it is interesting that so many of you who have PM'd me about OT are now defending her.
AKA STT Resident.
We all have our crosses to bear, occasionally, Spee1dy but the rudeness and misogyny displayed in certain posts should not be just allowed to pass blithely by. You and OT may have your differences but I'd like to think that if the outright rudeness had been directed towards you for an innocuous post, then others would come forth on your behalf as well. There's no call for someone to be telling anyone what to do with or where a bottle of water should go.
it is interesting that so many of you who have PM'd me about OT are now defending her.
As people mature they often come to the (sometimes surprising) understanding that one can agree to disagree with another's opinion or delivery of same without rejecting the total person.
AKA STT Resident.
Hopefully by bringing up my other forum moniker you're not under the impression you're divulging some deep dark secret. To clarify, I use the STTR on the visitor's forum on this site and also on another unrelated travel forum. Unlike some who hide their opinions under a closely guarded pseudonym, I'm always quite open about who I am with no attempt at subterfuge.
i do agree with the water bottle comment alana, after going through this thread again. that was out of line.
and i do appreciate it when people have defended me when certain people have been beyond rude for no reason
I'm going to crawl back into my hole and remind myself (for the umpteenth time) to never again even think of introducing a little fun and levity into the mix.
As far as, "If that thing actually worked wouldn't everyone have one?" is concerned, the answer would be no because so many regard it as way too much trouble. Too many wouldn't even know how to use even a simple template and a kitchen knife, too many want to argue about the price of the little fan and the amount of electricity it uses and those too many would rather just flip a switch or push a button on a battery-charged remote to get cool air on demand. Lighten up you Debbie-Goes-Downers ... your consistent negativity will lead you to be etched with grumpy lines and a miserable early grave way before your time! 😀
This was her reply to James T. While his comment may be inappropriate she's not innocent with her remarks. His post was benign and didn't deserve her sarcastic put down. This is nothing new with her. Some people are not allowed to have an opinion where she's concerned. She just loves to fire people up and then when they fire back people run to her defense.
i agree with your post.
Sorry this is a little off topic from making your own A/C and being pissed at OT but a little relevant. Maybe be I should post it under Miss Swans science questions.
What do Highlander32, JDfromSTT, JamesT and Saugage in the can all have in common?

Sorry this is a little off topic from making your own A/C and being pissed at OT but a little relevant. Maybe be I should post it under Miss Swans science questions.
What do Highlander32, JDfromSTT, JamesT and Saugage in the can all have in common? Pick me please! I know! Pick me! :@) 😉
No me, pick me!!
Laughing so hard that hubby is asking me if I'm ok.
Getting back on topic - I think you all need to 'Chill Out' 😎
Sorry this is a little off topic from making your own A/C and being pissed at OT but a little relevant. Maybe be I should post it under Miss Swans science questions.
What do Highlander32, JDfromSTT, JamesT and Saugage in the can all have in common?
Uuuhh. We're not putting up with any ones crap?
Would any of you like to guess what you have in common?
A great sense of humor!
Let's all follow Island Hops advice and "Chill!"
Think this thread is pretty much dead and buried.
Let's all agree to politely disagree and leave it at that.
Sorry, but misogyny and rudeness aside, there's a grain of truth in what these guys are saying. I know people who have moved down here who stopped accessing this site because of the antagonism, cliquishness, and condescending tone of some people. Two of them named OT specifically when they said they go elsewhere for information! I've been on the receiving end of it myself, and have learned that ignoring it is the best way to go. Still, I rarely post here because I don't want to deal with the potential drama from the most innocuous posts. But this thread is getting over the top in its childishness.
The pattern Sausage referred to has been repeated over and over again (and happened even in this thread) for years. Personally, I kick people who operate like that off of my web sites after a few warnings, and comment deletions. It's not worth trading off potential new members just to retain one knowledgeable person, who also has a taste for internet bullying and/or trolling. (I do, however, kick people with posts like James T's off a lot faster).
The most recent “What do these people have in common?” posts are a prime example of the cliquishness I mentioned, and it reflects the stated purpose of this site poorly.
