If nothing else you are predictable. I know where you can put a frozen bottle of water for immediate relief.
You know, James, you really should consider going for counseling to overcome the obsessive disrespect and unveiled dislike you have for the islands and their inhabitants. I would have thought that once you left you would quickly settle back into life back home and put things into perspective but it seems you feel compelled to return to this forum to spew your invectives at every opportunity. Do get some help - you're too young and life is too short to wallow in such a pit of destructive and obsessive negativity.
Left? Who left?
Not a silly idea in a small space certainly. Click here ==>> See This -- Pilots have used them for years
Left? Who left?
Ah, that was the other young James. A relative perhaps? 😀
Left? Who left?
Ah, that was the other young James. A relative perhaps? 😀
Senility must be bliss. I think they have meds for that. Just make certain there's no interaction with what you're on now.
There's really no call for rudeness.
So much petty absurdity for a innocuous post.
Good grief!
There's really no call for rudeness.
So much petty absurdity for a innocuous post.
Good grief!
But the sources are consistent and their responses totally predictable! 😀
Senility is often referred to as the "second childhood" but it's rather clear that there are those who never make it past the first one.
There's really no call for rudeness.
So much petty absurdity for a innocuous post.
Good grief!
Her original post may have been innocuous however James T gave his opinion and she singled him out with her usual variety of insults and antagonistic remarks while others who disagreed were left alone.
She brings it on herself. Good grief!
James T was pretty darned rude in his post.
James T was pretty darned rude in his post.
She started it. His only crime is giving his opinion on the OP.
Let's face it. She attacks those she dislikes regardless of what they say and then cries wolf. Then someone runs to her rescue. If she would only "crawl back into her hole" a lot of us would be just fine with that.
Not everyone is going to agree with her and that's just too bad isn't it?
P.S. That thing still will not work.
The complete last of respect from some of you astounds me. Maybe it shouldn't as I am an old tart as well.
Old Tart. Old, advanced in years. Tart, a bit sour. She puts it out there. She is old and a little tart. Not hiding anything.
Miss Old Tart is a wealth of information. She came to the islands over 20 maybe close to 30 years ago. It was a different place then. Much different. She came here with not much more than the clothes on her back. She survived, worked, owned a business and has probably only a few left on this message board who care to give real advice.
Old Tart was not always old. She was probably a wild child in the 60s. You know, free love, protests, don't trust anyone over 30, vietnam, sex, drugs and rock and roll. Going to an island with not much other than the clothes on your back. That kind of thing.
Nothing like today. If you are in your 30s today many of you were raised by helicopter parents, a sense of entitilement, and trust funds. You didn't have a job as a child or teenager, your parents payed for college, and you know everything. I'm not being mean and judgemental. I have 6 children. Five of them are in their 30s. For the most part they are wonderful, work hard for what they have and are respectful of their elders. Maybe because I spanked them and demanded respect. Who knows.
When I decided to move to St. Croix and joined the message board OT was right there giving me advice. Sometimes it hurt my feelings, sometimes it scared me but never ever did I disrespect her. She had knowledge to give and sometimes it was quite tart and sometimes I didn't like what she said but I never disrespected her knowledge or her advice. After 9 years on St. Croix I respect her even more. She was dead on.
My husband is the youngest of 5 kids. A change of life baby. His parents were "old" when they had him. His dad was a complete A hole. Mean SOB and he didn't like me at all. He served in WW2, Korea and Vietnam. His ship was sunk in the South Pacfic during WW2 and he floated for 3 days while sharks were eating his shipmates, waiting to be rescued. I really wanted to hate him. He was such a mean salty old dog and was just mean to me. I never disrespected him. Ever. I listened to his stories and cared for him at the end when he was too old to care for himself. I cannot believe how much I learned from that man. His stories were incredible. LOL. He grew to love me in spite of himself.
I guess it is hard to be nice these days and respect those who know more about life than we do. To me it is easy. You can always walk away or in the case of the message board scroll on by.
I have to ask some of you, would you talk to your grandmother or your mother in such a rude way. Would you not just walk away if you felt offended? I think that if you met OT in person and saw what an incredible wonderful kind, give you the shirt off her back woman she is you would feel ashamed of yourselves. Maybe not. I don't know. Maybe you are just people who feel brave on a message board being a jerk because no one knows you.

Very well said. (tu)
You are awesome Tam!
"Old" or "tart" or female and a millennium on island is no excuse and I'm not taking her crap and no one else should have to.
Very well said. (tu)
Well Bless both your hearts. You are correct. Big strong tough men such as yourselves should not have to take a tongue lashing from a little old lady. LOL!
Carry on with your bad selves. My money is on Tart however. Her eloquent command of the English language and her British wit make you appear a bit foolish. Quite amusing to say the least.

Absolutely right on Tammy!
OT's sense of humor is also second to none; I've had to send her PMs when she has had me laughing so hard I thought I'd die...seriously. 😀
Whether posting instructions on having a fun project to do, such as making a silly AC, or guiding families desiring to relocate to the beautiful U.S. Virgin Islands, OT is readily and unselfishly there for us all; she has no hidden agendas....none.
Hey listen. I was married to two physically and mentally abusive women and there was always a "female" excuse for their behavior and I refuse to put up with it any longer. So go ahead and make your infantile jokes. Women want to be treated as "equals" until it's too difficult or inconvenient. If you act like a man I'll treat you like a man and your PMS, and all the rest of your ailments and BS excuses that everyone else is willing to put up with don't mean squat to me.
See how funny you think it is when you shoot off your mouths to the wrong guy.
Good grief! Can you guys chill and stop being so misogynistic?
Thank you for the explanation of why you are the way you are. It makes perfect sense.
I guess Mr. Sausage is in the same boat as he gave you 4 thumbs up.
To all you ladies out there in the VI, be very careful about shooting your mouths off to these two wrong guys. I don't know what would happen but it doesn't sound good.
I bet it would work in the cabin of my small 27 ft boat on lake Erie on the very few days I would need it. Thank you for posting.
it is interesting that so many of you who have PM'd me about OT are now defending her.
Thank you for the explanation of why you are the way you are. It makes perfect sense.
I guess Mr. Sausage is in the same boat as he gave you 4 thumbs up.To all you ladies out there in the VI, be very careful about shooting your mouths off to these two wrong guys. I don't know what would happen but it doesn't sound good.
The same rules apply to women that apply to men. Your gender does not excuse you from acting out and talking crap. For us it's no longer socially acceptable for women to use it as a defense. There are more and more of us who refuse to accept that sort of behavior so maybe you should curb your mouths no matter who you speak to.
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