making the move
I'll keep this simple, I'm thinking about moving to the vi (have been for a very long time) I'm in my mid 50's on disability (small in a penny scream's in my hand 😀 ) and an amputee (R) leg below the knee. Are there other amputee's,others on disability that might have an idea or two they would care to share? Any ideas from anyone willing to help would be great. Thanks to all living in the us vi for any and all your help in advance. Peace 😎

The overall higher cost of living and the mountainous terrain should be a consideration for you - depending on your mobility ability you may have to be choosy about finding a house/apt.
Have you been to any of the VI's?
A lot to read in the headers above to get some better ideas about the costs involved - it is not generally considered an easy place to live on a tight budget but it can be done. GL!
1st thanks for responding. I'm pretty mobile, I ride a Harley 😎 I was on stt when i was 17 just for 2 wks...(the 70's) does that count? lol. I've read and am reading alot of the post's here to get as much info as possible and understand it's "a bit" more expenceive...i use the term "a bit" loosely :@) Thanks again EZ
... and understand it's "a bit" more expenceive...i use the term "a bit" loosely ...
Use it loosely indeed! Unless you have income other than disability it would be almost impossible for you to make ends meet here, however frugal you are. Being an amputee isn't an issue; I've had several friends who are amputees here over the years and it's never been a problem for them at all. But your limited income WILL be a problem. I don't know what your medical situation is overall but remember too that we're not covered by the AFC and medical insurance coverage is - well you can read all about that on many other threads here! Nor is Medicare widely accepted which reduces your options.
If you're looking for warm weather, Florida is a MUCH better alternative and I strongly suggest that you make a PMV in order to get a better understanding of the costs involved in living here. Good luck!
I appreciate the info, just out of curiosity what would you say would be a good Income to live on comfortably and maybe even have a little fun?
Depends on your expectation of "comfortable". IMO $24K will cover a 1BR furnished apartment and utilities, keep your car running, insured and registered and keep you fed with a little spending money for an occasional night out.
As Old Tart says, only YOU can determine how much you'll need to be "comfortable". Rather than ask strangers on a forum how much they think YOU'LL need it might be better if you gave us some idea of what your monthly or annual disposal income actually is. That way we can tell you what you can get for that money. Not to sound snippety but we have no idea what a "small in a penny scream's in my hand" actually is in terms of dollars.
The cost of living in the Caribbean is higher than it is back in the states. On average you can expect to spend anywhere from 25% to 35% more here than you do now to maintain the same lifestyle you have back in the states. One thing to consider, if you are living at the low end of the economic scale now, that percentage differential may be closer to 40% mainly because there are certain basic costs which are significantly higher than they are "back home".
A question that popped into my head is do you have a nest egg? Between the travel costs, the price of shipping a hog, & the cost of getting settled you could wipe out a fixed income fast. It sounds like you are more "on disability" than actually disabled so other income may be possible, but the economy here now is probably worse than you remember, & you can miss some of the pleasures of island life if all your energy goes into just making ends meet.
A question that popped into my head is do you have a nest egg? Between the travel costs, the price of shipping a hog, & the cost of getting settled you could wipe out a fixed income fast. It sounds like you are more "on disability" than actually disabled so other income may be possible, but the economy here now is probably worse than you remember, & you can miss some of the pleasures of island life if all your energy goes into just making ends meet.
What exactly is the purpose of "on disability" in quotes? He said he has his right leg amputated below the knee. sounds disabled to me
Health insurance, or lack thereof, might be something to consider.
I agree with Alana, what type of health insurance do you have now and will it carry over to the Islands? Also, unless you have another source of income besides your disability, I would think twice about it.
Sorry to offend you, it's just that I use a cane or walker so I have trouble getting judgemental
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