I guess it all depends on what the site's purpose actually is. Is it supposed to be an informative, helpful site to people moving to the VI? Or is it to be a local social forum, with all the trappings that come with that?
I stopped recommending this site to people long ago because the latter seems more prevalent, even though it helped my transition go smoother than it would have without it. On too many posts, you have to wade through too much infighting, snark, and inside joking to get answers. Perhaps some introspection is needed by everyone as to why they post here, and why they do it in the tone they do. (Writing tone being the Internet's body language).
very well said
... I know people who have moved down here who stopped accessing this site because of the antagonism, cliquishness, and condescending tone of some people. Two of them named OT specifically when they said they go elsewhere for information! ...
... Perhaps some introspection is needed by everyone as to why they post here, and why they do it in the tone they do. (Writing tone being the Internet's body language).
I've been contributing to this site for 10 years with 7,000+ posts. It's perfectly normal that some will disagree with my opinions as there are apparently some who take umbrage at the way I express myself. "Writing tone" is highly subjective - as anybody with forum experience knows very well. There is no "body language" in internet-speak.
There have been and always will be people on forums whose opinions I disagree with and some who's delivery I find grating but I would never dream of turning on the vitriole and personally attacking them as a few obviously prefer to do. To me that denotes that the writer is simply incapable of expressing themselves civilly.
I can't comprehend entirely disassociating one's self from a forum because one mere mortal's opinions and delivery run counter to one's expectations as those expectations seem illogical. If someone truly is so thin-skinned to be so affected, that's pretty sad. If you don't agree with an opinion or it's delivery then move on and/or - as you point out - just ignore.
I've made many friends over many years through this and other forums and none of them has an issue disagreeing with me, nor I with them. If you want a chorus of kumbaya and a scoop of ice cream at the end of every post then participating in a forum may not be for you.
Now, about that DIY A/C unit ...
There have been and always will be people on forums whose opinions I disagree with and some who's delivery I find grating but I would never dream of turning on the vitriol and personally attacking them as a few obviously prefer to do. To me that denotes that the writer is simply incapable of expressing themselves civilly.
not to keep it going, but you did just that to me on that post . you were horrible
Nope. Try again.
not to keep it going, but you did just that to me on that post . you were horrible
Maybe you could direct me to "that post" so I know of what you speak. Thanks.
i would be surprised that you would forget so easily-you do not appear to be senile. a lot of your responses had to be deleted along with another fellas, who was actually kicked off because of that and some other ignorant things he said.
you are good at the search function.
watruw8ing4 - great post.
My 2 cents on everything else. The fact that this subject comes up so often in this forum should give you pause to think. This is supposed to be a forum where people that are searching for advice or recommendations can come and ask for that advice freely without worry of being ridiculed. The rules of the forum state that you shouldn't tell someone to go back and search the forums for their answers yet I see that all of the time. We are not all computer savvy people or on the same level. If you feel someone is asking a "stupid" question then you can feel free to not post on that thread. The internet has turned so many people into something they are not. If so many of these mean spirited posts truly represent the person behind the keyboard then that is very sad.
I have voiced very similar complaints in the past. I don't post on here very often but when I do I want it to be a helpful post that will save someone some trouble or point them in the right direction or a direction they may not have thought about but could be a viable solution. That is what we should all stick to on here.
It has been stated before, It is a VERY small selection of the inhabitants of the USVI that post here on a regular basis. To the people that come here looking for help, I can see how intimidating it can be. Maybe take a step back and think, Would I say out loud to this person's face what I'm about to post on this written thread?
Maybe take a step back and think, Would I say out loud to this person's face what I'm about to post on this written thread?
Never said anything yet on a public forum that I wouldn't say in person.
Speee1dy, if you can't or won't tell me what I said which upset you so much then obviously I can't address it. I have no clue to what you're referring and the request was simple. If I can read what I said and an apology is due I have no problem with that but all I can offer at this juncture is, "I'm sorry if whatever I said disturbed you."
yes, i am very much owed an apology by you . maybe the machete slashing brings it to the front of your mind?
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