's who has interviewed for new managers. She is trying to find a manager who cares and who can take the initiative and improvise when needed. She said she is aware of the problem and is trying to fix it. I don't think she was impressed with the applicants for the manager position. If you know any qualified persons please tell them to call and send their resume in.

Posted : June 26, 2013 2:10 pm
Posts: 2937
Famed Member

You'll never catch the owners in the store. They are a giant corporation called Arco Dorados with head office in Puerto Rico. They are the largest McD franchise owner in the world operating 1700+ stores in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Posted : June 27, 2013 12:35 pm
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